Chapter 631 Extra Story Marriage Proposal (72)

Pulling back the quilt and sliding into the quilt, she was quiet for a while, then turned off the wall lamp above her head, and turned on the desk lamp next to her alone.

Moved by his care, Luo Xiaoxiao leaned over, hugged his waist from below, and put her face on it: "You are busy, don't talk to me."

"Sleep if you can't help it." Gu Ze said softly.

Luo Xiaoxiao nodded, but her eyes were wide open, fixed on his face, as if she couldn't see enough.

After writing for a while, Gu Ze couldn't help but put down his pen and looked down at her.

I saw her shining eyes were extremely moving under the warm yellow light, and the attachment and admiration in her eyes were completely undisguised, almost melting him.

His chest couldn't help jumping, and he held her hand calmly.

After quietly looking at each other for a few seconds, he said, "Are you still asleep?"

Luo Xiaoxiao shook her head, she couldn't get enough of it, how could she bear to sleep?
"Go to sleep. I'm going to the company tomorrow. If the two children start arguing again, you probably won't have time to sleep." Nian Qing is fine, but Nian Ze will be a disaster if there is a quarrel. Luo Xiaoxiao can do it by herself. Gu Ze loves her so much, so he tries to let her go to bed early at night. Even if he is emotional, he dare not keep her for too long, for fear that she will not sleep well at night and will not have energy the next day.

Thinking of those two little fellows, Luo Xiaoxiao had a headache and couldn't help rubbing his forehead: "They dare?" After speaking, he sighed first, and rubbed his palms with his face, "Of course dare, they are really two little ancestors."

Gu Ze chuckled, stroked her hair, and said in cooperation, "Sweet burden."

Luo Xiaoxiao raised the corners of her lips, and sat quietly next to him for a while, seeing him reaching out for the notebook again, she finally complained distressedly: "It's hard to have a day off and work, and your employees are all hungry. Cooking. Don’t do it, don’t do it, let’s talk about the big things tomorrow, and go to sleep.”

He got up and was about to grab the notebook in his hand.

Gu Ze raised his arms and held down his dishonest little wife with one hand. His eyes were filled with relief, but he said, "Hey, you go to bed first."

Luo Xiaoxiao tried hard to grab his hand with her mouth tightly shut, but Gu Ze leaned to avoid her, pushing her chest loosely with one hand.

"Don't make a fuss." His tone became a little lower.

"Look at the time, it's already one o'clock, and you have to get up for a meeting after six o'clock, and you can't get home until seven or eight o'clock in the evening, and you have to work in the study. You think you are a machine, and the machine can be charged, so you Can't give yourself some time to rest? Give it to me! Don't do it!"

"Xiaoxiao..." The tone was quite helpless: "It will be done in a few minutes."

"Who will believe you? It's a few minutes, I don't care, go to bed right now!"

Gu Ze looked at her for a few seconds, seeing that she didn't look like she was joking, her chest warmed up, he pushed her into a hug, held her in his arms, lowered his head and sniffed her hair: "I know you are nervous about me, I I promise you, after a while of busy work, I will give myself a few days off, except for you and the child, I will not watch anything but listen to it, be good, you go to bed first, there are still a few documents that need to be processed, it won't be too long."

After finishing speaking, he gently pushed Luo Xiaoxiao into the quilt, and seeing that she was about to get up, he simply pressed one arm over her, and pressed half of his body on her body, working with only one hand.

Luo Xiaoxiao couldn't bear to look at two hands, let alone one hand, thinking that his illness had just recovered, but being trapped in this huge ancient house for her and the child was like falling into a trap. In the densely branched forest, I became more and more involuntary, and my chest began to turn sour.

(End of this chapter)

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