Chapter 84

Dearest Master Jervie - Daddy-Long-Legs - Pennyton Smith:
Did you fall asleep last night?I couldn't sleep, I didn't close my eyes all night.I was too surprised, too excited, and too confused.I don't think I'll ever be able to sleep again, or eat again.But I want you to sleep, you must sleep, so that you can get well sooner and come to me sooner.

It hurts my heart to think of you being so ill, my dear--and I didn't know it before.When the doctor took me downstairs to the car yesterday, they said they had almost given up hope for 3 days.Oh dearest, if it is so, the hope of the world goes with you to me.I imagine that some day in the future—very far in the future—one of us will have to leave early, but at least we have lived happily and will leave many things to remember.

I want to make you happy—of course, I want to make myself happy first.Although I was happier than in my dreams, I was also more awake, and the fear of something happening always hung over me like a shadow.I used to have nothing to worry about, I didn't care about anything because I had nothing to lose.But from now on, I will keep worrying.As soon as you leave me, I worry that the car might hit you, the sign might hit your head when it falls.In this way, my heart will never be at peace--but I don't care about peace at all.

Please get well sooner, sooner, sooner.I want you to be so close to me that I can touch you and be sure that you are real.After all, we only had half an hour together!I am afraid that I am dreaming.How nice it would be if I were part of your family, so that I could visit you every day, read to you, straighten your pillows, smooth your forehead lines, and make you grin.Are you feeling better now?You were in a good mood when I left yesterday, the doctor said I was definitely a good nurse, and you looked 10 years younger.Being in love doesn't make everyone 10 years younger.If I was only 11 years old, would you still care about me?

Yesterday was the most amazing day of my life.Even if I live to be 99 years old, I can't forget every detail.The girl who left Rockwillow early in the morning was quite different from the one who came back at night. At 4:10, Mrs. Samp came to wake me up, and I woke up from the darkness. The first thought that flashed into my mind was: "I'm going to see Daddy-Long-Legs!" I finished my breakfast by candlelight in the kitchen, and then Through the most beautiful scenery in October, I walked 5 miles in a carriage to reach the railway station.The sun is rising slowly, the maple trees and red and yellow mountain flowers are connected together, the air is fresh and clean, and life is full of hope.I know that there must be something good waiting for me.The wheels kept singing: "You're going to meet Daddy-Long-Legs." I felt a sense of security, and I had confidence in my uncle's ability to handle affairs.I also knew that there was another man - dearer than Daddy-Long-Legs - waiting to see me, and I had a hunch that I would see him this time.And lo and behold!

I arrived on Madison Avenue.The tall brown house was scary, and I didn't dare to go in rashly. It took me a long time to linger before I got up the courage.In fact, I don't have to be afraid at all. Your secretary is a very good person and makes me feel at home. "Is that Miss Albert?" he asked.I replied, "Yes." I didn't mention Mr. Smith at all.He made me wait in the living room.The room was majestic, ornate, and manly, and I sat comfortably in a large chair and kept saying to myself, "I'm seeing Daddy-Long-Legs soon! I'm seeing Daddy-Long-Legs soon!"

Soon, the secretary came back, and he invited me to the study.I'm so excited that I can't use my feet, it's true.At the door of the study, he turned his head and said in a low voice: "Miss, he is very ill. The doctor only reluctantly allowed him to get out of bed today. Please don't stay too long, lest he get too excited." I knew it from the way he spoke He loves you very much—and I have a crush on him for that.

He knocked on the door and said, "Miss Albert is here." Then I went in and the door closed behind me.

From the bright corridor into the dark study, I couldn't see anything for a moment.Slowly I saw a large easy chair in front of the fire, and a man was sitting in it, surrounded by pillows, and with a blanket over his knees.Before I could stop him, he was on his feet - trembling a little - and looked at me without saying a word.Then...then...I saw it was you!However, despite this, I still don't get it.I thought it was Daddy-Long-Legs who arranged for you to meet me as a surprise.

You smiled and held out your hand and said, "Dear little Judy, can't you guess I'm Daddy-Long-Legs?"

This idea popped into my mind instantly.Oh, how stupid I am!There's a hundred little things that tell me if I'm smart enough.

I can't be a good detective, can I?Uncle, or Jervie?what should i call youIt might seem disrespectful just to be called Javi, but I have my respect for you as a matter of course.

We spent half an hour sweetly, and the doctor came in, and he asked me to leave.I was still in a daze when I arrived at the station, almost got on the train to St. Louis, and you were so excited you forgot to buy me tea.But we're all happy, aren't we?I drove back to Rock Willow in the dark, and oh, the stars were twinkling!Early this morning I took Collins everywhere we have been, and I remember very well the circumstances, and what you said.The forest is a bronze color, and although the air is cold, it is very fresh, and it is a good weather for climbing.I wish you were here, climbing the mountain with me.I miss you so much, dear Javi.It's a joy to miss, and we'll be together soon.At this moment our hearts have belonged, this feeling is real!Is it a little strange that I finally belong?This feeling seems very, very sweet.

From now on, I will not let you be sad for a single moment.

you always the same judy

thursday morning


This is my first time writing a love letter.I actually know how to write, it's funny, right?

(End of this chapter)

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