Chapter 14

In the early morning of the next day, every ray of sunshine seemed to be entwined by fog, and the vegetables and plants in the backyard were covered with a layer of hoarfrost. Simi stood in the yard and let out a breath of white air, rubbing his hands together in the cold.

The top of the head is also chilly.

The little wolf put his chin on Ulrica's back, lazily raised his eyes and saw Simi, opened them suddenly, got up quickly and took a step back, hesitantly took another step forward.

He seemed to know Simi, but also didn't seem to know him, and finally he wagged his tail and passed by, burying his head in her chest and rubbing against her.

The little wolf walked over gracefully on four legs. The little guy had grown up a lot, and he was already a big man in his arms.Simi lifted the little wolf up and looked at the little guy's belly.

Good guy, it's actually a she-wolf.

Simi looked at Ulrica with complicated eyes. The dog is like its master, and it is indeed a beast like its master!In the past, she always thought that Xiaoguai was a male wolf, and Ulrica had always raised him as a son, but now why does she feel that Ulrica picked up a wolf's daughter-in-law?

She put Xiaoguai down, hooked its chin with her fingers, and heard the sound of a car engine coming from outside.

Ulrica started to wag her tail when she heard a familiar voice, and ran out with the little wolf to meet Ying Quhe.Ying Qu and Rare didn't wear a suit, but wore a set of black casual clothes and a black knitted hat. The winter morning gently projected on the man's shoulders, casting a layer of soft light on him.Compared with cold suits, casual clothes are more suitable for a harmonious temperament.

Yingqu and the whole look a bit strange, but if you look carefully, you can't see anything strange.

Ji Donglin and Nan Qing also entered the courtyard with Ying Quhe, Xiaoguai seemed to not know Nan Qing anymore, and immediately hid behind Ulrica when she saw her.

Ji Donglin was taken aback when he saw Simi's head, "Goddess, what's wrong with your head?"

Simi didn't expect that Ying Quhe would bring them over and didn't even say hello. She really didn't have any defenses at all.

She clutched her head in embarrassment.

Ji Donglin realized that his emotions were too intense and a little hurtful, and told the truth: "Goddess, in fact, you have a different kind of beauty like this, and you look more... small and exquisite! Yes, small and exquisite. I didn't mean to dislike you just now."

Simi touched his bald head and exhaled whitely: "What are you doing here?"

"Let's take a look at Xiaoguai." Nan Qing knelt down, hooked her fingers to call for Xiaolang to come over, "Little boy, come here, sister pets."

Ji Donglin gave Nan Qing a disdainful look: "Auntie?"

"You talk too much, and your skin is itchy again?" Nan Qing looked up at Simi and said, "Little boy doesn't want to leave, but you have to send it away. Ulrica and Xiaoguai already have feelings, and Xiaoguai has been in love since he was a child. Living with Ulrica, although it has the nature of a wolf, it also has the habits of a dog? I have a classmate who is in the police dog team. He heard about Xiaoguai and suggested that we go to the animal quarantine station to check the certificate and get the breeding After the little boy grows up, he can live with the police dogs, and can mate with the police dogs, and the wolf dog cubs produced will be trained as police dogs. In the police dog team, the little boy can often come back to visit you and Ulrica. "

Ying Qu walked towards Simi with a simple packaging bag in his hand, took out a white knitted hat, and put it on for her, with a pink white rabbit made of stitches on the edge.Simi's skin was already white, but wearing a white knit hat, he looked like a pink-haired bunny.

Obviously only wearing a hat, Simi's whole body seemed to be painted with a layer of white soft light, giving people the illusion of being bright.

This outfit is a bit obedient.

Ying Quhe couldn't hold back, stretched out his hand to pull her into his arms, hugged her, and whispered into her ear: "Couple hat."

The tips of Simi's ears turned red instantly, and he quickly pulled off his hat to cover his ears.She touched the brim of the hat, and she really felt very safe. She didn't know whether it was because of the knitted hat or because of Ying Quhe's hug.

