Chapter 629 Extra Story Marriage Proposal (68)

 "Yes, trust mom."

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no..."

Let Nian Ze make such a fuss, Luo Xiaoxiao completely forgot the unhappiness with Gu Ze before, seeing that he really couldn't appease this little Hades, Luo Xiaoxiao turned to Gu Ze for help.

Obviously, Gu Ze liked this very much. Taking advantage of Nian Ze's troubles, he whispered to Nian Qing: "I will give you two sets, plus one year's VIP membership of the Scientist Channel."

"Gu Ze, come and take care of me, I'm going to be driven crazy by him." Luo Xiaoxiao couldn't help urging.

Gu Ze smiled, put Nian Qing down, walked to his wife and children in a few steps, stretched out his arms, and took Nian Ze from Luo Xiaoxiao's arms.

Nian Ze cried out, his small face was pear-blossoming with rain, as pitiful as he could be.

Gu Ze patted him on the back, and gently circled around the room, comforting him gently.

In the same way, it doesn't work for Luo Xiaoxiao, but it's very effective for Gu Ze. Nian Ze soon stopped crying, looked at him with big watery eyes, and said in a soft and pitiful voice: "No more, Shooting star, shooting star is gone."

"Shh, if you keep making noise, Meteor will be scared away."

As expected, Nian Ze stopped barking, turned around with his curious eyes, and asked softly after a while, "It, can they hear it?"

"When you make a wish, they are actually by your side. After listening to your wish, they will return to the sky, and then record your wish in the notebook."


"Of course, when did Dad lie to you?"

Luo Xiaoxiao has black hair, she really wants to tell her innocent son, your father's words are a false proposition, he is lying to you very sincerely now.

"Then, will they remember it in the notebook, won't they forget?" But Nian Ze asked cautiously.

Obviously, this lift was very useful for Nian Ze, Luo Xiaoxiao covered her eyes and stood in the corner silently.

"Unless, if you don't listen to your mother, they will cross out your wish with a pen when they see it."

"Really?" Nian Ze was obviously terrified.

"They like obedient children very much. If you are obedient, they will always stay by your side. Whenever you have wishes, they will write them down in the notebook."

Nian Ze was convinced, he held his two little hands together, and looked at Gu Ze seriously: "Dad, are they by my side now?"

Gu Ze pretended to glance around, then nodded heavily: "It's standing on top of your head now, oh, I heard it talking."

"Ah, it, did it speak? What did it say?" Nian Qing became nervous.

"Well, it said, if you can apologize to your mother and be a good child from now on, it will record your wishes in the notebook. It will write down the most beautiful colored notes."

"I'll be a good boy!" Nian Ze promised loudly, then suddenly remembered something, and looked at Luo Xiaoxiao in the corner: "Mom, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have yelled at you, I'm a bad boy. "

"." Luo Xiaoxiao was moved to tears, "Mom forgive you."

Nian Ze hugged Gu Ze happily: "Can I make a wish now?"

Gu Ze and Luo Xiaoxiao looked at each other, seeing the touch and relief in Luo Xiaoxiao's eyes, the corners of their lips curled up, and they nodded: "Tell me, what is your wish?"

Nian Ze solemnly folded his little hands, imitating the way of praying on TV, and said word by word: "I hope, mother will stop nagging you like that! You will grow old soon!" After speaking, he suddenly opened his eyes and rushed Luo Xiaoxiao stuck out her tongue.

"Gu-Nian-Ze, you're finished!" With a roar, Luo Xiaoxiao rushed over with her teeth dancing.

Nian Ze laughed haha, threw himself into Gu Ze's arms and hid himself.

Gu Ze couldn't laugh or cry, while avoiding Luo Xiaoxiao, he tapped his little head with his fingers: "You little thing, Dad can't protect you anymore."

(End of this chapter)

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