my delicious love formula

Chapter 6 Cumin Grouper Fillet

Chapter 6 Cumin Grouper Fillet
On Friday, the "Chinese Taste" [-]-to-[-] competition, the competition platform was set up in the largest playground in Jinyang.

There are very few female chefs participating in the competition, and their clothes are all in accordance with hotel standards.Simi wears a red chef's uniform with a black bow tie; the male chef wears a white chef's uniform with a red bow tie.

For the sake of fairness and justice, the competition system was temporarily introduced.

One hundred chefs were divided into two groups by drawing lots, and they prepared 25 dishes with the theme of seafood banquet and emperor banquet respectively.The two groups will compete against each other, and finally the audience and judges will taste the banquets of these two themes and give points.

The audience has 90 votes and the judges have 10 votes.

Xi Mi hoped to be rivals with Nan Qing, but they both got the emperor's banquet together.The fifty chefs in charge of the "emperor's banquet" held a small meeting to determine the menu and clarify the division of labor.

Simi and Nanqing are in charge of appetizers, while other chefs are in charge of main courses and desserts.

This competition was all about luck, she and Nan Qing were both lucky, and the chefs in the same group were all good at cooking the so-called emperor dishes.Nanqing and Simi each made a few appetizers, sweet and sour, which can stimulate people's appetite.

Two beauties in the Internet celebrity group were in the same frame, and the barrage comments on the live broadcast platform were maxed out.

"Oh my god, is the goddess in the same frame as this little backstage?"

"Let's talk about the backstage, okay? We Xixiximi are obviously capable, didn't you watch the last game? That blinding golden soup and wild fungus can kill your goddess Nanqing in seconds, okay?"

"I haven't seen you for a week, but Sisiximi suddenly looks prettier? So it's because she didn't wear makeup last week? I still like the way Sixiximi looked like Qingshui Furong last week!"

"I stand for this pair of CP! The height difference between the two goddesses is so cute. _(:з)∠)_"


Ji Donglin was also at the scene with his fan group. When he waved the small flag in his hand, the fans immediately cheered and waved the nameplate flashing lights.The staff pointed at the "Xixiximi" fan group and scolded: "Can you be quiet? Thinking about the draft?"

The old lady shook the nameplate and said arrogantly: "We fans are not allowed to cheer for idols? We bought tickets to enter the venue, why don't you let us cheer?"

Xiao Ming pulled the red scarf on his chest, showed the three bars between his arms and sleeves, and said majesticly: "Yes, why? Do you know how much pocket money I was deducted for watching the infield game? I don't know. Don't be blind." Man, as a fan boy at the scene but can't cheer for idols, what's the difference with salted fish!"

Lao Qin was holding a huge nameplate, and he didn't shout or speak from the beginning to the end, he was quiet like a fan.Faced with harsh criticism from the staff, he finally said, "The amusement park is my property. If you have any complaints about us, ask the person in charge of the program team to come over, and you can leave with everyone in the program team."

The staff looked at Lao Qin, feeling a little familiar.Take a closer look, isn't it Jinyang's top ten invisible rich man Mr. Qin?

Before the announcement of the grouping of this game, there was actually no suspense about the outcome.

The three chefs in the Internet celebrity group and the three chefs in the traditional group were all divided into the "Emperor's Banquet" group.A table of 25 dishes for the emperor banquet, four appetizers, eight hot dishes, six cold dishes, two soups, three desserts, and two fruit platters.

The three chefs in the traditional group are in charge of the hot dishes, and the level of these three dishes has absolute strength.

This one-hundred-to-fifty knockout match is just a warm-up, and the day after tomorrow the fifty-to-ten match is the beginning of the real fight.Leaving aside Uncle Jn and Nan Qing who are in the same Internet celebrity group, the three chefs in the traditional group have already made her a little "terrified".

The rules and themes of the next competition will also be temporarily announced during the next competition.This kind of temporary extremely tests the resilience of the chef.

After the show, Simi went to Weibo under pressure, and inexplicably found that she and Nan Qing were forced into CP by netizens.Some netizens even began to draw the Q version of the two.