"Ahem..." Ji Donglin reminded them, "Don't be so obsessive, I'm a bit jealous as a fan, okay, let's talk about the little wolf."

"You can choose to close your eyes." Ying Qu let go of Simi, his eyes still stayed on her hat, and there was a gentle smile on the corner of his mouth.

His vision is really good, and the little watermelon is really suitable for such a hat.

Ever since Gourmet Road's identity was exposed, he and Simi posted a Weibo video together, and they haven't been online again.In the past, the purpose of showing affection was to make his fans have a good impression of Simi. When Simi was hacked, he could drive fans to protect Simi.

The turmoil of Simi being hacked has passed, and he can't think of any reason to post on Weibo again.

More exposure will only cause more trouble in his and Simi's life.

Ying Qu and the tenderness in his eyes almost made Simi lose control in front of outsiders.

Simi looked away, coughed lightly and said, "I agree with Nan Qing's proposal. If Xiaoguai wants to stay, he must adapt to the city's rules. Whether it's a city or a forest, the fittest survives. It wants to stay. You must accept domestication."

Ji Donglin blinked at her in disbelief: "Goddess, you're talking more and more soulful now. I didn't expect you to be such a goddess."

Nan Qing put down Xiaoguai, and said, "Yes, Xi Mi followed Qu He and talked in a different way. Sure enough, you are a husband and wife now? When are you going to have a wedding? Some people are waiting for you Breaking up, Qu He, you have to work harder."

Received Nan Qing's gaze, Ji Donglin blushed and said, "What do you see me doing? Is it obvious that I waited for them to break up?"

"Hehe, it's almost written on my face!"

Ying Quhe put his hands in his pockets, bent at the waist, and gently pressed his head against Simi's head. The black knitted hat and the soft white knitted hat were tightly pressed together.

He smiled, but there was no smile in his eyes: "There is no crack in our relationship for the time being, I guess you have no chance, let you down." :)
Simi was embarrassed.

What's wrong with this old rascal being so crooked in front of outsiders?
She pushed Ying Quhe's head away with one finger, and said in a low voice, "Be serious."

"I'm very serious." Ying Qu and shrugged, took off his suit and put on casual clothes, a little more ruffian for no reason.He glanced at Xiaoguai and said, "I agree, but Ulrica may not let Xiaoguai go to the police dog team alone, so let him go with him."

He paused for a moment, then said solemnly again: "Ulrica is a male dog, and Xiaoguai is a female wolf. It is difficult for wolves and dogs to mate. After joining the police dog team, it may be difficult for him to look at other police dogs and let them develop feelings." They mate and the pups are trained as police dogs."

Ji Donglin said: "There are many handsome dogs in the police dog team. Xiaoguai is a she-wolf, so it is understandable to have a few police dogs, right?"

Ying Qu and Ji Donglin glanced coldly, "Do you think there is a more handsome dog in the police dog team than Ulrica?"

Ji Donglin: "..." This narcissistic bastard!I really thought my dog ​​was handsome and invincible!
After discussing the happy life of Ulrica and Xiao Guai, Nan Qing called her classmates from the police force at noon that day.

Ying Quhe touched Ulrica and told it to be obedient in the past. Ulrica reluctantly rubbed against his chest, and finally turned around and walked towards the "child bride".

Ying Quhe: "..." This is a dog that forgets its owner.

The relationship between them these years is not as good as a wolf?

At noon, Ying Quhe asked them to eat, but Nan Qing directly refused: "Come on, should we stay for dinner, or do we want to see how loving you two are?"

Ji Donglin expressed that he wanted to stay, not for the goddess, but purely for the food!But under the coercion and lure of Nan Qing, she left.

After sending the two of them away, Ying Quhe went into the room, Simi followed, she put on her slippers, just as she closed the door, she was caught off guard by Ying Quhe behind the door, the kiss was so violent that she was unprepared.

