Chapter 587 Extra Story Marriage Proposal (17)

Ming Xixuan frowned, and said coldly: "Young Master Gu, you should thank me for giving you a chance to be a hero to save the beauty."

Gu Ze didn't look at him, his eyes were firmly glued to Luo Xiaoxiao's body, as if he wanted to covet the last time and keep her in his heart forever.

Luo Xiaoxiao was almost paralyzed, if it wasn't for Ming Xixuan holding her, she would have collapsed to the ground, tears blurred the world in front of her eyes, she kept squeezing the tears from her eyes, trying to see Gu Ze's face clearly, The red and swollen eyelids seemed to weigh as much as a thousand catties.

Ming Xixuan clenched his fist, and suddenly sent Luo Xiaoxiao forward: "You are free!"

Luo Xiaoxiao couldn't help but rushed forward, Gu Ze instinctively reached out to help, Ming Xixuan said coldly: "Don't touch her!"

Gu Ze's hands froze in the air.

Ming Xixuan slowly stretched his hands to his waist.

Luo Xiaoxiao was startled, and yelled loudly: "Ming Xixuan, you are useless to this point? Do you need to use a woman as a bargaining chip?"

Sure enough, before Xiaoxiao finished speaking, Ming Xixuan tightened his hand and pulled her over again, his resentful voice seemed to be crushed by ice: "What are you talking about?!"

Luo Xiaoxiao looked at him fearlessly: "Isn't it? When did you become so useless? Need to use me to deal with your enemies?"

Ming Xixuan's face changed, and finally condensed into a sneer: "Luo Xiaoxiao, you want to provoke me."

Gu Ze hurriedly stopped: "Xiao Xiao, shut up!" He took another step forward, "Ming Xixuan, I respect you as a character, please keep your word!"

Ming Xixuan's gaze moved from Luo Xiaoxiao's face to Gu Ze's body, and then to Luo Xiaoxiao's body again.

Time seemed to have stood still.

In the end, Ming Xixuan laughed suddenly, his tall body was leaning against the window, his black hair trembling slightly with the laughter.

"I don't know if you have heard a story."

Gu Ze was silent.

"A couple met a murderer who asked them to guess the fate of life and death. Only one of them could live. The two agreed to make cloth together. As a result, the woman made scissors and the man made rock. In the end, the woman died .”

Gu Ze frowned: "Why bother? I'm the one you want to take revenge on."

"I suddenly changed my mind." Ming Xi smiled, teasing without concealing, "The decision is in your hands, and the right to life and death is also in your hands, so it's fair."

Gu Ze clenched his fists, his body crumpled with anger.

Ming Xixuan smiled, but there was no smile in his eyes, his stern face was hidden in the dark space, like a devil hiding in the dark night: "I'll give you ten seconds, let me see your love, it's really steadfast !"

Ming Xixuan raised his wrist, watched the second hand return to 12, and said: "Start."

Luo Xiaoxiao raised his head and looked at Gu Ze.

Gu Ze was also looking at her.

Luo Xiaoxiao spoke hoarsely first: "I will make cloth!"

Gu Ze looked at her with steady and quiet eyes, like a sleeping lake, gentle and safe: "Fool, are you trying to rule out this answer?"

Luo Xiaoxiao shook her head: "I will make cloth! I know I have lied many times, but this time, I am serious." Her eyes were stained with a look of pleading.

Gu Ze shook his head: "How can I trust you?"

Luo Xiaoxiao was in a hurry, and couldn't help but tugged on his sleeve: "I really didn't lie to you! I swear to heaven, if I lie, I will fall into the eighteenth level of hell, and I will never recover!"

Gu Ze stretched out his hand to cover her mouth, and his voice was stained with reproach: "No nonsense!"

"Trust me." Luo Xiaoxiao begged in a low voice.

(End of this chapter)

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