Chapter 353 Luo Shuishui, We Meet Again (14)

Cai Na finally pushed the door open, and ran up to Luo Xiaoxiao nervously: "Little Xiao, are you okay? Sister Ding is too much, I'll tell Sister ALISA!"

"No." Luo Xiaoxiao held her back.

Ding Mo is not an easy person to provoke, even ALISA is a bit tolerant of her, and will not do anything to her at all.

She just doesn't understand why Ding Mo always targets her, is it because she eavesdropped on her phone?
Or, was she just trying to get her down?
"But why does Sister Ding always target you?"

Even Cai Na can see it
Luo Xiaoxiao also wants to know, she prefers that Ding Mo's relationship is not going well, and she feels glaring when she sees happiness.

  ALISA called all the players to the training room.

After everyone sat down, no one spoke.

There was a tense breath in the air.

Today is the final judgment, whether to go or stay depends on today.

"Next, I will announce the final winner." ALISA held a list and unfolded it.

Cai Na quietly held Luo Xiaoxiao from below.

Luo Xiaoxiao gave her a comforting smile.

"After our review and investigation over the past few days, there are a total of ten players who meet our requirements, number five, Li Yun"

The woman whose name was called couldn't hide the joy on her face.

"Ding Mo."

Sure enough, there was her.

Luo Xiaoxiao didn't look back, and she had no way of knowing Ding Mo's expression, which was not her concern.

There are four more.

Although Luo Xiaoxiao has always shown confidence in Cai Na, she is also a little nervous at this moment.


  Cai Na stayed for a few seconds, then suddenly pointed at herself: "Yes, is it me?"

"Fool, who else is not you?"

"Xiao Xiao, I succeeded, I finally succeeded!"

Luo Xiaoxiao was happy for her, with a smile on the corner of her mouth, she suddenly spotted Ding Mo looking this way from the corner of her eye.

Luo Xiaoxiao turned her head back.

"There are two more."

Luo Xiaoxiao clenched his fist.

Cai Na held her hand and comforted her in a low voice: "There will definitely be you."

"Xiao Xiao Luo."

"That's great, Xiao Xiao, I said there must be you, that's great, we can be together again!"

Luo Xiaoxiao finally breathed a sigh of relief, and was suddenly hugged by Cai Na: "That's great, Xiaoxiao!"

Luo Xiaoxiao smiled and hugged her back.

His eyes, but unconsciously aimed at Ding Mo.

In the next second, all the good mood disappeared.

Ding Mo was looking at her with a half-smile full of sarcasm, his eyes seemed to say that she was a fool.

This woman!

"Okay, everyone is tired too, so go back and have a good rest. At eight o'clock the morning after tomorrow, go to the studio to start the preparatory work. Don't be late."

Everyone stood up and walked out.

Luo Xiaoxiao felt a little uncomfortable in her stomach, but she was about to go to the bathroom, so Cai Na had to leave first.

Holding the toilet and retching for a while.

Luo Xiaoxiao got up, sat limply on the toilet, and took out her cell phone.

Still nothing, since the last phone call, the two have never been in touch.

Big words are always easy to say, don't miss you, don't bother you, give you space, believe in you, it's easy to say, but after only a few hours, she began to regret it, and her thoughts were like worms, deep in her heart, and her heart The residence is riddled with holes.

Fingers edit text messages.

Luo Xiaozhu: Gu Ze, I succeeded, I really succeeded!It would be great if you were here, I really want to hug you, I don’t know if I’m not around, have you eaten well, take a break if you’re too tired from work, did you bring your tea?Don't let me know that you are drinking coffee again, be careful if I kill you, if you are free, send me a text message, a word is fine.

(End of this chapter)

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