Chapter 378 Luo Shuishui, We Meet Again (43)

"I'm not a doctor, what can I do when I go back?"

"Third Young Master's illness is very serious this time. The old lady hopes that Eldest Young Master can come back and the whole family will stay by Third Young Master's side."

Gu Yixuan frowned, everything was normal when he set off, why did he suddenly get sick?

  "I have an urgent matter here"

"Nothing can beat San Shao, can't it?"

MD, speaking like how great he is.

On the surface, he had to be perfunctory, who made him the old lady's confidant.

"Of course it is, but I'm not a doctor either. You said I'd go back and surround his bed, just like keeping a vigil."

"Ahem." The subordinate hurriedly winked at him.

Uncle Long is no better than these small baskets, but the old lady hand-picked him to supervise the etiquette study of the eldest and young master
Gu Yixuan choked up, he didn't even have the freedom to speak: "Look at me, it takes at least a day or two for me to go back and forth, and besides, my life is full of sorrow, and it's unlucky for me."

"Master, this is the old lady's order."

Gu Yixuan was immediately discouraged.

The sky and the earth are big, not as big as the old lady.

hang up the phone.

Gu Yixuan circled on the spot.

"Master? Shall we go back?"

"Don't bother me!"

From afar, I heard Ding Mo's voice ordering Luo Xiaoxiaobang to get vinegar.
Why does it sound so good? Why can't you hear enough of FMD?
"Book the earliest flight."


Gu Yixuan took two steps, then looked at him reluctantly, and then strode away.

As soon as he left, Ding Mo immediately felt a burst of relief. From the beginning, she felt that there was a mean look staring at her, which made her feel uncomfortable all over.

Because that look was so familiar, it always reminded her of that cheap man.

The three of them prepared dinner, and the other groups came back one after another.

And there are very few things in hand. One group even only has a simple plastic sheet, and they don't want to come to the tent at all.

And everyone looked down, obviously something bad happened.

Seeing that Luo Xiaoxiao and the others had even prepared the meals, several people couldn't help feeling envious.

The three discussed it, and since they couldn't use the tent, they took the initiative to give the tent to the group that didn't want it.

After dinner, the three returned to their room.

  I thought there were three beds in the room, but there were only two.

Cai Na walked to the bed outside, put her bag on it, and said with a smile, "Xiao Xiao, let's live in this one."

Luo Xiaoxiao looked at Ding Mo, who didn't seem to have any objections, and Ding Mo's personality doesn't like other people sharing a bed with her.

Even so, Luo Xiaoxiao asked Ding Mo for his opinion, and the other party said nothing.

After washing, the three of them were a little tired.

Luo Xiaoxiao was extremely sleepy. After running around all day, she was so tired that she wanted to rest a few times, but she gritted her teeth and fell asleep almost as soon as she lay down.

"Xiaoxiao? Xiaoxiao, you haven't changed into your pajamas yet, Xiaoxiao?"

"Don't make noise, I'm going to sleep." Ding Mo put on the blindfold and lay down slowly.

Cai Na had no choice but to turn off the light and lie down.

The room was quiet, only Luo Xiaoxiao was breathing lightly, and she fell asleep after such a short while.

Listening to Luo Xiaoxiao's breathing, Ding Mo's mind turned slightly, thinking of her abnormal physical reactions in the past few days, and his chest was slightly oppressed.

As long as you close your eyes, you will see yourself back then, with love in vain, and in the end even your own flesh and blood were forced to be separated.

(End of this chapter)

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