Chapter 415 How to Choose (12)

"Dear Mr. Gu, your title may be changing."

Gu Ze half-closed his eyes, a little puzzled.

Luo Xiaoxiao bit her lip and leaned into his ear: "From now on, you should be called Papa Gu."

After Luo Xiao finished the novel, he waited for his ecstatic expression, but after waiting and waiting, he only saw Gu Ze's plain face.

There was no joy or tension in those eyes, just a touch of indifference.

She felt as if someone had poured a basin of cold water from the beginning to the end, but she forced a smile and said, "Mr. Gu? Hey, you're back to your senses."

Holding his face with her small hands, feeling his thinner and thinner face, she feels pity in her heart, she gained weight with great difficulty, and she lost weight again in a few days.

Gu Ze raised his head in a daze, met Luo Xiaoxiao's pitiful gaze, and then gave a stern gesture.

It seemed that a ray of light fell from the top of his head, splitting his chaotic brain.

He belatedly looked at his hand on her still flat belly, his eyes were a little more surprised, more like a bewildered light.

"Is this your disappointed expression?" Luo Xiaoxiao began to feel full of confidence, and when he saw his expression, he became anxious: "Didn't you hear clearly?"

"We have a baby."

After speaking, there was another silence.

She was a little panicked, it was different from what she imagined, he shouldn't be like this in her imagination.

"Gu Ze, do you not want this child?"

Gu Ze's chin was lifted by her, and there was a complex look in his blurred eyes, before he could hide it, Luo Xiaoxi counted it into his eyes.

Her chest felt cold, and she lost her strength.

She has never been so helpless after being accused by thousands of people and scolded by thousands of people, but now she is sitting limply on the bed, unable to find a direction.

Obviously it shouldn't be like this, they are so nice, just now he said he missed her.
All this is fake?
She felt a finger reaching for the corner of her eye.

She knocked it off violently.

Huo got up and jumped out of bed: "Gu Ze, I just want you to say a word, is all this a lie?"

"Little." Gu Ze opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but he blocked it abruptly.

Luo Xiaoxiao's heart also dropped little by little, straight to the bottom of her heart, smashed into pieces.

For some reason, I remembered those words of Ding Mo. It turned out that she knew it from the beginning.

It turns out that everything is fake, those tender feelings, those intimacy, those promises are all fake!
No, he didn't promise anything from the very beginning. It was because she was too stupid to keep her heart.

Raising the back of her hand and wiping the tears from the corners of her eyes, she raised her head: "Master Gu, why waste all your efforts, why bother? I clearly marked the price at the beginning, but it was only one hundred thousand times. It's just for you, so why waste your time doing it?" These?" My heart hurts, thinking of the past, the more I think about it, the more heartache, the more I think about it, the more heartbroken, my lips are biting blood, and there is a salty smell in my mouth: "I am stupid, Gu Dashao is a good plan, In this way, it is smart to let me willingly obey you without spending a penny."

Gu Ze wanted to speak, but a cough surged in his chest, he suppressed him forcefully, but he couldn't open his mouth any more, a blush rose on his pale cheeks, blood red suddenly swelled up in his eyes, it was horrifying.

This disease is the most taboo of mood swings, but Luo Xiaoxiao is precisely his heart disease.

Such resolute words were like a deadly sword, stabbing him defenselessly.

  Luo Xiaoxiao stared at the ground and didn't even want to look at him, she was afraid that she would waver and become what everyone called a fool.

(End of this chapter)

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