Chapter 429 How to Choose (26)

"Who, who said that about her?! Forget it, that woman is unreliable, and her friends are not much better. You can go."

Luo Xiaoxiao walked around, counting in her heart.

As soon as I counted to three, I heard a voice behind me: "Go as soon as I tell you! Why are you so impatient?! Is your face made of paper?"

"Eldest young master, I'm not your servant, and I don't have the patience of Ding Mo. Please speak up if you have something to say."

Gu Yixuan thought that Ding Mo was unlucky enough, but he didn't expect to meet another Luo Xiaoxiao, who could only open his mouth and be speechless. It stands to reason that he usually trains his servants in a slippery way, so why did he meet a woman? This brain can't keep up.

"Hey, let me say, I don't want to know if you like to talk about that question just now, just ask casually, haha."

This man was really exaggerating when he smirked. Even Luo Xiaoxiao knew he was lying, and his eyes were wandering. This man really didn't have the gene of lying.

You say he is the young master, which means he is older than Gu Ze, but Luo Xiaoxiao really thinks that this man is just a big boy who has not grown up and lacks maternal love. The only person who is most suitable for him in this world is probably Ding Mo is gone.

Seeing him laughing cheaply and full of anticipation at the same time, his toes kept circling on the ground, Luo Xiaoxin softened.

Pregnancy may be the relationship, she is overflowing with maternal love for all innocent creatures.

She coughed.

Gu Yixuan wagged his tail.

"Generally, there are two situations. First, this woman loves that man, and her own things are her own, and others have no right to bully her."

The light in his eyes lit up, and it seemed as if the sky had descended in an instant, filling the frustrated man and dispelling all the depression in his body.

"The dead woman is still stubborn. If you say that you love me, you can die."

Huo got up, picked up his sunglasses again, brushed his black hair back, and his floral shirt became bright again.

The arrogant young master came back to life.

The happy light on that face made Luo Xiaoxiao blind, and began to hesitate to say the second point.

"What size is that?"

"Thank you, my name is Luo Xiaoxiao."

"You are a nice person. If you make friends, if you have difficulties, you can say my name, Gu Yixuan. There are not many people who dare not give me face."

Ding Mo dared not refuse.
Young Master Gu was happy. He whistled and walked with a horoscope, even his steps were cheerful.

After walking a dozen or so steps, I realized that Luo Xiaoxiao hadn't finished talking, so he grinned half of his lips and asked slowly, "Well, what about the second one?"

"The second woman may have raised that man as her son."

Luo Xiaoxiao really regretted it.

She should have owed it.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have been dragged around all afternoon, listening to a big man spit his bitterness here.

A whole afternoon!The man just kept talking there!It didn't stop for a second!
"You know what she said? She said that the color is vulgar, you judge, is there any woman who doesn't like pink? She is not a woman! Yes, she is a rough man in her bones, rougher than me! That dress is so beautiful, below There is also lace. I specially made the flowers on the chest. The flowers are so big, and the flower pieces are layered. She actually said vulgarity, what taste does she have? She also said that my clothes are petty bourgeois, this, this, and this, and even this pair of slippers I got from the French Fashion Week. What does she know about her? She didn’t know anything Native goods, this is called mash-up! Do you understand?!"

(End of this chapter)

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