Chapter 368 Luo Shuishui, We Meet Again (32)

"Who are you calling boring? You, hello, hello? Damn woman, you hung up on me again!"

"Come on! Book a plane ticket and fly to China!"

  The servant's head was blown by what he happened every now and then.

"Master, don't you still have a meeting to chair? It's just this afternoon."

"." Gu Yixuan suddenly picked up the phone, and edited a text message unwillingly: Dead woman, wait for me to deal with you when I have time!
Sent successfully.

Waited and waited, no reply.

Only then was she satisfied, which meant that she was afraid.

"Where is Miss?"

"...I was locked up by you."

"Oh forget it, I'll go see Third Young Master and prepare the car."

Since that Xiaoxiao was working with Ding Mo, it was only natural for him to visit Gu Ze.

The young master is here.

Not really big news.

The servants should plant flowers and clean them.

Because the young and old went to the family's house dozens of times a day and couldn't count it on his fingers.

Sometimes it is to borrow a horse farm.

Sometimes it is to borrow flowers.

Sometimes even stay overnight at my home.

The old lady has no objection, and everyone dare not have an opinion. The eldest young master is sweet-mouthed and will please others. If he makes the old lady happy, he will have more privileges.

Gu Yixuan's car stopped in the yard.

The subordinate opened the door.

"Well, yes, this flower is quite suitable for my garden, please help me get some back."

When the servant heard this, he felt as if he was facing an enemy, and quietly moved the most precious flower in the garden away.

"Move why, such a big Gu family still needs two pots of flowers for me?"

"." How many pots is that?Every time it is full of gardens.

And Gu Mianxuan's family doesn't have a gardener. In his words, things like flowers and plants can be planted in the soil.

As a result, some of them were removed and some of them died, which made the gardener feel distressed.

They are all mixed varieties that have been found with great difficulty from all over the world, and some of them only have a dozen or so plants, and they have not reported to the old lady.

After asking for a few pots of flowers, Gu Yixuan was very happy.

Swaggeringly walked into the castle.

Go to the third floor, outside Gu Ze's room.

Gu Ze didn't see it, but saw Tian Ai squatting pitifully in the corner.

Gu Yixuan searched around, but did not see Gu Ze's shadow.

"Where is the third young master?"

  The guards looked at each other in blank dismay, but dared not answer.

Gu Yixuan walked to Tianai's side, raised her pitiful face: "Where's your brother Ze?"

Deliberately imitate the voice of love.

Tianai was so scared that she wanted to run away.

Gu Yixuan curled his lips: "I can't eat you, why do you get scared when you see me? Did your brother Ze run away again?"

"No, brother Ze didn't!"

Gu Mianxuan said with a smile: "Everyone is gone, what is it if they are not running away?"

"Brother Ze is on behalf of Tianai. It is Tianai's fault that the old lady fell down. It is Tianai's fault that Brother Ze is in the hall."

Gu Yixuan actually heard some content from these topsy-turvy words.


It seems that today is out of play.

The church is strictly disciplined and no one can get close.

Gu Yixuan stretched his waist: "Forget it, let's talk about it another day."

Turning around and about to leave, he suddenly turned around and made a face.

Scared, Tianai shook into a ball again, and then left haha.

Gu Yixuan's car left.

The servants breathed a sigh of relief, except for some flowers, they finally didn't want anything else.

Everyone started to keep busy.

A dark shadow flashed across the garden.

After a while, Gu Yixuan avoided the guards and finally got into the hall.

"Tch, it's difficult for me. Back then when I was in the black street, I went through thousands of houses, and there was no door that could block me." Gu Yixuan patted the dust on his hands.

(End of this chapter)

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