Chaos Killing God

Chapter 361 Passage disappears 1

Chapter 361 Passage disappears 1
At that moment, he used his spiritual sense to scan the ball of light, and what he scanned was just a ball of light, and he didn't know what it was.But one thing is certain, this energy is emanating from monsters or people, not from any treasure.

Suddenly the radiant light shrank, gradually faded, and seemed to have stabilized.At the same time, it gradually revealed what was emitting light from the ground.

When all the light was retracted, Huo Renjie and the others could see clearly what was inside.The thing in the ground is indeed a monster, and it is also a small monster, and the breed of this monster is ice tiger, it seems that it has just been born.At this time, he was sleeping very peacefully in the ice cubes underground, and was also absorbing the surrounding energy.

"It's Xiaohu!" Huo Renjie cried out at this moment.

"Little tiger?"

Huo Renjie looked at the little ice tiger carefully, and finally nodded affirmatively: "There is absolutely nothing wrong. I felt this aura very familiar when I went down the stairs. Although the little tiger has become bigger, this aura is absolutely right. It's Xiaohu's breath! I heard that the eight island masters are already dead, but I didn't expect it to be here!"

Breath is a very wonderful thing.Although most of the aura can be imitated, it is impossible for the ice tiger in front of me to imitate the aura of others. It is completely free to emit the aura in the body, which means it is the real aura.Even Xiaohu's child will not have exactly the same aura as Xiaohu.

Since I haven't met this little tiger for a long time, I can't remember the breath clearly.Now when I saw this little ice tiger and felt that breath again, I immediately remembered it.But what is the situation, why is Xiaohu in the monster forest?
Maybe its mentor Bingqing spent energy to send it to a safe place before he died.But this is not quite right. If it is sent to a safe place, it cannot be sent directly to the bottom of this secret room. This is safe enough, but it is too far away.

There are many doubts, all these can only be answered by Xiaohu.But now Xiaohu is staying inside again, and seems to have fallen into a deep sleep, and he doesn't know when he will be able to wake up.

After recovering, feel the time again.He found that Xiaohu's aura seemed to have become very strong, and he didn't know what level he had reached at this level.But compared to the original, it definitely felt dozens of times stronger.

"Little Tiger? Do you know this monster?" Luo Xiang'er was a little dazed. She was worried that this monster would harm her or destroy this place, but Huo Renjie knew it in the end!
Huo Renjie nodded, and said: "Yes, we met a long time ago. It's just that we separated a long time ago and have never been able to find it. Who knows that it is here, which is really puzzling. But if it is alive, That's a good thing."

Huo Renjie was very pleasantly surprised by Xiaohu's appearance, but physically, he was full of doubts.There were too many doubts, which made him want to be sure, but he was not sure.

As long as Xiaohu didn't wake up, he didn't know the general situation.

"Is this the little tiger you mentioned? I remember what you said last time. Logically speaking, it should have gone with the eight island masters. But now it is in this secret room." Zi Shan Long Huan looked around, nodded at this, and said in surprise: "I didn't expect that there would be a secret room here. We thought it was strange last time. But seeing that it's yours, it's not easy to ask. It's really not good to come in now." Simple. Judging by the concentration of this water attribute, it is indeed quite high, and practicing here is much better than outside."

"I also find this strange. We didn't feel Xiaohu's breath when we came in last time. You said you found it about a month ago? Did you feel something flying in at that time?" Huo Renjie said to Luo Xiang'er .

Luo Xiang'er thought about it seriously for a while, finally shook her head, and said: "I didn't feel anything flying in, if it really flew in, there should be a lot of noise. I haven't been out since you left Yes. If something comes in, it will be found."

According to Luo Xiang'er's words, this little tiger should have come in a long time ago, even earlier than when Huo Renjie came in.So it might have been a year ago, when Huo Renjie was still in the Chaos Plane, and hadn't come back yet.

"It may have come in a long time ago. But I can feel one thing, that is, the water attribute breath here seems to be a little worse than before. Is this absorbed by Xiaohu? The ground here used to It is not so transparent, it seems that the concentration of energy is related to the transparency of the ground, the more intense the energy is, the bluer the surrounding ice is, and now it is transparent enough to see the depth clearly, it can be seen that it absorbs quite a lot of energy."

Although Zishanlong feels that the water attribute energy here is stronger than that outside, this is his first time coming in, Huo Renjie has been here several times, and he has also practiced here, so he can naturally feel the difference between before and after.

"Hearing what you said, I really feel that the energy here has become a little weaker, not as strong as before. This feeling seems to have gradually decreased in this month. It may really be caused by this little tiger. Could it be that it needs energy so much that it has been sleeping here forever?" Luo Xiang'er looked down at the little tiger in the ground, her cute sleeping face made her smile softly, "If it wakes up now That's all right, you can play with me."

It was the first time Huo Renjie saw Luo Xianger's expression. It seemed that girls liked cute things more. If Xiaohu was awake, maybe he would really become friends with her.

"Little Tiger can't wake up for the time being, so we won't bother it. But if it continues to absorb like this, the energy here will become thinner and thinner. Is this okay?" Although the fairyland is their territory, this monster The forest was their discovery.It also belongs to them, Xiaohu can be said to be Huo Renjie's. If it continues to absorb like this, the energy generated in this secret room may be lower than that outside, and it is impossible to retreat here at all.

Luo Xiang'er shook her head lightly, and said nonchalantly: "It's nothing, even if it's the same as before, I haven't made any progress. If I can help it, I won't mind about it."

Since Luo Xiang'er didn't mind, Huo Renjie heaved a sigh of relief, if he did, he would force Xiaohu out.He felt that this would be harmful to Xiaohu's cultivation, but fortunately Luo Xiang'er also had a crush on Xiaohu, so he didn't make a fuss and force Xiaohu to come out.

"Then I'm here to thank you instead of Xiaohu." Huo Renjie's face straightened, and he changed the subject: "Now I have something to tell you. It's also a matter of life and death. You have to listen carefully, and then give it to me." I decide."

It wasn't the first time Luo Xianger saw Huo Renjie put on a straight face, but it was the first time she saw Huo Renjie so serious, as a princess of the Chaos Plane.Some necessary atmosphere is still understandable.

At that moment, she nodded solemnly and said, "Well, please tell me."

Huo Renjie conveyed the general information to Luo Xiang'er, among which was the impending battle and the strength of the enemy.The point is her decision.Luo Liang said that he wanted her to stay here honestly, but Huo Renjie chose to respect her opinion. If she wanted to go back, he would never be able to stop Luo Xianger here and not let her go back.

(End of this chapter)

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