Chapter 634 Extra Story Marriage Proposal (76)

"Nianqing, can you help mom get Xiaoze's shoes?" Luo Xiaoxiao's voice came.

"Oh, okay." Nianqing put down the juice, jumped off the chair, and brought Nianze's shoes over.

Luo Xiaoxiao was busy helping Nianze get dressed, so she had no time to be distracted, so she could only trouble Nianqing again: "Honey, help mom put on the shoes for brother."

Nianqing squatted down, opened the tie on the shoes, and began to help Nianze put on the shoes.

Nian Ze was still making trouble, but when he saw that it was his brother who was helping put on the shoes, he was so timid that he didn't dare to say anything.

After Nianqing put on the shoes, Nianze continued to shake them back and forth, making a fuss non-stop.

Nianqing retreated to the dining table, slowly climbed up the chair, continued to pick up the juice, and looked at Luo Xiaoxiao and Nianze fixedly.

There was a faint look of sadness in his eyes.

He didn't want to admit that he was jealous.

And he was jealous of his younger brother.

I don't even want Luo Xiaoxiao to know that he really wants to be lazy, and also wants to be gently woken up by her.
He didn't want his mother to know anything, just like when he was sick, no matter how painful he was, he didn't want his mother to know, because she would worry.

He is an older brother, so of course he wants to become a man and take care of his mother and younger brother. Although he found his father later, his father also said that he should protect his mother.

He's not jealous, no
"Ah, I'm so hungry, I want to eat, wow, there's cake, I want to eat."

As soon as Nian Ze got dressed, he jumped off the bed and ran straight to the dining table. When he saw the cake on the table, he shouted excitedly, grabbed it and stuffed it into his mouth.

"I haven't washed my hands yet!" Luo Xiaoxiao followed closely.

Nian Ze had already bitten off half of it, and he squeezed the remaining half tightly with his little hands, and sweet strawberry jam flowed out from between his fingers.

"Dirty, put it down, I'll take you to wash your hands"

Nian Ze pouted, put down the cake reluctantly, and was led by Luo Xiaoxiao to the bathroom.

The noisy voices of the two came from the bathroom from time to time, although it was fragmentary, it was surprisingly warm.

Nianqing listened carefully, slightly dazed.

Not long after, Luo Xiaoxiao led Nian Ze back.

Carrying Nian Ze to the chair, Luo Xiaoxiao finally breathed a sigh of relief, and finally started the day's breakfast.

"Nian Ze, why are there two plates of cakes in front of you?" Luo Xiaoxiao finally realized something was wrong.

Nian Ze didn't care so much, his mouth was full, and he was holding one in his hand, he was eating up, when he heard the sound, he was still protecting the food, protecting the two plates in his arms, with a vigilant look on his face. look at her.

Luo Xiaoxiao glanced at it, and suddenly had a headache: "It's my brother's." Nianqing likes strawberries, Nianze likes chocolate, and the servants brought them according to their tastes, Guze was afraid that they would eat too much sweets and it would hurt their teeth Not good, I specifically ordered that cakes are only available for breakfast and lunch every day.

Luo Xiaoxiao glanced at the deformed strawberry cake caught by Nian Ze, and looked at Nian Qing apologetically: "Nian Qing, otherwise, mother's piece for you?"

Nianqing shook her head, and smiled obediently: "I don't want to eat it, so I can give it to my brother."

"So cute." Luo Xiaoxiao patted Nianqing's head, feeling really relieved.

Nianqing lowered her head and looked at Nianze.

Nian Ze had already finished one piece, and was about to eat the second one, his mouth was covered with chocolate, Luo Xiaoxiao took out a handkerchief, carefully wiped off the stains for him, and almost never took his eyes off his body.

Nianqing looked away, and suddenly put down the cup: "Mom, I'm full."

Nian Qing has always taken care of herself, and she doesn't mess around like Nian Ze, Luo Xiaoxiao nodded reassuringly: "You should prepare first, aren't you going to the choir soon?"

Nianqing nodded, turned and walked away.

Seeing his little back disappearing out of the room, Luo Xiaoxiao looked away, but she always felt something was wrong.

Although Nianqing has always been well-behaved and sensible, but today she always feels something is wrong, is it her illusion?

Nianqing once heard a Chinese proverb: A child who can cry has candy.

He didn't understand it at the time, but now, he seems to understand a little bit.

(End of this chapter)

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