Ying Quhe's kissing skills are proficient, and her thoughts are blocked with kisses.She even suspected that Ying Qu and had practiced kissing with many women...

After a while, he let go of Simi, looked straight at her with his eyes, kissed her down again, bit her lips lightly with his teeth, and then slowly let go.

Ying Quhe stared at her eyes, deep and gentle, with a magnetic force, which attracted her so that she couldn't look away at all.

He raised his hand and took off his hat.

A head as bald as hers was exposed under the light of the porch.

Without the black hair, Ying Quhe's facial features seemed to be brighter, and there seemed to be starlight in the eyes, with a touching tenderness.

It's not delicate eyebrows, but it reveals a warmth.

Simi can finally understand why the goblin in Journey to the West always wants to marry Tang Seng. The bald head tests the appearance of the combination of facial features. Yingqu and no hair give people another kind of handsome beauty. Showing tenderness only to her.

His thin lips parted slightly, and the voice made by the vibrating vocal cords was clear and clear: "Not only the couple hat, but also the couple hairstyle that I promised you."

Simi thought he was just talking casually, making a joke.

She raised her hand and touched his scalp with her fingers. The touch told her that it was not a hallucination. Her nose felt sore, her eyes felt hot, and tears flowed out uncontrollably.

No one knows better than her how much courage it takes to shave your head.

Simi sniffed and shed tears, not sad, but moved.

She stood on tiptoe, put her arms around his neck, slammed her chin on his shoulder, swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said, "Ying Quhe, I have never won another bottle, grabbing red envelopes has always been at the bottom, luck is to me It is a very extravagant thing, I used to complain that God was unfair to me, but now I want to understand that all the luck I have accumulated is to meet you."

Ying Quhe put on the knitted hat again, reached out and pinched her cheek lightly.

Probably he gambled all his luck in this life to wait for her.

Simi rubbed against his neck, tired on tiptoe, let go of him and asked, "Will your subordinates talk about you when you go to the company?"

Ying Quhe looked at her: "What are you talking about me? Are you talking about how handsome I am even without hair?"

Simi: "..." Very well, it fits well.

Colleagues were having an early meeting on Tuesday, Simi came a little late, and all eyes were on her when she came in.Ghost Smoker looked at her, nodded with satisfaction, and asked her to enter the queue for the morning meeting.

A group of male chefs didn't know why, such a nice girl, why did she shave her head?

Ghost Smoker finished the morning meeting according to the usual rhetoric, and finally found someone to take over the vegetarian area.He said: "Starting tomorrow, Simi and Liu Yang will no longer be in charge of the vegetarian area, and will not be in Ying Shi Xuan for the next three months. You will go to Chaotang Restaurant for training and attend the state banquet in March."

Li Guoliang, the younger brother of Ghost Smoker, is responsible for selecting excellent chefs from various hotels and restaurants.Simi and Liu Yang were selected to participate in the state banquet training. During this period, their salaries and benefits remained the same, and Yingshixuan was responsible for the board and lodging consumption outside.

If they can successfully participate in the state banquet, they will become the honor of Yingshixuan.

After the morning meeting, Liu Yang clicked his tongue and said, "Simmy, you are really willing."

"It's nothing, if it were you, you would also give up your hair for the state banquet, right?" Simi held the handle of the knife, and the radish quickly rose and fell into strands of jade-white strands.

"That's not necessarily true. Maybe I will love beauty more. As a woman, I dare not shave my head." He squatted down and said with a smile: "However, you are good-looking, even with a bald head. Why don't you update the video? You don't even show your love, the flowers I've been waiting for are all gone."

Simi quietly told him: "The Weibo of Food Road may not be used again in the future."

"What? My God, did my male god just abandon us?"

"By the way, Liu Yang." Simi asked him, "How is your French?"

Liu Yang grinned, a little modestly: "It's okay, I majored in French in college, and then I was arranged by the ghost smoker to go to France to learn dim sum making, there is no problem."