Simi was portrayed as a cute loli.Nan Qing was portrayed as a glamorous Yujie in a black cheongsam.Xiao Ximi was soaking in a glutinous rice ball bowl, holding her face in both hands, and resting her elbows on the edge of the bowl; Nan Qing, a glamorous lady in cheongsam, was leaning against the glutinous rice ball bowl, her skirt split a fork from her thigh, perfectly showing her long legs.

Sister Leng Yanyu was poking Lori Simmy's head with her finger.

This scene, Simi himself felt... so cute. QQ
There are a lot of comments below:

"Ah, two foodie goddesses with the same face!"

"Although I don't know them, I stand for this cp."

"Sister Yu with a loli, so cute!"

In the painting, she is soaked with a round glutinous rice ball, and she looks so chubby and cute.The action of Nan Qing poking the top of her head with her finger somehow reminded her of Ying Qu and... flicking her forehead with her finger.


Simi held his face and blushed inexplicably, rolling back and forth on the bed with the pillow in his arms.

Someone else painted Simi as a short-haired loli wearing a red cheongsam and a pair of embroidered shoes, which is full of Chinese flavor.

This picture of the same person attracted a lot of hot comments:
"By the way... this is the only pair of shoes for this girl, right? The same pair she wore in the last show. It's so pitiful."

"Thinking of the water on the face of the goddess in the first game, it should be because I don't have money to hire a makeup artist. It's so pitiful."

At this time, Xiao Ming suddenly posted on Weibo wearing the vest of the fan group: "The goddess is really pitiful. The T-shirt on her body is washed and wrinkled, and the pants are still worn with two holes. My grandma also said that she will buy pants for the goddess. Anyway Everyone should support the goddess a lot."

QAQ... Simi saw this Weibo and glanced at his ripped jeans.

It was a hot item she bought on Taobao...

The topic "Sago didn't change her shoes" became a hot topic for some reason. She looked at this topic with embarrassment, but she didn't expect it to be a hot topic for the first time in her life, and the title was actually this.

Soon some netizens pointed out that Simi's embroidered shoes are not only not shabby, but also MORD's handmade limited edition.

Simi entered the official website of MORD, and she saw such a pair of Chinese-style embroidered cloth shoes. She paused the mouse on the price, counted carefully, and took a deep breath after confirming that there was no decimal point.

The price of this pair of shoes is 99 followed by two 0s.

She looked at the shoes and was immediately in awe.Is it too late for her to return it now?

When Simi had breakfast, he gnawed on a tofu skin bun and asked Ying Quhe: "Master Ying, why did you lie to me? The embroidered shoes were picked up by netizens, and they were obviously two more zeros than 99. I... have no money to pay you back now." ah."

"Make an IOU."

Simi pursed her mouth: "The apprentice is so poor, master, do you really think I can afford it?"

The tofu skin buns made by Sago are delicious, the thin skin is just the right thickness, and the stuffing is filled with mushrooms and pork, and the soup overflows after biting.

A tofu skin bun filled Ying Quhe's stomach. He said: "The annual salary of the executive chef of Jinyang Five-Star Hotel is about 60 to 70. As my apprentice, shouldn't you be a little confident? Master Investing in apprentices is a matter of course, as my apprentice, if you don't even have this bit of fighting spirit, go straight out, so you don't miss it."

"..." Simi wept silently. She really didn't dare to think about the annual salary of 60, and she didn't dare to say that she hadn't thought about it, for fear of being smashed into a silly dog ​​by Ying Qu and a punch.

"Go out at ten o'clock, I'll take you to buy clothes." Ying Quhe raised his wrist to check the time, "You still have 10 minutes to have breakfast, go upstairs and pack up."

Simi took a sip of soy milk and waved his hand to refuse: "I... don't buy clothes."

Ying Quhe: "I'm not asking for your permission, I'm giving a teacher's order. I don't want my apprentice, Ying Quhe, to have only two sets of clothes for washing. Also, the taste of the clothes you wear will make me doubt I accepted a male apprentice. Miss Xi, do you think it is easy to sign a contract with me and become a mentor? All the money I spend on you will be clearly recorded in the account book, waiting for you Come to the executive chef, you have to return the money to me with interest."

Simi was choked by him speechless.

Therefore, as Ying Quhe's apprentice, first of all, you have to look good and dress decently, not to lose your talent to him is the kingly way.She wanted to cry without tears and asked: "Master Ying, you demand such perfection from your apprentice, right Virgo?"

