Chapter 344 Luo Shuishui, We Meet Again (5)

"Xiao Xiao, how long have you been in this situation?" Cai Na asked cautiously suddenly.

Luo Xiaoxiao raised her head in a daze, saw her nervous face, and suddenly smiled: "Please, I'm not pregnant, it's just simple stomach cramps, and it will be like this when I'm nervous."

"Oh, so, maybe I think too much. Go to sleep, as long as you fall asleep, you won't think about anything."

Luo Xiaoxiao also wanted to sleep, but she couldn't.

After a while, it was Cai Na who ran to her bed.

"If I hold you, you may fall asleep."

Luo Xiaoxiao felt very embarrassed: "It was me who woke you up."

"We are friends. When Lin Suya was arguing, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't know what to do. I still want to thank you."

Luo Xiaoxiao never expected to be able to make friends here, what a twist of luck.

When Cai Na fell asleep, Luo Xiaoxiao quietly got up.

She still can't sleep.

It's better to go outside.

The corridor was quiet, she lowered her head and walked slowly.

Thinking about the N situations where Gu Ze shut down the phone, I was going crazy.

She must go back tomorrow, even if... give up the selection
As she was walking, she suddenly heard a sound in the bathroom in the hall.

who is it?

After thinking about it, she decided not to disturb others.

About to turn around.

A familiar voice came into my ears.

She stopped slightly, and for some reason, she suddenly turned around and approached the bathroom lightly.

It was quiet everywhere, and the woman's voice was even more abrupt.

"What do you want from me to return Beibei to me?!"

She poked her head out, and the woman hid in the bathroom cubicle, trying her best to suppress her voice.

But she still recognized who it was.

Ding Mo.

She doesn't sleep in the middle of the night, what is she doing here?
She admitted that eavesdropping people's privacy is not good, but she is just curious, Ding Mo knows a secret of hers, as fairness, she knows that she is not too much.

"The day you sell me as a commodity, we're done!"

"Don't force me, I have nothing. Do you know who is the scariest person in this world? People who have nothing, because they have nothing to lose!"

"I just want Babe!"

"You bastard!"

The sound of the phone being smashed.

The door was pushed open violently, there was a sound of messy footsteps rushing to the sink, and then there was the sound of running water.

Luo Xiaoxiao knew that she should leave.

But he couldn't move his footsteps.

Ding Mo came out of the bathroom, her face and hair were wet, but her eyes were even colder. She walked slowly to the corner window, leaned against the balcony, took out a cigarette, and lit it.

"Come out."

Luo Xiaoxiao just froze for a moment, then turned around from the corner.

Ding Mo didn't look at her, but looked out the window lazily. The night wind blows her hair away, and the moonlight brushes over her deep outline. She is so beautiful, but as cold as ice.

"I admit, I eavesdropped on purpose." Luo Xiaoxiao admitted directly: "You know one of my secrets, and in exchange, I also know one, which is fair."

"Heh." Ding Mo chuckled, smoke curled up between her beautiful fingers, making her face even more blurred and alluring.

Luo Xiaoxiao recalled her roaring at the top of her lungs just now, and she was almost two different people from the one in front of her.

Beibei, is it her child?
  It turns out that under the nonchalant appearance, there is also a heart full of holes, but I don't know who the man who betrayed his heart is.

Such a woman does not even cherish it.

"Don't worry, I won't say anything." After finishing the novel, Luo Xiao turned around.

(End of this chapter)

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