Chapter 542 The Awakened Lion (117)

"Dad! Dad, open your eyes. I'm Beibei. Don't scare Beibei. Beibei won't be naughty anymore. Beibei is obedient. Please wake up!"

Ding Mo stood up and walked to Gu Yixuan's side. The man was lying flat on the ground with dust on his head and body, covering his normally handsome face.

The hands squatted beside him, wanting to shake him but not daring to touch him.

The audience in the audience stood up, some covered their eyes and dared not look at it, some exaggeratedly praised that this is love, and some booed below.

The host stood by helplessly. . . . . .

The scene was in chaos.

However, Ding Mo's heart gradually became clear.

She slowly walked to Gu Yixuan's side, raised her foot and kicked him: "You have used this trick many times, and you know it's useless."

Gu Yixuan didn't respond at all.

The subordinates boldly looked at Ding Mo: "Miss Ding, please stop, the young master is already injured."

  "There's no need to act. This theater is repaired every half a month. If it's not man-made, the chandelier will fall for no reason? Take your young master away, I don't have time to accompany him to act here."

After finishing speaking, he leaned over and took Beibei's hand: "Beibei, go with mom."

Beibei raised her head, her face covered with tears: "Mom, save Dad!"

Ding Mo sighed: "Don't trust him, he has a lot of evil ideas." She believed in his far-fetched ghost tricks before she was deceived by him, and now she believes that she is really stupid.

Ding Mo pulled Beibei, but Beibei refused to get up.

"Beibei, if you don't go with me now, you won't be able to leave when he repents." Ding Mo still believed that he was just pretending, and the most important thing was to pick up Beibei before he got up. She would get up screaming and scold her for being a white-eyed wolf.

"No, Dad won't lie, Mom."

Ding Mo simply leaned over and hugged Beibei.

Beibei was picked up by Ding Mo, but she cried and stretched out her hand to Gu Yixuan: "Dad, Dad!"

Ding Mo hugged her and turned around to leave.

"Mom! Don't leave Dad, he's really hurt!"

"You don't know him. He is the one who cherishes his life the most. This is all a trick for me to show." Ding Mo carried Beibei to the backstage and handed Beibei to his assistant.

"Sister Ding, what should I do now? I don't know if there are any reporters in the auditorium, just in case I post what happened today."

"Do I still have few scandals? This one is not bad." Ding Mo rubbed his forehead, "Get ready for the car, I'm going to the Gu family."

She must make it clear to Gu Ze about some things. If his intention of signing her is to match her and Gu Yixuan, then she would rather pay liquidated damages than terminate the contract.

Beibei struggled in Ding Mo's arms: "Mom, don't want mom, don't leave dad behind."

The assistant couldn't hold her, and was suddenly pinched by Beibei, and let Beibei run away again.

Just after running a few steps, Beibei was picked up by Ding Mo.

Beibei burst into tears: "Mom, you are good or bad, why don't you care about Dad, he is really hurt, I want to find Dad~~~"

"Bei Bei!" Ding Mo suddenly uttered a loud voice, which scared Bei Bei to stop crying.

Ding Mo sighed, and eased his tone: "He will be fine. Even if he is injured, there are still subordinates, and the doctor will come right away. Maybe there will be some imperial physicians and the like." Ding Mo There is some sarcasm: "He doesn't love anything, so he accepts his life. The annual physical examination film can be stacked to a height of one meter. Worrying about him is better than thinking about how we escape." He would let her go so easily ?
(End of this chapter)

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