Chapter 52

On Monday afternoon, we went to climb Tianshan Mountain.The mountain is nearby, not too high—there’s no snow on top—but you’ll be out of breath when you get to the top.The hillside is densely covered with trees, and the top of the mountain is full of rocks, like a wasteland.We played on the hill until sunset, where we built a campfire and started cooking dinner.Master Jervie made supper, and he said he knew a better cook than I did—and he did, he used to camp a lot.We went down the mountain by moonlight, on the dark forest path, relying on the light of the flashlight in his pocket.Really interesting!Along the way, he talked and laughed, and told many funny stories.He has read all the books I have read, and many others.I was amazed by his erudition.

In the morning, we went a long way, caught in a storm, and came home soaked, but still in high spirits.Mrs. Samp was very surprised to see us go into the kitchen like drowned rats.You should have seen the look on her face.

"My God, Master Jervie, Miss Judy! Look at you. Look! Look! What's to be done? Such a brand new coat is ruined."

She's so funny, like she's the annoyed mother and we're all kids.I'm even a little worried that she won't give us jam at tea.


It's around 11pm on a Sunday night, and I'm supposed to be drifting off to sleep long ago.But I drank some black coffee at dinner, and now I have insomnia!
This morning Mrs. Samp and Mr. Leighton were very resolute.

"We have to leave on time at 10:15 so we can arrive at the church by 11."

"Very well, Lily," said Master Jervie, "get the carriage ready, and if I haven't changed my clothes by then, you can go first and don't wait for me!"

"We'll be waiting for you," she said.

"As you like," he said, "but don't let the horse stand too long."

Then, while Mrs. Samp was changing, he told the maid to pack the lunch, and then urged me to change into my casual clothes quickly, and together they slipped out the back door to go fishing.

Now, the whole family is messed up, because the Rock Willow Farm opens at 7 o'clock on Sunday, but he told him to eat at [-] o'clock-he can eat whenever he wants, like this is a restaurant-and it turned out Massa and Carrie couldn't drive out for fun.He said it was better that way, lest they go out and run around without a chaperone, and besides, he wanted to keep the horse and take me out to play.Have you ever seen such a funny thing?
But poor Mrs. Samp believes that people who go fishing on Sunday will be thrown into the 18th hell after death!She was very disturbed, blaming herself for not disciplining him when he was a child and at her mercy.Besides, she had wanted to show him in church with him.

Anyway, we went fishing (he caught 4 small fish) and then we built a campfire to roast them for lunch.The fish kept falling into the fire and getting dusty, but we ate it anyway.In the end, we got home at 4, drove around again at 5, came back for dinner at 7, and at 10 they sent me to bed—and now, I’m writing to you from here.

I'm starting to feel a little sleepy.

good night.

(That's a picture of the fish I caught.)
(End of this chapter)

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