Chapter 409 How to Choose (5)

Uncle Long glanced at her, ordered the servants to prepare breakfast, and then left.

Luo Xiaoxiao sat on the bed blankly like a dragonfly that had lost its wings, her mind was full of Gu Ze.

There is one more thing she wants to ask: Has he mentioned her?
Uncle Long didn't lie to Luo Xiaoxiao this time, and two days later, she was allowed to see Gu Ze again.

This time, Gu Ze was still asleep.

Luo Xiaoxiao was obedient, this time he just lay obediently next to him, sometimes he would wake up, and Uncle Long would suddenly come in and ask her to leave.

Once, she walked slowly, and the moment she turned her head, she saw that he had opened his eyes, and his misty eyes were fixed on her.

She froze, almost screaming.

Usually, Gu Ze would fall into a coma after a few seconds of waking up, but at this time, Uncle Long would let Tianai come over, or lie beside him, or play in the room, as long as Gu Ze opened his eyes and saw her.

After so many times, Gu Ze became restless.

When dreams and reality are confused, when the facts he believes are no longer clear, when his auditory hallucinations become more and more serious.
He started to get confused.

Sometimes, when Tianai sat beside him, he saw Tianai's face as another one.

Sometimes in his dreams he feels Luo Xiaoxiao is in his arms, but when he wakes up, Tianai is sleeping beside him.

This situation made him confused, and made him gradually uneasy. He began to refuse to see Tian'ai, and even refused to see anyone.

He didn't even mention Luo Xiaoxiao anymore, because he felt guilty that he would regard another woman as her, such behavior was simply betrayal.

He even suspected that something was wrong with his spirit.

In February, the old lady was discharged from the hospital.

In the end, one of the old man's feet still didn't heal. On the day he returned to his home, he also came here in a wheelchair.

Gu Shengrong, Gu Shenglin, Gu Shengtian, and Gu Shengxuan all came out to greet her. Hundreds of servants lined up in two rows to greet the old lady's return.

The Second Young Master Gu Lingxi, who had been abroad all the time, also made an exception and came back. He and Gu Yixuan stood behind several long Feis. Tian Ai was dragged by the second wife and stood aside. Gu Ze all came out to greet them.

The old lady's complexion looked good.

  Pushed by Uncle Long to walk into the castle.

Seeing Gu Shengrong, he asked with concern: "Sheng Rong, is your illness better?"

"Fortunately, Mrs. Xie is concerned." The unfamiliarity in the words has not changed over the years. Since Gu Ze's mother was kicked out and passed away in dystocia, the relationship between mother and child has taken a turn for the worse.

The old man sighed in his heart, and saw his second son again: "Sheng Lin, you are back too, how is the business outside?"

"Of course it will be good to have the shelter of the big tree of my family."

"That's all."

While speaking, the wheelchair passed the third and third child, the old man nodded roughly, and suddenly saw the two grandchildren of the Gu family at the end of the row.

"This is Ling Xi, hurry up and show grandma, she has grown so tall."

Gu Lingxi's personality is just like his father's, the typical flamboyant one less, but fortunately he is aggressive, and playing with women does not delay his career. He raised his eyebrows that had recently become yellow, and a handsome face that looked like his father had a smile on his face. A lazy smile: "Grandma, how old am I, can you ask something else?"

"Who are you talking to! Brat!" Gu Shengtian hurriedly scolded, "Don't listen to him, he is spoiled by me, in fact, he has a good heart, but he is not very good at talking."

The old man smiled, and suddenly stretched out his hand to Gu Yixuan: "Yixuan, come here and let grandma hug you."

(End of this chapter)

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