"Well, I want to learn the basics of French communication in a month or so, will this be a problem?" Simi said, "I stayed in the United States until I was eight years old, and the pronunciation of French...may be a bit difficult for me. Difficult. It’s like a person who is used to speaking Mandarin and suddenly wants to learn Cantonese. The transfer is too difficult. Is there any way for me to transfer quickly?”

Liu Yang looked puzzled: "This is a bit... Why don't you buy a few French dictionaries and practice word by word?"

Then we have to wait until the Year of the Monkey!

In the afternoon, Simi and Liu Yang went to Chaotang Restaurant to meet Li Guoliang, the chef in charge of the state banquet, the younger brother of Ghost Smoker.Li Guoliang was more of an orthodox Chinese chef than a ghost smoker. Simi had a brief meeting with other chefs, and Li Guoliang explained what they needed to pay attention to and the assessment they had to accept in the past three months.

State banquet chefs are strictly selected, not only for language requirements, but also for academic qualifications. Considering Simi's popularity on the Internet, education is omitted.

Chefs who participate in state banquets must go through political review, and the first three generations cannot have criminal records.

After leaving Chaotang, Simi enrolled in a French class from [-]:[-] to [-]:[-] in the evening, and went to the bookstore according to the book list given by the teacher.

She received answers and phone calls in the bookstore.

"Where are you? I'll pick you up."

Simi: "On the second floor of Xinchao Bookstore, I plan to buy some books."

Ying Quhe asked her, "Have you eaten yet?"

Simi held the phone with one hand, slid across a row of books with the other hand, and shook his head: "No."

"What do you want to eat? I'll order in advance."

Seeing a recipe in pure French, Simi opened it casually, and it was durian pancake. He immediately got hungry: "I want to eat durian pancake."

Simi picked out a few books, came out from the rows of bookshelves, and saw Ying Qu and Ying Qu, who was wearing a casual suit and a black knitted hat, with a plastic bag on their fingers, coming up the stairs and walking towards her.

Tired of watching Yingqu and wearing suits and white shirts, casual clothes became a clear stream in his wardrobe.The casual attire took away the stability that had been tempered by the years in him, and inexplicably lowered the sense of age of the two of them, as if even his temperament had become younger.

Maybe it was because they were dressed too trendy, and Ying Quhe was treated as a college student.

The manager of the book area in his thirties stopped him: "Hey, classmate! You can't bring food in."

Ying Quhe retreated to the stairs, picked up the food in the plastic bag and raised an eyebrow at Simi in the distance, beckoning her to come over.

Simi trotted over with the book in his arms, looked at him and said, "Student, you are so fast!"

"Well, my girlfriend wants to eat durian pan halberds, what can I do if I don't hurry up?" Ying Quhe stretched his hand over her shoulders and took her downstairs to the coffee shop on the first floor.

Finding a corner and sitting against the wall, Ying Quhe opened the box and pushed it to her: "The durian you want to eat."

Simi carried the durian halberd over and dug a hole with a spoon. The emerald-colored halberd skin was broken, revealing white cream inside, and the smell of durian wafted out.

Simi took a deep breath greedily.

It smells so good——

Ying Quhe leaned back almost subconsciously, the strange smell that filled him made him turn his head away, and put his fingers under his nose to block the extremely foul-smelling air.

Simi saw that he looked hopeless, and asked, "Daosun Dao, don't you really dislike this smell? I think it's sweet, but you feel uncomfortable smelling it?"

Ying Qu and Unbelievable looked at her: "Sweet? Why do I think rotten meat tastes better than it? Huh?"

"Since it's so uncomfortable, why did you still buy it? What kind of courage did you bring it along the way?" Simi swallowed half of the halberd in a big gulp, the soft and delicate cream melted gently on the tip of his tongue, and the air between his nostrils Surrounded by sweetness, durian is sandwiched in cream, and the taste of the fusion of the two soaks the taste buds.