"There are still 5 minutes. I have to see you change your clothes before you go out." He stretched out his long arms, bent his fingers slightly, and tapped on the top of her head with his knuckles. "And your hair, take care of it."

Ying Quhe left the dining table and went out, Simi patted his hot face.

... Simi Simi is promising, if you blush again, you will be a little silly dog!
Thinking of Ying Qu and the words that she suspected that she was a man, in an instant, her desire to grow long hair became stronger.

In the shopping mall, Ying Qu and Xi Mi are too fast to catch up.

The gap between the long-legged Ouba and the short-legged little girl immediately appeared. Ying Quhe seemed to have a soft spot for MORD's handmade shoes, so he took her into the flagship store.

The shopping guides stood in a row and said "Welcome" with a smile on their lips.

Simi was originally 1.6 meters tall, but in the luxury store, he suddenly felt that he had become 1.3 meters tall... Shrunk behind Ying Quhe, hoping to absorb some of Ying Quhe's noble spirit, so that he would not look so cowardly, good Straighten your chest and face the shopping guide.

Ying Quhe grabbed her shoulders, led her forward, pointed to a pair of flat shoes on the counter, "Here, you go and try."

Simi lay on the glass cabinet and glanced at the price tag, counted carefully, four digits, his little head immediately shook like a rattle: "It's too expensive, can we buy something else?"

"Keep the money in the account and pay it back later." Ying Quhe hooked the corner of his mouth, but he didn't show any gentleness with her, "There is pressure to be motivated, this is a way to stimulate your fighting spirit."

Simi was about to cry, and almost knelt down and hugged his thigh and shouted "Daddy, spare me".

"Master, I have a lot of fighting spirit. My dream is to be an executive chef with an annual salary of 60." Simi raised three fingers with a firm face, "Really, I'm a fool to lie to you."

"Are you satisfied with an annual salary of 60?" Ying Quhe grabbed her by the shoulder, took her to the shoe cabinet on the other side, pointed to a pair of shoes inside, and nodded through the glass layer, "Remember, it's a goal, not a dream. That pair of power just now is too small, this pair."

Simi lay on the glass cabinet, counting carefully, five...five digits.

"Enough is motivation is enough..." Her legs were a little cramped and weak, her chest felt tight and she wanted to vomit blood, "Master Ying, I think that pair of four-figure shoes just now gave me a lot of motivation. That's enough, these five-figure numbers are too much."

Ying Quhe turned around and handed a card to the shopping guide, pointing to the two pairs of shoes: "Wrap up both pairs for me."

Simi splashed three thousand feet with a mouthful of old blood.

With a prodigal master, how can an apprentice have no motivation...

Ying Quhe continued to take her to the shopping mall and entered the clothing store. Simi pointed to the denim suit and asked the shopping guide to take it off, but was interrupted mercilessly by Ying Quhe, "Try that white dress."

When trying them on, Simi took a deep breath and looked at the price. Fortunately, it was not very expensive, and the price was half of the five-figure shoes.

She was heavily in debt after going shopping.

It may be that I have been in the ancient town for a long time, soaked in the kitchen for a long time, and rarely come out to see the outside world.The elder brother once gave her a pair of [-] shoes, but she thought it was too expensive and didn't wear it a few times. At that time, in the kitchen and in the small world of the Xijia restaurant, she felt that wearing good shoes was a waste.

Ying Quhe opened the door to her new world.

For the first time, she realized how great it feels to be rich, and her desire to win the competition grew stronger.The bonus is 1000 million. When she got it, she paid off the debt first, then bought a house, and then stayed in Jinyang to work hard.

Thinking about it this way, his fighting spirit was really high.

Simi walked around in front of Ying Quhe in a little white dress. She had never worn such a short skirt. She was a little cautious, "Isn't it ugly?"

Ying Quhe's eyes flickered, and instead of answering her, he turned his face and ordered the shopping guide to wrap up several sets of clothes from the same series as this little white dress.

Simi hugged the packing bag and almost came out crying, "Why do you buy so many clothes? I... I'm afraid I won't..." Meeting Ying Quhe's eyes, he immediately swallowed the rest of the words, "I I will work hard to make money, and strive to buy clothes like this every month in the future!"

Respond to the song and correct her: "Your goal is to be able to buy clothes like this at any time without feeling distressed."

