Chapter 611 Extra Story Marriage Proposal (44)

Nian Ze was already guilty, but now he didn't dare to raise his head, his voice was as low as a mosquito: "Father won't be angry with A Ze, mother is the worst."

Luo Xiaoxiao narrowed her eyes: "You know how to talk back!"

"Wow, wow, mom is the worst! Aze wants a father, Aze doesn't want a mother!"

Luo Xiaoxiao tried to escape, but was escaped by Nian Ze. Seeing him run out of the room, she slammed the door shut.

Luo Xiaoxiao lost his strength and sat down on the bed, feeling a little astringent in his heart.

Is she really too strict?

But Nian Ze's temperament, if he doesn't teach him, who knows what kind of disaster will happen in the future?
It is true that Gu Ze indulged them too much, but that is also human nature. They have been separated for more than three years. Gu Ze is eager to make up for their lost fatherly love, so he is abnormally indulgent. There must be a stricter person in the family. Yes, let her sing this black face.

Luo Xiaoxiao sat for a while and wanted to go out to find Nian Ze.

As soon as the door opened, Nian Qing was standing outside the door holding Nian Ze's hand.

Nian Ze was held by his brother, and stood behind him with his head down, his long eyelashes covered his beautiful eyes, and he looked aggrieved.

Nianqing looked at Luo Xiaoxiao: "Mom, I sent my brother back."

"Ah..." Luo Xiaoxiao didn't know what to say, originally wanted to continue educating Nian Ze, but seeing the grievance on his face, she felt distressed, so she moved away: "Come in."

Nian Qing pulled Nian Ze, but Nian Ze didn't want to enter, Nian Qing leaned into his ear and said something, Nian Ze walked in reluctantly.

Luo Xiaoxiao closed the door, turned around and walked to the bed.

Nian Ze and Nian Qing sat side by side on the crib, the sun shone through the window, covering their bodies with a layer of dazzling light, they looked like two little angels.

During this period of time, the appearance of the two little guys is also slowly changing. Although they are twins, there are still some differences when you look closely.

Nian Ze is more like Xiao Xiao, with more beautiful eyes, a pointed chin, and a pair of lively eyes, just like an elf in the jungle.

On the other hand, Nian Qing was more inclined towards Gu Ze, especially those hazel eyes, which were as magnificent as gemstones, and it was hard to move away when one looked into them.

As they grow older, their looks become more beautiful, and they tend to surpass him and Gu Ze.

None of the servants and elders in the family disliked these two little guys, and they would give them whatever they wanted. This kind of pampering made Nian Ze even more lawless, and the number of times of getting into troubles increased by leaps and bounds compared to before at Leng's house. .

But everyone is pampered by him, even Gu Ze turns a blind eye to him, there is no one in the family who can catch him except Xiao Xiao.

Luo Xiaoxiao sighed, walked slowly to the bed opposite them and sat down, thought about it, and decided to apologize to him.

Before she could speak, Nianqing spoke first.

"Mom, Aze didn't run far at all, he has been walking outside the door asking his mother to find him."

This sentence successfully turned off Luo Xiaoxiao's fire. She looked at Nian Ze with an awkward expression lovingly, and said with a smile: "Mom is also going out to find A Ze."

Nian Ze's small shoulders trembled, and he secretly hid from his brother's side.

Nian Qing held his hand and whispered something in his ear, Nian Ze hurriedly raised his head, glanced at Luo Xiaoxiao, then quickly lowered his head.

Luo Xiaoxiao was very curious about what Nian Qing said, but not now.

(End of this chapter)

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