This durian pancake tastes great. The durian meat is ripe and soft, and the skin is thin and has a strong Q.

Ying Quhe took the two books she had chosen and asked, "Who bought these books?"

Simi wiped his mouth, smiled and said: "The state banquet requires chefs to learn the basics of French communication, so I signed up for a French class, and they asked me to buy these books."

Ying Quhe flipped through it casually: "They are all very basic things. In fact, you don't need to be so troublesome. The chances of you talking at the state banquet are no more than 10%. Even if you are assessed, you will only be assessed on some simple things."

"Well, but since we want to learn, why not just be more systematic? Go deeper?" Simi tilted his head to look at him, "Knowing one more language, you can always use it, right? My goal is not limited to China, if In the future, I will open a restaurant by myself, expand it, and open it to the United States, and then to France?"

"It's a good dream, what if it comes true?" Ying Quhe pushed the book back to her, "I think of a book that introduces French cuisine. Using your favorite things to understand the language you are learning should be of great help to you." help."

There are few books on the second floor and it is very quiet.Ying Quhe finally found the pure French book introducing French cuisine in a corner. Turning around, he saw Simi squatting in the far corner, flipping through an English version of the picture book "Guess How Much I Love You".

She stood up with the book in her hand, and leaned against the wall to read it with gusto. She unconsciously imitated the little rabbit in the picture book, lowered her voice, and imitated in a cute voice: "Guess how much I love you"

— Guess how much I love you.

Ying Quhe walked over, put his hands on her waist, and pinned her against the wall, with his forehead pressed against hers, and the subwoofer said warmly and sweetly: "I don' think I could guess that."

—I don't think I can figure it out.

When Simi was interrupted by him, he was startled, and shrank his neck to avoid his breath and sight: "You scared me to death, I'm reading a book..."

"Aren't you studying?" Ying Quhe teased her solemnly, smiling from the corners of his eyes.

Simi gave him a push: "Daosun Dao, put away your crooked thoughts, this is a bookstore, be civilized!"

"We are in the English and French book section. People who come here to pick up books will not be so conservative." Ying Quhe lowered his body while speaking, his lips opened and closed, touching Simi's lips from time to time.

Simi was teased by him so that his defense collapsed, he hiccupped, and his mouth was full of durian.

Ying Quhe looked disgusted and said, "I really love and hate my girlfriend like this."

She leaned against the wall behind her, and looked at him with a playful smile: "Die Sun Dao, if you dare to kiss me, I will believe that you are true love."

Ying Quhe lowered his head and kissed her without hesitation. In the English and French book section, he gave her a romantic French wet kiss.Simi didn't expect that she could really kiss him, and he kept using his tongue to guide her.

Ying Qu and this big hooligan...

Very good, the kiss is very skillful.

Simi bit his lip, and looked at him straight: "We have been dating to this extent, should we still be very familiar with each other?"

With a smile in his eyes, Ying Qu asked her softly: "Well, what do you want to say?"

Simi cleared her voice and said, "I want to ask, how many girlfriends have you had?"


Simi breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately, there was only one girlfriend, and he had only dated one girlfriend when he was 30 years old, and there were only two girlfriends when she was added, which is fine, and she is quite dedicated.

Ying Quhe smiled and said, "You alone."

"..." Simi looked at him in disbelief, "You don't blush when you tell a lie, you are so shameless, you are an adult, and I won't despise you! You don't have to lie."

She brushed his shoulder sideways and walked downstairs.

Ying Quhe followed, holding her hand when they went down the stairs together, with serious eyes and serious eyes: "I'm not lying. In the first 30 years, I was too busy, and my career was on the rise, so I didn't have time to fall in love."

They went to the cashier area to pay, and it was nightfall when they came out of the bookstore.Simi followed Ying Quhe and got into the car, he was suspicious and asked him again: "Have you really been single for 30 years? Is it so miserable?"