Simi said weakly: "You can only wear chef's clothes for the competition, will these clothes be redundant..."

"I usually wear it at home. Your clothes are an eyesore to me."

She naively thought that the heart-wrenching pain would be over after buying the clothes, but Ying Quhe took her to the first floor, where there were various... skin care products and cosmetics counters.

Simi followed Ying Quhe, staring at his long legs and cursing silently.The person in front seemed to feel her resentment and said: "As a woman, you can have no goals before 25, and after 25 you don't have to think about what kind of man you will find in the future, but you must know what you want. Clothes, Shoes, cosmetics, bags, these are the substances that motivate many women to work hard."

When he said these words, Simi was already trying on the foundation, and then tried on a set of makeup and bought it.

The price of make-up is much more affordable, and a lipstick is only a few hundred yuan.

She came out with her things and praised the price of the lipstick as the cutest.

Ying Quhe sent another education: "Your goal is to have a large enough room, choose one as a dressing room, and there must be a shelf full of lipsticks of various colors."


Coming out of the shopping mall, Simi's shoulders, arms, and hands were all occupied by large and small bags.Ying Quhe didn't take her to the garage, but took her into the subway station.Simi was puzzled: "Master, are you not driving back?"

"Take you to familiarize yourself with urban traffic." Ying Quhe took a few heavy bags from her hand.

Simi immediately felt a lot more relaxed, "Master, your old man should have extended a helping hand to me long ago."

The word "old" touched the song and the pain point, and his face immediately turned cold.Simi realized that he had said something wrong and stuck out his tongue: "My master is the youngest! The mighty and handsome legs are 1.8 meters long."

Ying Quhe: "..."

When the subway arrived at the station, when the door opened, people around rushed in regardless of the queue order.

Simi was stuck in the crowd.Everyone around her was almost a head taller than her. Her head was stuck between the backs of a group of old men, and she was almost suffocated. Someone grabbed her wrist.Pull hard, move forward, and pull her out from the crowd of men.

Simi fell forward and crashed into Yingqu's arms. She even clearly felt the presence of his chest muscles, and the conditioned reflex quickly bounced off, turning sideways and lowering her head.

She could already feel her face blushing to the point of bleeding, and her little heart started beating wildly again.

She had physical contact with Ying Quhe more than once or twice, and she should be immune, but her reaction became stronger each time.

A gust of air from the air conditioner came down above her head, finally suppressing her "excitement".

She took a deep breath and stepped to reach the rings.

Enough once, but not enough... It wasn't because she was short, but because the ring was too far away, she was stuck in place and couldn't move forward.

The second time, fingertips rubbed a little...

The third time, she gave up.

The subway stopped for another stop. There were not many people going down, but a large group of people squeezed up again. Simi almost stuck to Ying Quhe's arms. The slight shaking of the subway made her almost fall. She stabilized her body, lowered her head, and said almost close to her ear, "Take my arm."


Simi raised his hands above his head, embracing the arms of Yingqu and the rings.

He could clearly feel the strength of Yingqu and his arms between his palms, and the flow of blood under his strong muscles.

This firmness gave her an inexplicable sense of security.

Thinking of traveling alone in the past, taking the subway or train, and recalling the loneliness that no one took care of, I suddenly felt a little hopeless.

She actually began to yearn for the feeling of being together with Ying Qu.

That feeling of being cared for, hit, stimulated....

Simi hung the packing bag on her arm. After getting off the subway, the rope of the packing bag made several red marks on her white and tender arm.

Ying Quhe took all the packing bags from her, and motioned her to go ahead when going out of the security check.

He looked down at the big and small bags, and remembered that before the Chinese New Year, the three brothers had dinner and went shopping in the mall.The elder brother and the third younger brother took their daughter-in-law to go shopping, and he followed silently.

Today I really realized the feeling of a man taking a woman shopping.

Three-word summary: a bit cool.

"The Taste of China" [-] to [-] knockout round, three hours before the start.

Ying Quhe avoided the staff, sent Simi to the back door, said only "Come on, let's go in", and left.

Simi deeply felt that Ying Qu and this master were not kind, shouldn't she tell her some important matters before entering the arena?

After entering the backstage, she received WeChat messages from "Gourmet Road" and "Ji Donglin" at the same time.

