Chapter 420 How to Choose (17)

She lowered her head, with a bitter smile: "Baby, mother has broken her promise. From now on, Baoyu may live with mother. Will you blame mother?"

There is peace on the stomach.

"Sure enough, I'm blaming my mother."

  After Luo Xiaoxiao finished grinding the medicine, she boiled the old lady's medicine together, and asked the servant to bring it to the old man.

  Suddenly remembered that the servant did not come to ask her for licorice tea today.

Did you forget?
Luo Xiaoxiao brewed a pot, thinking that he might be able to meet him on the road.

Just after coming out of the grinding room, I heard a servant say, "Is Miss Luo there?"

"Oh, she's still grinding the medicine, is there something wrong?"

"It's the uncle's cough that started again. Li Zheng can't walk away with the uncle. I'm here to get tea."

Luo Xiaoxiao went out: "I've made the tea."

"Please trouble Miss Luo." After finishing speaking, he was about to receive tea.

"I'll go with you. I want to see his situation and get a better grasp of the ratio."

The other party hesitated, but remembered that the uncle never said that Luo Xiaoxiao was not allowed to come over.

Luo Xiaoxiao followed the servants to another courtyard, and here was a different scene. Compared with the main courtyard, this place seemed more secluded and quieter. There are not many flowers.

It felt depressing to her.

"Miss Luo, please."

Luo Xiaoxiao nodded and followed the servant into the villa.

The decoration in the villa is very simple, with few colors, basically black and white, the handrail of the stairs is also pure black, the carpet is also black, only the walls are white
Luo Xiaoxiao felt oppressed and thought, how could it be possible not to get sick living in such an environment?
Follow each other upstairs.

In the distance, I heard a coughing sound.

Luo Xiaoxiao took a few quick steps and pushed open the door.

There were several servants in the room, one of them was the male servant who often came to fetch tea, seeing Luo Xiaoxiao, the man seemed a little surprised.

But soon he smiled gently: "Miss Luo, please come here in person."

"It's okay, I'm fine. Can I see him?"

She just heard his voice last time, and she hasn't seen him yet.


"Li! You're good at coughing, so make up your mind!" a majestic voice said.

Luo Xiaoxiaocuo opened the bag, walked to the bed, and saw a middle-aged man lying on the bed, his face was pale from coughing, and he was very weak.

That situation was just like that of Gu Ze.

Most importantly, his looks.
It actually looks like Wufen Guze.

Who is he? !

She suppressed her heart palpitations: "Can I help you feel the pulse?"

"Go out, cough, cough, my illness is something you can't see well."

"The most taboo thing for patients is to give up hope, sir, please let me feel the pulse." Luo Xiaoxiao insisted.

Gu Shengrong glanced at her and turned his head away: "Go out, there is no need to bring tea."

What's the use of relieving temporary pain if it's just a temporary solution?

Li sighed: "Master, let Ms. Luo take a look at it for you."

"You mess around with her too. Send her out."

"Sir, I won't leave. Although I don't have the same medical skills as my mother, I have been taught by my mother. If a doctor voluntarily gives up on a patient, what will the patient insist on?"

"you are a doctor?"

"I'm not, but I know some medical skills, I just want to try."

"Heh, it's just a girl, do you know how many doctors have come here and can't do anything about my illness? What can you do?"

"Sir, you have to know that many things succeed with only a few tenths of a percent chance, and I won't give up. Why do you give up? Or are you just afraid?"

"What am I afraid of!"

(End of this chapter)

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