Evil Plan: Recruiting Boys

Chapter 55 Wasn't that fun just now?

Chapter 55 Wasn't that fun kick just now?
As soon as the whistle sounded, Sai La ran out of Tong Xin's room, ran straight to Zi Luoxi's feet, wagging her tail non-stop, and rubbed her head against Zi Luoxi's calf, looking like an old acquaintance The appearance is really intimate.

Seeing this scene, Tong Xin had to say he was surprised.

"Whether it amuses you or not is not up to you." Zi Luoxi said with a bit of complacency.

For Saila, she likes it very much, and she can feel that Saila also feels good about her. This is a dog that understands human nature. I gave it a chicken leg last night, and it knows what gratitude is today. up.

Looking at Sai La who kept rubbing her head on Zi Luoxi's calf, Tong Xin smiled. It is really rare to find someone Sai La is willing to approach.

But it seems like a good idea!

"It's okay for Sai La to give you a gift, but there is a condition." Tong Xin is willing to agree to Sai La and Zi Luoxi for half a month. This request is not too much, but he has conditions.

"Let's talk!" If you agree to her conditions, then everything is negotiable, as long as it is not too much.

"Come to Xinsheng College." Tong Xin said, this is his condition, which is actually very simple.

"Don't worry, I will go without you telling me, Xinsheng College, I will go for nothing but you."

In fact, after she came back from "Sky Entertainment City" today, she decided not to go to Dima University, but to Xinsheng College. Even if the principal of Xinsheng College is an annoying guy, she endured it, not for anything else Take a sigh of relief from Tong Xin.

"You won't like me, will you?" Hearing Zi Luoxi's words, Tong Xin said with an evil smile on purpose.

"Was that kick fun just now?" Zi Luoxi also had a wicked smile after answering the wrong question. Evil is what Zi Luoxi is best at.

Speaking of that kick, Tong Xin was really depressed, and touched his belly, this woman was simply his nemesis.

Two slaps on the face yesterday, big belly today, pervert!
"You can get out of my room now, it's an eyesore." After everything for today came to an end, Zi Luoxi stepped out of the way, ready to make a fuss.

"Woman, you are ruthless." Touching her belly, Tong Xin gave Zi Luoxi a sideways glance, and then walked out of Zi Luoxi's room.

(End of this chapter)

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