In contrast to the two, she happily opened the news of the food channel first.

——Gourmet Road: "Come on for the competition, don't be nervous, think about the bonus of 1000 million, don't think about how good the chef is at the same stage, remember not to put pressure on yourself, come on, work hard towards the goal of buying all kinds of lipsticks."

Simi froze for a moment, for a moment she thought it was Ying Quhe.

When Ying Quhe discovered that he registered on the wrong WeChat ID, the message could no longer be withdrawn, so he added a guilty conscience:
——Gourmet Road: "If you don't like lipstick, think about other things, such as houses, bags, traveling around the world..."

——Xi Xiximi: "I know, anyway, set goals for yourself with material things, and only when you have goals can you be motivated, is it meow? Thank you, Jiesun Dao, I will work hard!"

——Gourmet said: "Come on, little Simi, when you win the game, I promise to give you a wish."

——Xi Xiximi: "Then can I wish that Gourmet Dao will disappear on Weibo forever?"

Responding to the song and holding the mobile phone hand.

Shouldn't it be a wish... to meet him face to face, or not to pay back the money?
——Gourmet Road: "I thought you would make a wish to meet me. :)"

——Sixi Ximi: "If you can't fulfill my first wish, then help me fulfill my second wish and treat me to hot pot. :)"

——Gourmet said: "Then I am honored to invite the beautiful Miss Simi to eat hot pot."

——Xi Xiximi: "I will definitely advance to the top ten, I wish us a happy meeting!"

——Gourmet said: "Happy."

After closing the chat interface with Gourmet Road, Simi opened the chat interface with Ji Donglin.This kid is a bit crazy, and sent twelve messages in a row.

"Come on, Queen! It doesn't matter if you win or lose! What matters is that you try your best! 【Come on.JPG】"

——Xi Xiximi: "I will work hard! [Hold your face.JPG]"

——Ji Donglin: "Goddess, you finally understand me. Come on, everyone will give you strength, just perform normally, don't feel pressured by the large number of fans. We don't care if you can win or not, you will always be number one in our hearts."

——Sixi Ximi: " touched...thank you, the fan group!"

An hour before the game, the chefs waited backstage to get on the field.

The staff of the program group sent a copy of the information of all the chefs to everyone.After stacking it thickly, Simi let out a long breath after reading it.

Uncle Jn is a famous chef on the island and the executive chef of Haiting Hotel.

The three chefs in the traditional group: Li Cheng, Chen Ming and Wen Lin.These three chefs are famous chefs from Yang City, Northwest Gan Province, and Xiang City, and they are all executive chefs of top local hotels.

Among the fifty chefs, only Nan Qing and Xi Mi are relatively junior.Nan Qing opened a private restaurant by herself as the proprietress.Simi's information is filled in as "Internet Celebrity Chef".

Nan Qing sat on Simi's left and spoke to her for the first time: "Hey, aren't you a chef?"

The first time Nan Qing spoke to him, Simi shook his head, nodded again, and said falteringly: "I'm a chef, but I only cook and help in my own restaurant. Although I am a chef, I can't compare with these great masters. They They're all executive chefs..."

Nan Qing propped her chin with one hand, knocked on the table with the other, and tapped her fingers on the table impatiently, "What's wrong with the executive chef? He might not be better than us, what do you think?"

Simi blinked, and said very seriously: "The annual salary of the executive chef is hundreds of thousands, what is the concept of hundreds of thousands? You can buy lipsticks of various colors, and a wall of shelves can be filled!"

"..." Nan Qing bumped her elbow, "Are you nervous?"

Simi shook her head: "Not nervous, just envious."

For her now, bonuses are the motivation to move forward, and she can't be nervous for money.Otherwise, this tension will affect the brain's judgment.

Nan Qing took a deep breath, maybe because she was too nervous, she suddenly talked more.She pointed to Li Cheng, the Yangshi chef who was sitting opposite, and said in a low voice, "That man, I intended to learn how to cook from him. It's a pity that he thinks I'm a girl and won't accept me."

"What's wrong with the girl? He's sexist!" Simi put his hand on the back of Nan Qing's hand, patted her, and comforted her: "Miss Nan, you are so powerful, you will definitely be able to defeat him!"

Nan Qing's eyes fell on Simi's face, and her eyes softened a little: "Hey, are you comforting me? Can you be a little hostile? I am your opponent and your enemy."