"What's the matter? Isn't it good to leave the love hormones to one person?" Ying Quhe backed the car out of the parking lot, waited for the speed to stabilize, and said, "I think this is very good. I'm very glad that you can meet now It’s the way of the grandson, not the arrogant Yingquhe a few years ago. A few years ago, I might not be able to settle down and talk about a relationship, but now, I have the energy to start planning a relationship that can give you a lifetime of happiness. marriage."

At the mention of marriage, Simi's heart skipped a beat.

Isn't it asking for marriage?But she wasn't prepared at all! !
As soon as the answer and the end of the story were finished, he immediately turned to another topic, and Simi also heaved a sigh of relief.

This time, the state banquet team that received the French dignitaries included four female chefs besides Simi. Like Simi, they chose the state banquet and lost their hair.

The chef selected for the state banquet must first have a clean net worth and good personal qualities.This time there were 132 guests in the state banquet, and each person had ten dishes, which was more than 1000 dishes.

In terms of dishes, in addition to cold cuts, snacks, fruits, and desserts, the main course is 5 dishes and 1 soup.There are only six cooks who are in charge of cooking. Li Guoliang reserved two places and plans to choose another Chinese chef, and finally choose a chef to cook western desserts.

The various types of work of the state banquet are complicated, and Western food, Chinese food, cold dishes, hot dishes, and desserts are all indispensable.

Due to the high-standard reception of the state banquet, the serving time must be limited to the second, so Li Guoliang began to train the tacit cooperation between the cooks.

Simi and Liu Yang are eyeing the positions of the remaining two chefs. Cooking state banquet dishes by themselves and being a helper are two completely different concepts.

Simi plans to win the position of Chinese chef, while Liu Yang plans to win the opportunity to make western desserts.

After a day of training, Simi was squeezed out of energy by the high-intensity kitchen work.She sat in the lounge with Liu Yang, and Liu Yang made a bet with her: "If I can win this spot, you will let me touch the face of Gourmet Dao, how about it?"

Simi: "Hehe. I'll give it to you, do you dare to touch it?"

Liu Yang shrank his neck and said: "I really don't dare. If I can get a quota, you can also get a quota. To celebrate, why don't you send me an autograph of the food court?"

"How does it feel to be celebrating for yourself?" Simi cast a contemptuous look.

But in order to save luck, let alone the signature of Gourmet Road, she is willing to show the nude photos of Gourmet Road!
Liu Yang scrolled through Weibo and sighed: "Tsk tsk, gourmet food is not only for men and women, but also for all ages. There is an old lady who still talks about his video update before she died."

Gourmet Road has not released a video online for a long time, and some fans were so annoyed that they were waiting for an update. Fans turned black, and they kept commenting on the last Weibo of Gourmet Road.

——I’m an idiot: Gourmet Road, you used up our fans to support your little watermelon, and then you never go online again?Although I can understand your concerns about the exposure of your three-dimensional identity, don't forget that you are still a gourmet!You are a food blogger!It's fine if you don't post the video, now you don't even have an explanation, let us wait, what do you mean?
——I’m an idiot: Why don’t you just come up and say quit the circle, quit Weibo, and cut off the thoughts of our fans?You disappeared without giving an explanation, is it interesting to whet our appetite?

——I'm an idiot: Do you think I'll just stop commenting if you ignore me?No way!
This fan was probably really angry, and said: "Gourmet Tao, at least you can give us an explanation, whether the video will be updated or not, and give me an accurate statement. My grandma urged me to come up to Weibo every day. Do you know how disappointed and sad she was when I told her that Gourmet Dao didn’t post on Weibo? My grandma passed away the day before yesterday, and the last thing she asked me before she died was: Is Gourmet Dao updated?”

This comment was voted popular. Originally, everyone thought that Gourmet Road should be updated on Weibo. In fact, it doesn’t matter. If you update it, you can watch it. If you don’t, don’t read it.But seeing this comment, everyone seems to feel that the gourmet food is too much, if it is not updated, at least come up and explain.

