Chapter 571 The Awakened Lion (148)

Ji Feng raised his eyebrows, quite surprised, and spread his hands innocently: "How can she still have the strength to get out of bed and call you? It's unscientific."

".You beast!" Gu Yixuan said aggressively.

While the two were bickering, the screen suddenly shook, and then the plane began to plummet.

When he was about to fall to the ground, he stabilized himself urgently. It turned out that some remnants were resisting tenaciously. The underground personnel quickly pressed the man to the ground and seized the heavy weapon from his hand.

Several men surrounded him and lectured him, and the camera zoomed in so that the three could see the man's face.

Gu Ze narrowed his eyes, and suddenly picked up the communicator on the desktop: ".He is Ming Xixuan. My confidant can't let it go easily."

  His voice was extremely hoarse. After barely saying these words, he lost his strength and the communicator fell to the ground.

Ji Feng got up, walked to the hospital bed, leaned over, helped him pick up his things, and pulled a chair to sit beside him.

Looking at the weak and pale man on the bed, he sighed, "I really underestimated you. You have been setting up this trick for three years, yet even your big brother and I don't even know about it."

If Gu's financial report hadn't been released, he wouldn't have known that Gu's had lost so much money. He noticed that every time he thought of this, his back felt cold, and he secretly sighed that it was fortunate that Gu Ze was not his enemy, otherwise he would die one day without knowing who the murderer was.

"Well, although it's a bit disruptive to the atmosphere, I still don't think you need to do this. Gu Shi is your painstaking effort, which is equivalent to your child. You raised it with one hand, and then destroyed it with your own hands, just for a woman. Impulsive."

"Why are you so impulsive? Have you ever heard a famous saying, rushing to the crown—anger is a beauty, hehe, I think you are jealous, you can't see the deep love between husband and wife." 
"Yes, Young Master Gu taught you that." Ji Feng laughed with him, and then looked at Gu Ze: "How did you get involved with King Luo?"

"Mutual benefit and mutual benefit"

King Luo had long regarded Ming Xixuan as a thorn in his side. Seeing him growing stronger and more arrogance, he had long wanted to get rid of him, but it was a pity that no one cooperated secretly. At this time, Gu Ze find him.

Gu Ze is cautious and bold, and is best at arranging troops. He also has a huge Gu family network, and has a good relationship with the police. He can get a lot of news both openly and secretly.

This is what Luo Wang lacks. Although he is the big one, he dare not act rashly because of his special status.

The two spent three years investigating all of Ming Xixuan's strongholds. Gu Ze was in the light, Luo Wang was in the dark, and broke through one by one, but Ming Xixuan attacked him suddenly, Gu Ze was seriously injured, and the clues were interrupted. Ming Xixuan was vigilant, and had already noticed the relationship between Gu Ze and Luo Wang, so he had the idea of ​​proposing marriage to the Leng family and wanting to use the power of the Leng family to develop and grow.

After Gu Ze was seriously injured, Luo Wang was a little confused for a while. He didn't know what kind of lawsuit Ming Xixuan was selling. The original plan to destroy Ming Xixuan's last den was also postponed. Fortunately, someone finally appeared and reversed the situation.

That is Leng Yeqing.

To be honest, Gu Ze was really surprised that Leng Yeqing was involved in it. When he found Gu Ze and hoped to cooperate with him, Gu Ze still hesitated.

(End of this chapter)

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