Chapter 351 Luo Shuishui, We Meet Again (12)

Along the way, there is even a small market in gardens, horse farms, golf courses, forests, lakes, wetlands, which is convenient for servants to buy.

It's like a small kingdom.

After driving for a while, there was a majestic building in front of me.

Gothic castle stands in front of you.

The castle is as high as six floors, and the sharp spires go straight to Xiao. The castle seems to be very old. The high gray walls are covered with dark green vines, but the garden in front of the castle is full of flowers. The white rose, the fine and silky white petals are like crystals, reflecting the colorful light in the bright morning sun.

Among the lush forests, there are four lakes spreading quietly, and the velvety smooth sinking lake water surrounds the castle. The castle is like a boulder in the beautiful mountains of nature.

The car stopped slowly.

"Third Young Master, the old lady knows your character well. Only the old lady knows about your return this time, and she didn't inform other people."

Uncle Long pushed open the door and got out of the car.

The hurried servant hurriedly stopped, lowered his head, and stood respectfully.

The bodyguard untied Gu Ze's hands.

Gu Ze flicked his wrist, turned around suddenly, and punched the two of them aside.

Uncle Long's face was calm, and he stretched out his hand: "Third Young Master, the old lady is waiting downstairs, don't make her wait."

"cell phone."

"Sorry, I will keep the phone for the time being."

See Gu Ze not moving.

Uncle Long smiled and said, "Third Young Master, the old lady is waiting."

Gu Ze swept him coldly and strode into the castle.

If the castle looks majestic from the outside, it is shocking inside.

It is not inferior to the royal design in the slightest. Even the ordinary stair handrails have fine reliefs, and each column is inlaid with brilliant diamonds. When the sun shines in, it shines with a crystal-clear and dazzling luster.

Gu Ze kept walking, and in a blink of an eye, he reached the third floor.

Uncle Long walked to a room and said, "Third Young Master, the old lady is inside."

Gu Ze pushed him away and was about to go in.

"Third Young Master, forgive me for talking too much, but I would like to remind you that the old lady is not in good health, please be careful with your words."

Gu Ze pushed him aside and pushed open the door.

A gust of hot air hits my face.

It was sunny outside, but inside the house the windows were closed.

Wood was burning in the stove, and there was a crackling sound.

The old man was sitting in a recliner, facing the fire, holding a big snow-white cat in his arms.

"Madam, Third Young Master is back."

Hearing the sound, the old man opened his eyes and slowly turned the chair around.

It was an unusually kind face, and although it was covered with silver hair, it seemed to be in good spirits.

"Is it Aze?"

The cat in her arms jumped out of her arms with a meow, and ran towards the door.

Gu Ze frowned, seeing it walking towards him, raised his foot to kick it out of the room, and then closed the door.

Even so, Gu Ze still felt uncomfortable and took off his coat and threw it aside.

The old man smiled and said, "That's right, it's my Aze."

Except for Gu Ze, no one dared to kick her cat away.

Gu Ze looked at the old man, his eyes were cold: "If you call me back from such a long distance, you don't just want to see me."

The old man ignored his cold attitude and smiled and said to L: "Ah Ze, come to grandma quickly and let grandma see if you have changed over the years."

Gu Ze didn't move.

The old man supported the reclining chair and slowly got up.

Feet touched the ground, shaking for a while.

But the old man's smile did not change, he touched the crutches, and walked towards him step by step.

Walking in front of him, the old man raised his hand and stroked Gu Ze's cheek: "Ah Ze, I have suffered outside these years and lost so much weight."

(End of this chapter)

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