Chapter 411 How to Choose (7)

Tianai stood tremblingly in front of the old man, and suddenly burst into tears: "I want Brother Ze, Brother Ze is very sick, I want to see Brother Ze."

The second lady's face changed, but she heard the old lady say: "Is Aze sick?"

The second lady's face was very ugly, originally she wanted to use Tianai to win the old lady's attention, but Tianai didn't live up to her expectations.

Uncle Long knew he couldn't hide it, so he could only tell the truth: "Third Young Master suddenly fell ill and is resting in his room."

"Why didn't you tell me such a big thing?!"

"The doctor explained that the old lady is convalescing and her mood cannot fluctuate."

"You dare to lie to me about this kind of thing! I just broke a leg, and it's not that my brain doesn't work. Is it because I'm lying in the hospital one day, and you plan to not tell me anything? This family is the bottom Who is in charge?!"

Uncle Long lowered his head: "It was my negligence."

"Don't think you can escape, there are a few of you, if something happens to Ze, none of you can escape! Send me to Ze's room."

Uncle Long pushed the old man away.

The rest looked at each other, the third lady was standing next to Gu Shengtian in a gorgeous brocade dress, with a flash of interest in her eyes, she looked at the second lady: "Second sister-in-law, everyone knows that the old lady doesn't like Tianai, you just Don't make things difficult for her when the old man is just getting over a serious illness."

The second lady's face was livid: "What did the younger sister say, when did the old lady say that she didn't like Tian'ai? You are not here to tell the truth, if it spreads to other people's ears, it will have another meaning."

Underneath, he quietly pulled Gu Shenglin's sleeves. His wife was being bullied, but he didn't react at all.

Gu Shenglin glanced at her, then at Tianai: "Why did you bring her out?!"

The second lady thought that he would speak for her, but she didn't expect to scold her in the end. She couldn't think about it for a while, and retorted: "What's wrong with Tianai? Tianai is also your daughter!"

"I never admitted to having this daughter!"

"You, Gu Sheng Rin, you bastard!"

After the second lady shouted, she pinched Tian'ai again, and then ran away angrily.

After watching the good show, the third lady left holding Gu Shengtian's hand.

Gu Yixuan rested his head on the pillow in boredom, and walked away slowly. Gu Shengrong also left with the help of his servants.

Only the terrified Tianai and Gu Lingxi with eyes full of interest remained.

"I haven't seen you for a few years. The little girl back then has become so beautiful? Do you still remember Brother Ling Xi?"

Tianai lowered her head and hid back, her voice was as low as a mosquito: "Brother Ling Xi."

"Hey, don't be afraid, brother Ling Xi is the most gentle towards women, let me see, Yo, this poor little face."

Tian Ai looked puzzled, Gu Lingxi lifted her chin, felt the other party's fingers gently swipe on her face, and blinked her big eyes: "Brother, what are you doing?"

"I'm crying for you."

"Oh." Tianai seemed to understand, her long eyelashes like butterflies slowly drooped down, covering a pair of black and blue eyes, her cherry red lips were tender and attractive, and her baby's fat face seemed to be broken by blowing bullets. .

Gu Lingxi raised her eyebrows, this girl exudes a pure energy from the inside out, like a mast that is about to open, she is much stronger than those women who pretend to be pure outside.

His eyes couldn't help turning.

"I will stay at my house for a while. Your brother Ze is ill, so don't bother him. Come and play with brother Ling Xi when you have time. Brother has many interesting tricks."

"Won't you call me an idiot?"

"of course not."

"You won't hit me either?"

"Only useless men beat women."

Tianai smiled sweetly and nodded vigorously.

PS: Don’t be noisy, stay if you like it, leave if you don’t like it, and don’t greet my family when it’s Chinese New Year. If you humiliate others, you must first humiliate yourself. The author is a hard job, and I don’t want to be a lowly job anymore ,Thanks.

(End of this chapter)

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