Simi withdrew his hand.

Yes, rival in love.

Thinking of this, she turned her head and asked Nan Qing solemnly: "Miss Nan, you and Ying Quhe are really going to get married? Why can't I see it? Ying Quhe doesn't seem to like you very much. "

"..." Nan Qing frowned and looked at her, "Girl, are you provoking me?"

"No, not at all. I'm here to divert your nervousness and discuss gossip with you." Simi cupped his face in his hands and looked at her expectantly.

Nan Qing's gaze stayed on her face for a while, before she forced a smile: "If you can successfully enter the top ten, I will tell you."

Simi resented: "You're tantalizing!"

The stage at the competition site was slightly smaller than the previous one, but the auditorium was doubled.

Simi soon discovered that this time the auditorium was divided into two parts, the fan group sat in the red area, and the other blue area, I don't know whose fans are, or...not fans at all.

After the fifty chefs took their positions and checked the stove and other basic equipment, the host announced the rules: "Today's game hasn't started yet, and the scene is already full of gunpowder. Everyone can see that there is a small iron box next to your stove. Inside is your The theme of today's competition, below, please take it out."

Xi Mi and Nan Qing are close, they both look at each other.

She didn't expect her topic to be seafood, which was the topic she was most worried about and also the most afraid of.She wasn't nervous at first, but at this moment, her hands began to tremble, and her palms were wet with sweat.

Nan Qing's hand is also the subject she is least good at - noodles.

There are many cuisines in China, and most famous chefs are only good at a certain cuisine, but in this competition, they all won the cuisine they are not good at.

The host explained: "Our competition today is to test everyone's adaptability. We define the topic according to the weaknesses of the contestants. I hope that everyone can overcome their weaknesses in the competition and turn decay into magic. You can see our blue area The fifty audience members are folk gourmets from all over the world, and all the voting rights today are in their hands."

In the competition, he cooks the dish that he is least good at, and the perverted rules make all the chefs feel confused.

Simi looked at Ying Quhe, who was on the judging panel, who looked at her indifferently, like a stranger, and she was even more confused in an instant.

Simi tried his best to calm himself down, recalling Yingqu and the details of handling seafood, recalling Yingqu and the saying "one spicy hides three ugliness".Simi quickly decided to choose the freshest grouper in the ingredient warehouse, but hesitated when choosing the seasoning.

It is not suitable to use chili or Chinese prickly ash.

What is she good for?
Simi pinched his chin and thought about it, and then carefully chewed on Yingqu and what he said. It is impossible to correct the shortcomings in a short time, but it is still feasible to cover up.Simi went through all the heavy seasonings in his mind, and finally chose cumin, which can stimulate people's taste buds like chili pepper.

Ying Quhe breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Simi choose cumin as the main seasoning in the ingredient library through the screen.

This girl's ability to draw inferences from one instance is really not bad.Although cumin is not as strong as chili and pepper, it can also cover up the shortcomings.

Simi was the third chef who selected the ingredients and returned to the stage. She cleaned the viscera of the grouper with a quick knife, washed it and dried it with kitchen paper, and sliced ​​the fish obliquely.

The host began to introduce her dishes: "Well, as you can see, Sisi Ximi took advantage of her knife skills and cut the grouper obliquely into very thin slices. I don't know how the finished product will be? Stay tuned!"

Sago is going to make cumin grouper fillets.

Sprinkle the mixture of sea salt and cumin on the dinner plate first, then put the paper-thin fish slices in one by one, fill the whole plate, and then sprinkle sea salt and cumin, so that the seasoning on both sides is even.

There is no cooking machine on site. Sago chops French spices, onions, garlic, limes, and chili peppers with a knife, and then puts them into a garlic mash jar to mash vigorously with lime juice and fish sauce. After the sauce is fully mixed , set aside for later use.

The process of pounding the sauce made Simi sweat profusely, which happened to be captured by the camera. Netizens on the live broadcast platform expressed their distress:

"The goddess is so small, but she is pounding the sauce so vigorously. Is the show crew so poor? Don't they even have a cooking machine?"

"I feel sorry for my goddess, she is so serious when she is pounding the sauce and gnashing her teeth. Goddess has worked hard!"

