Chapter 442 The Awakened Lion (15)

"."Luo Xiaoxiao was silent. The old man was really powerful. He stabbed seven inches in her with a knife. Indeed, if it weren't for her, how could Gu Ze have provoked Ming Xixuan? If it wasn't for Ming Xixuan, the Gu family would not have faced such a situation. situation.

"If these are enough to convince you, if I say that the reason why the master married the Leng family back then is because the Leng family has practiced medicine since ancient times. Over the past few hundred years, they have developed countless ancient medicines. These ancient prescriptions are countless times better than western medicine. They are extremely precious, and the only way to make the Leng family pour out all these ancient recipes to save the young master is marriage."

".Why." Luo Xiaoxiao's shoulders slowly drooped, like a defeated bird drooping its tail.

She didn't understand, didn't it mean that she loved him, and he loved her too, why did such a simple thing have such twists and turns?
So many lovers can live happily together, why can't they?What did they do wrong?
She is not greedy for money or power, she just wants to go to the end with a man, how can it be so difficult.

why is it so difficult
"I hope you can take the initiative to leave the young master, so that the damage to the young master will be minimized."


"We will make a special trip to arrange a place for you until the baby is born."

Luo Xiaoxiao suddenly turned her head and looked at the old man in disbelief.

"In my family, the whereabouts of all the servants will be reported to me, including any disturbances of the young master."

Luo Xiaoxiao was so shocked that he couldn't speak, what is the origin of this old man?Can actually control the entire ancient family? !

As if seeing Luo Xiaoxiao's doubts, Uncle Long raised his hand and gently twirled a ring on his little finger: "I know what you are wondering about, so I might as well tell you that this ring was given to me by the master himself when he passed away. Representing the supreme power, key decisions related to the Gu family will be conveyed to everyone in the family through me, all the servants in the family, and even the servants in the young master's manor, will be worshiped by me, and all the news will be gathered to my family. Here, this is also the reason why I was able to know that you were pregnant in the first place."

"You are just a subordinate of the Gu family, how can you leapfrog the ranks and monitor the affairs of the young masters?" Luo Xiaoxiao felt inconceivable.

The old man withdrew his hand, his face returned to indifference, and his sharp eyes were soaked with the majesty of the wind and rain, which made people chill: "Before the birth of the new Patriarch, I am ordered by the Master to control the entire Gu Family."

"." A chill ran from the bottom of his feet to the top of his head, Luo Xiaoxiao suppressed the fear in his heart, "I have nothing to do with you, I can leave, but you can't send someone to follow me."

"I think you may have misunderstood. It's not you leaving, but we are sending you away." The old man paused, "I don't know if the young master will have any more children, so this child must be kept by the Gu family."

"Dream!" Luo Xiaoxiao turned around, her eye circles were red, but she stubbornly refused to shed tears in front of the old man: "The baby is mine, don't you think about it!"

"The child's body is the blood of the Gu family. The Gu family will not allow their children to wander outside and pollute the nobility of the blood."

"Noble? Is it possible that only the blood of the Gu family is noble in this world? Did you come from heaven? Or did you send it directly from God? Could your blood bloom? Or is it that the people of your Gu family all immigrated from Mars? ?”

"Miss Luo, these unprovoked quarrels are meaningless. The Gu family will give you a huge amount of compensation. Isn't that why you approached the young master at the beginning? People's greed sometimes hurts themselves. Not everyone can enjoy the position of young mistress From now on, I hope you can understand this truth."

"Who cares about being a young mistress?"

"But the child in your womb is destined to be extraordinary. Please don't ruin his life because of your own selfish desires."

Luo Xiaoxiao bit her lip, wanting to throw the cup at her side.

(End of this chapter)

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