Chapter 426 How to Choose (23)

"I do know you, not only do I know you, but I also know you very well. I said, why did you come here? Aren't you recording a show with Ding Mo? What will you do if you run away? Why are you such a woman? Selfish? She still treats you as a sister, so I said that woman's eyesight is dead, and the only correct decision in this life is to know me."

Luo Xiaoxiao's face was paralyzed: "What's your point?"

Gu Yixuan stopped, sorted out his thoughts, and found that he had strayed off topic, as long as it was about Ding Mo, he was like a scumbag.

Coughed twice, trying to save his precarious courage: "Why are you here?"


"MD, Ding Mo doesn't know?"

"I probably don't know."

"You don't know how to use a mobile phone?! Will you die if you send a text message?" The woman must be dying of anxiety now. . . . . .Why does he care so much?

He had already dumped her, and on the day she ran away with the child, he had already broken up with her.

"That's right, lend me your phone."

Gu Yixuan didn't say anything, Pidiandian handed over the phone.

Luo Xiaoxiao dialed Ding Mo's number.

After two waiting tones, the phone was hung up.

Luo Xiaoxiao looked puzzled, looked up at Gu Yixuan who was peeping frequently: "Hang up."

"Cough signal problem, call again until she picks up!" The stinky woman, the rotten woman hung up on him again, if you have the ability to answer one, be afraid, haha.

Luo Xiaoxiao continued to call, and after being cut off countless times, someone finally answered the phone.

Gu Yixuan's eyes lit up, and he moved over calmly, his ears widened.

In the breeze, a lazy voice blew slowly, before Luo Xiaoxiao could open his mouth, he cursed: "Gu Yixuan, I really underestimated your lower limit, you can always surprise me!"

"." Luo Xiaoxiao held up his mobile phone and looked at Gu Yixuan with a bluish face.

The voice in the microphone continued to come out: "What? Can't bear to part with me? Who told the whole world that you dumped me, even if there were only sows and me left in the world, they would have sex with sows without hesitation? Yours Is the sow okay? Say hello to her for me and say she has worked hard."

Luo Xiaoxiao was dumbfounded, this Ding Mo really scolded people. . . . . .Cool.

The microphone was abruptly snatched by Gu Yixuan. He couldn't scold her, and he refused to lose to her in momentum. He held back for a long time, and said: "Pork is much more expensive than you."

"Anyway, if you have money, no one will object to buying a few. In addition, I am allergic to all cheap things. Please stay away from me, thank you."

"MD! MD! You woman is a poisonous snake! You." Gu Yixuan spun around on the spot, and suddenly handed the phone to Luo Xiaoxiao: "Scream me back!"

Luo Xiaoxiao held up her mobile phone, dumbfounded.

Why is this man so childish?


After only saying one word, the phone was snatched away again, Gu Yixuan was filled with righteous indignation: "You liar, you have lied to me for so many years, what happened to the pig? At least the pig is honest, some people know people and know faces but don't know people!"

"There must be evidence for what you say, how could I lie to you." Ding Mo's voice was helpless.Speaking of cheating, she was the one who was cheated, she was cheated and played with emotions!body, and was accused of being a liar after all.

"Who said you can't cook?!" As soon as Gu Yixuan uttered his mouth, Luo Xiaoxiao threw himself down.

She thought it was some big news, and she was waiting to hear it after washing her ears.

"..." Ding Mo also had the same thought.

"Do you know how much I wrapped it on my body to learn how to cook? Damn you still think it's not delicious! If it's not delicious, you cook it, you female liar!"

(End of this chapter)

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