Everyone followed suit:

“Gourmet way too much!”

"The little girl went to gourmet food, how can I update Weibo."

"Gourmet Road belongs to the rich second generation, and people don't need to rely on Weibo advertisements to make money."

"Hey, what did I say you guys are following? Food Road didn't ask you to pay to watch the video, and it didn't do any advertisements. It's not a profit-making Weibo, and the video can be posted whenever you want. What does it have to do with you? People eat I have to tell you farts, why? Moral kidnapping doesn’t come with such a bondage!”

"Hehehe, the old cow in the food industry eats tender grass."

In the last commentary, I don’t know who led it astray, and began to criticize the food industry. The 30-year-old man actually chased an 18- or 9-year-old girl.

Seeing these comments, Simi was so angry that her lungs exploded, and she read the Weibo of "I am a brain-dead black" from beginning to end. After reading all 20 Weibos, she forwarded the comment: "Is the old cow eating your young grass? I I just love this handsome and handsome old cow. My old Qu works out every day and looks young. Is it hindering you? Some people really have enough. Three years ago, they posted on Weibo saying that grandma passed away. It was sad, and three years later came again Posted on Weibo saying that grandma passed away the day before yesterday, hehehe, how many grandmas do you have? Well, there is another kind of person that is really scary. The age of 40 years old, the face of [-] years old is good! Boy, if you have time to hack others, why don’t you exercise more? .”

Simi reposted Weibo, and attached a Weibo screenshot of "I am a brain-dead black".

Fans are bold enough to remind people to attack and lie in life.

Simi Weibo comment area boiled:

"Goddess, you are really awesome. He has [-] Weibo posts. Can you find them all?"

"Don't underestimate women's ability to dig graves!"

"Cracked Watermelon"

"On my little girlfriend who exploded in order to protect her boyfriend..."

Responding to Quhe's comment on Simi, she could almost feel her hair blowing through the screen.

It feels good to be protected by a woman.

It was almost twelve o'clock at night when Simmi came home, and there was a gap between Ying Qu and the bedroom, and a bright light leaked out. She walked over and knocked on the door, but no one answered.

She thought that Ying Quhe was sad because of the comments on the Internet, pushed open the door, leaned in halfway, and called out "Bie Sun Dao", but there was no one inside, and she was about to exit when suddenly a hand was stretched out from behind the door , grabbed her wrist, and pulled her in forcefully.

The old beast threw away the backpack on her shoulder and kissed her irresistibly.

The door behind him was locked with a click, Simi's head froze a bit, and for a moment he felt that he would not be able to escape tonight.

Ying Quhe hugged her to bed, looked at her with a smile in the corner of his eyes: "I am very happy to be protected by you."

Simi lay on the bed and looked at him: "So you want to kiss me when you're happy? Have you kissed enough? I'm so sleepy, I want to take a shower and sleep."

"Stay with me tonight, okay?" Ying Quhe lowered his body and licked her earlobe lightly, "I'll wash it for you later."

Simi shuddered, and the ambiguous breath was instantly ignited.

The man's heavy body was pressing on her, and the strength in her whole body was sucked away bit by bit, like a cocoon being peeled off. The whole process was long and difficult, and a beating heart almost broke through the sternum.

Ying Quhe saw her white ears turning red under the light, and kissed her irresistibly.

Simi pursed his lips nervously, his wet eyes filled with steam, and the moist water in his eyes moved his heart even more.He kissed her trembling eyelashes, "Relax."

Simi opened his mouth and exhaled, and after adjusting his breathing, he looked straight into his eyes: "Shouldn't you ask me if I am willing at this time, and then tell me that you won't force it?"

"I'm sorry, this gentleman of yours is not that gentlemanly." Ying Quhe's nose and lips touched her forehead and bridge of nose, sliding all the way down, and finally touched her lips lightly, whispering: "I don't want to give Your chance to get away."