"If I were a man, I would never allow my goddess to cook so hard!! Sweating like rain, my goddess is so pitiful!"

"Nan Qing, come and make sauce for your daughter-in-law!"


The game time is coming to an end, and the chefs have already finished one after another.

Although Simi was the first batch to start cooking, the seafood in her hands should not be marinated for too short a time, otherwise it will not taste good and the fishy smell will not go away too well.

In the last 5 minutes, all the chefs except Simi have rang the completion bell.

The host asked Li Cheng, the Yangcheng chef who first finished the dishes: "As we all know, Yangcheng cuisine is mainly for health preservation. It is fresh and elegant in style, delicate and changeable in knife skills, and light in taste. Do you have a lot of pressure on the dishes?"

Li Yang is worthy of the level of a master, and said with a smile: "I don't feel the pressure. Although there are many Chinese cuisines, the taste is always the same. As long as you grasp this 'taste', it can move people's tongues, and it is a good dish."

There was thunderous applause from the audience.

With applause, Simi began to fry the fish fillets. She gave up the traditional olive oil and used butter.

The butter melted in the pan, giving off a milky aroma. The fish fillets were too thin, and within a few seconds of being put in the pan, they were slightly browned, and the corner was curled and crispy.The fish fillets came out of the pan immediately, and she poured the sauce in the last minute and rang the completion bell.

The audience and judges take turns to taste each dish. Everyone can choose to taste or not to taste, to vote or not to vote for each dish according to the shape and smell of the dish.

In the last session, the host counted the votes and came to the stage to announce: "Okay, so far, the results of our votes have come out, please look at the big screen!"

Simi held his breath to watch the data constantly floating on the big screen.

The three chefs in the traditional group were far ahead, and Uncle jn was ranked ninth, while Nan Qing had the same votes as her and was stuck in No.10.

The two have the same number of votes, but there is only one place, and the two must go one by one.

According to the rules of the competition system, the dishes of the two will be re-tasted by four judges to decide whether to stay or not.

The host came to the judges' seat and handed the microphone to the first judge.

Yang Zong voted for Simi in the first game, and the reason has not been revealed yet.

Just when everyone thought he would still vote for Simi, Yang Zong smacked his lips and said, "It's hard to tell the winner. In the first competition, Sisi Simi's stewed wild mushrooms in golden soup was really amazing, but this seafood, It's a lot worse. Nan Qing performed very well today, but she is not good at ramen, so she worked hard in the soup. Although the noodles are not thin, the taste of the soup makes up for it perfectly. This vote, I vote for Nan Qing."

Nan Qing breathed a sigh of relief, "Thank you Teacher Yang."

In the first competition, Lin Hua, the judge, did not vote for Simi because he did not eat coriander.He said: "I don't agree with Mr. Yang's statement. The competition system has changed. The theme is set according to the weaknesses of the contestants. The works of the contestants today are not their own specialties. This dish of Simi uses cumin and grouper. It relieves the fishy smell and increases the appetite. The salty, fresh and slightly spicy sauce matches the crispness of the fish fillets. I like this dish very much, so I vote for Simi.”

"I agree with Teacher Lin's point of view." The judge Song Baoguo took the microphone from the host, thought for a moment and said: "The most amazing thing about this grouper fish fillet is that there is not only the smell of mutton skewers between the teeth, but also There is a hint of milky aroma, which should be the effect of cumin and butter. I vote for sago."

Host: "Oh~ So far, our Nanqing has won one vote, while Xixi and Ximi have two votes ahead. If Teacher Ying votes for Ximi in the end, Nanqing will stop here. If Teacher Ying votes for Ximi in the last Vote for Nan Qing, and the two will enter the candidate area at the same time, and the audience will vote again!"

All the cameras were aimed at Ying Quhe, Simi held his breath, his eyes were almost embedded in his bones.

"I vote for Nan Qing."

A "boom" exploded in Simi's ears. This vote for Nan Qing meant that he was very dissatisfied and disappointed with her dishes.

Ying Quhe's eyes fell on Simi's face, and asked her: "Miss Xi, do you want to know what's wrong with your dishes?"

Simi nodded, expressing that he wanted to know.

"This dish of yours is indeed creative, but you have made a fatal mistake. This dish of yours," he shot at her sharply like a knife, "is useless."


The auditorium exploded.

(End of this chapter)

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