Chapter 615 Extra Story Marriage Proposal (48)

With a few simple words, Nian Qing not only calmed down Luo Xiaoxiao, but also easily solved the passionate but pure Nian Ze, a turmoil was quelled in this way.

It's killing people invisible, without bloodshed.

Luo Xiaoxiao's admiration for him has increased by more than 100 layers, and she almost wants to worship him as an idol just like Nian Ze.

Nian Ze took the initiative to apologize to Luo Xiaoxiao, and the two shook hands to make peace, and reached the four mutual principles of non-aggression, mutual understanding, mutual allies, and mutual supervision, which is a big step forward towards the general direction of friendship and harmony.

Nian Qing stood aside laughing innocently, and when the two reconciled as before and got together again, he slowly turned on the computer on the table.

Luo Xiaoxiao was playing with Nian Ze, when she suddenly heard someone calling her name, she couldn't help turning her head to look.

On the table, the live video of the media is being played on the computer screen.

The background is familiar no matter how you look at it.

Luo Xiaoxiao only thought for a while, then remembered that it was Gu's reception hall.

Gushi? !
  After a sea of ​​people, Luo Xiaoxiao saw the handsome man at a glance, and couldn't move her eyes away.

"Is she your wife already? When will your wedding be held?"

Luo Xiaoxiao choked for breath and almost forgot to breathe.

Gu Ze's footsteps stopped, and in an instant, a large number of reporters surrounded him again.

His subordinate guards stood beside Gu Ze to block the reporters who kept pushing over: "Don't squeeze! Back off!"

Surrounded by everyone, Gu Ze didn't feel any panic or uneasiness. On the contrary, he was calm and calm, showing his own bearing.

The reporter who asked the question was squeezed to the end by the crowd, desperately pushing Mike towards Gu Ze, but his voice was drowned out by the crowd's questions, and soon disappeared.

Amidst the commotion, Gu Ze turned around lightly, stretched out his hand, reached out from the crowd, and precisely grabbed the reporter.

Pulling him in front of him, he pressed his face in front of the camera.

"Ask your question again."

"What, what?" The man was still in a daze, not knowing what happened for a while.

"Your question!" The man said every word clearly.

"Ah, that, may I ask you, when will you marry Miss Luo?"

Luo Xiaoxiao stared at the screen, her throat was a little dry, her chest seemed to have been injected with engine oil, and it jumped up so fast that she had to stretch out her hand to cover her chest.

In the camera, all the voices fell silent.

Dozens of Macchizies pointed at the gorgeous man in the center, waiting for his answer.

Nian Ze didn't make any fuss anymore, he took Luo Xiaoxiao's shoulder, leaned his chin on his mother's shoulder, and stared at the screen in front of him with his big black eyes without blinking.

"Brother, what does it mean to be married?"

Nian Qing put down the book in his hand, calmly, compared with the man on the screen, it was just a small turning point: "It means that the two will live together from now on, and will never be separated."

"Oh, so dad is going to marry mom?"

Nian Qing laughed, turned the book over in a straight line, and said affirmatively, "Of course."

"Then dad won't go out to work anymore? Will he stay with mom and Aze all the time?"

"No, Dad wants to make money to support Mom and us."

Nian Ze thought for a while, then curled his lips: "It must be because Mom eats too much, and Dad has to work so hard."

Nianqing was teased by his younger brother, teasing him: "You have more snacks than your mother."

Nian Ze stopped talking, angrily kicked the snacks into the quilt with his little feet.

(End of this chapter)

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