"...Old beast." Simi looked hopeless, "Tian Jian is right, you are really an old beast."

There was almost no lip distance between the two, and when Simmy spoke, his lips opened and closed almost touching his lips.

It's really... so embarrassing to say that.

Simi felt like he was going to explode.

"From the moment you fall in love with me, you should be ready for this."

The warm breath splashed on her face, itching, and the pores all over her body were stimulated to open.

Ying Quhe's hand was loose on her body, and the dense kisses went all the way down her neck, Simi was kissed to the point where he was kissing him.

Simi pulled the quilt to cover his face, "The grandson said, turn off the light!"

With a snap, the bedroom lights went out.

Simi didn't dare to open her eyes during the whole process, her body could clearly feel what Yingqu had done to her, her body's defenses collapsed completely, like butter melting in the sun.

She grabbed Ying Quhe's hand and bit it hard: "Daosun Dao, take it easy..."

Ying Qu and the other hand passed under her waist, "It may hurt, bear it."

He seemed to understand very well.So is he really a spinster?

She was a little suspicious.

Responding to Qu He's distraction, he asked, "Do you know what kind of tofu is the best?"

"..." Talking about tofu at a time like this is inexplicably dirty.

Simi gritted her teeth, the pain prevented her from speaking, and pinched him.

Ying Quhe said: "Tofu is the northernmost tofu in China. I have been to the northernmost village in China once. There are tender Chinese toon in the yard. Pinch a handful and blanch them in boiling water until the stalks and leaves turn green. Take out and cut into pieces. After crushing, mix it with soft tofu, add some fine salt and sweet soy sauce. The tofu is very tender, and it will melt when you sip it with your tongue, and the mellow aroma of toon will remain between the teeth, and the taste is great.”

Listening to his description, Simi can almost imagine the deliciousness of tender tofu.

she is so hungry...

Ying Quhe leaned into her ear and asked, "Want to eat?"

"Yes I do--"

The pain immediately shattered her fantasy about delicious food, and Simi cried, "Dao grandson! I hate you!!"

"I gave you all of my tofu, what else are you dissatisfied with, huh?" Ying Quhe licked the tears from the corners of her eyes, her voice still aggrieved, "Okay, even though you are young, you can't do Shishi I have to learn to be responsible in the future, and I can't abandon me, an old guy."

Simi was miserable.

Once the old man is full of animal skills, he will lose his face...

The next morning the sky was bright white and it was snowing lightly.

It's winter and snow outside, but inside it's warm as summer.

Ying Quhe got up gently, without waking her up.I went to her room to get a change of inner and outer clothes, folded squarely, and placed them on the bedside table.

It was nine o'clock when Simmy woke up.

The training time is [-]:[-], Simi opened his eyes to look at the clock on the wall in a daze, sat up suddenly, pulled off the top and bottom of the bed and put it on.

Facing the mirror, she pulled the turtleneck sweater up to her chin, only to think of a question...

The clothes are... are they brought by Ying Quhe?
Gosh.Doesn't he know that the underwear in his closet is all one color and one style?
Seeing that there was not enough time, she quickly washed her face, put on a white down jacket and a white and pink knitted hat, grabbed her backpack and went downstairs.

When they reached the hallway downstairs, Ying Quhe took out the light-colored snow boots for her, waiting for her to come and put them on.

After getting in the car, Ying Quhe handed her the packed breakfast and said, "I went to Dongjie to buy the tofu nao. Eat it. Only when you are full will you have the strength to work."

"East Street?" Simi opened the packaging bag, and the aroma of tofu came out immediately.

From here to Dongjie, it takes four to 10 minutes to drive back and forth.

So, how early does he have to get up?
After what happened last night, Simi felt that when he ate tofu in the future, he would definitely think of Ying Qu and how beastly he was.

(End of this chapter)

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