Chapter 566 The Awakened Lion (143)

Ming Xixuan kept talking, talking about their past and their future, until the sky and night were getting dark, and the bright red sunset dyed half of the sky red.

After Ming Xixuan answered the phone, he put Luo Xiaoxiao down and left the room.

Luo Xiaoxiao's numb eyes finally blinked.

. . . . . .

"My lord, it's done. The contract has been passed on. Just wait for your signature, and the Gu family will become your possession."

Ming Xixuan raised the corners of his lips slightly: "Pass on the contract."

As soon as Gu Ze died, the Gu clan had no leader. Ming Xixuan took this opportunity to buy Gu clan's shares, and took over the power of the Gu clan without any effort.

The fact that things were going well made him feel a little dull. Originally, he wanted to fight a protracted war, but he didn't expect the Gu family to be so vulnerable, he simply raised his hand and gave the Gu family to him.

Soon, the file was passed on.

Ming Xixuan glanced at it, signed his name, and was about to send it back to his subordinates.

After a pause, he picked up the contract and walked out of the room.

Push open the door.

Luo Xiaoxiao was still in the same posture as when he left, and did not move at all.

Ming Xixuan walked over and handed the contract to her: "A gift for you."

Luo Xiaoxiao didn't want to read it, but the black font stubbornly occupied her field of vision. She didn't understand the terms of the contract, and only saw one.

——The Gu family will officially appoint Ming Xixuan as the president of the Gu family, and the combined company will take effect from now on.

Ming Xixuan said with a smile: "Since you miss him, I'm not unkind, so I'll leave you Gu Shi as a memory."

In the next second, Luo Xiaoxiao jumped up from the bed and rushed towards him.

A bright silver light flashed across his cheeks.

If he didn't hide in time, he would have been scratched.

Holding her hand coldly, he finally saw the weapon in her hand clearly, it was a piece of porcelain, and looking at the table, the porridge bowl was no longer there.

Luo Xiaoxiao was out of breath, and her eyes were full of hatred: "If you don't kill me, I will kill you sooner or later!"

The hatred in her eyes made Ming Xixuan slightly dazed, and he suddenly increased his strength.

Luo Xiaoxiao broke out in a cold sweat from the pain, but bit her lip tightly and dared not make a sound.

That stubborn look is hateful!
He could break her wrists, break her legs, and make her a waste, living under his wings for the rest of her life.

The strength in his hand was getting stronger and stronger, Luo Xiaoxiao went limp, and his fingers began to twist abnormally.


"Hmm——" Luo Xiaoxiao fell onto the bed, cold sweat dripping down like raindrops, and the wrist of her right hand unnaturally fell to her waist.

"Want to kill me? Overestimate yourself!"

Ming Xixuan turned around and paused in his footsteps: "The intercom by the bedside, I'll wait for your apology."

After speaking, he strode out of the room.

Night came quietly.

The huge building hidden in the woods is brightly lit.

The night wind blew open the tulle curtains and the man's forehead hair, revealing a pair of beast-like angry eyes.

It has been five hours since I started sending, but the internal line beside the desk has not rang.

Someone broke her wrist, even if it were an adult man, it would be impossible for her to survive the huge pain. She is so stubborn, so stubborn, it is hateful!

The cigarette in his hand burned to the end of the cigarette and burned his fingers. He regained his senses and smothered the cigarette fiercely on the balcony.

Turned around and strode out.

"grown ups."

Seeing him coming, the doctors and servants waiting outside the door all looked nervous: "Sir, do you want to go in? If you wait any longer, your wrist may be permanently disabled."

Moreover, the humidity in the primeval forest will undoubtedly increase Luo Xiaoxiao's pain and the difficulty of treatment. If he waits any longer, Luo Xiaoxiao's wrist may be ruined.

(End of this chapter)

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