my delicious love formula

Chapter 9 Oil-Free Fried Rice

Chapter 9 Oil-Free Fried Rice
At the beginning of the competition, Simi was already in a dilemma. Without salt and sugar, it would mean losing two flavors.

The rest of the contestants were racing against time to start cooking, only Simi stood in front of the simple stove, his mind was blank, and he did nothing.

The host handed the microphone to her mouth, "You got the best ingredients, but there is no sugar and salt. What kind of food are you going to make?"

Simi looked at the camera and shook his head: "I can't make it." Without the most important two flavors, even if it is made, it can't be eaten.

She spoke too bluntly, the host didn't know how to answer the question for a while, turned his head to the camera and said, "We can see that Chef Li is racing against the clock, and we Xixiximi seem to have a certain chance of winning. We don't compete for a moment, and we are thinking about the dishes."

Simi's fingertips felt cold, and his whole body was covered in cold sweat. He felt nervous as if he had gone to the examination room but didn't bring any stationery.

Captured by the camera, her nervousness was clearly revealed.

There was a lot of discussion in the jury.

Sensing the clue, Ji Donglin stopped the flag shaking in his hand: "What's the matter? The goddess's state is not right."

Old Qin raised his eyebrows and said, "Without salt, it's hard to cook."

Nan Qing sighed: "Did she offend the old man? What kind of luck is this? Salt is the life of a cook. Without this taste, how can you cook?"

"Isn't a real chef... who can turn decay into magic with any ingredients?" Ji Donglin turned to ask Nan Qing.

"Do you think watching mythological dramas? To turn decay into magic, there must be salt." Nan Qing couldn't hold back, and slapped Ji Donglin on the head: "Your goddess is probably too good this time, and the chances of winning are too slim. The army of black fans is probably the same as you, thinking that the cook can turn decay into magic if he gets good ingredients, if she doesn't win this time, she will definitely suffer a crushing defeat."

"...So serious? We have so many fans, and we still can't beat a group of black fans?" Ji Donglin simply stopped standing in the stands and stared at Nan Qing's face, waiting for her analysis.

Nan Qing said: "I can't guarantee that this army of black fans has something to do with it. Either the show crew is operating behind the scenes for hype. Or Simi offended someone and spared no effort to go black, but this time the black fans Judging from the scale of the attack, it should be a routine of the entertainment industry, a moth produced by the program group."

"I'm going, the water in the entertainment industry is so deep? To hype the show and bring my goddess?" Ji Donglin said angrily, "This shitty show will end sooner or later."


Ten minutes have passed, and Simi still does not move.

The wind direction of the live broadcast platform has reversed, and I can't help being a little disappointed with her actions. Just as Nan Qing guessed, the thoughts of netizens are exactly the same as Ji Donglin's.

Xi Wendao sat in the special guest seat of the program group, with his hands resting on his crutches, his back straight, and he looked like a patriarch.Ying Quhe met his eyes, the other's eyes were not soft, they were as cold and hard as iron plates, and they would not bend when exposed to fire.

His gaze returned to Simi, and he could see that she was so nervous that she didn't know what to do.The eyes of the two met, and he didn't shy away from it, and he didn't look away because of the camera capture.

Simi saw encouragement from the answering song and eyes.She promised to do her best, but now she doesn't know what to cook. As a chef, it is difficult for her to force herself to cook a dish that is destined to taste bad.

There seemed to be his voice echoing in her ears:
"You can be anxious, but you can't be timid."

The contours of Ying Quhe became extremely soft under the halo of stage lights.She could almost feel him patting the top of her head with his hand and whispering in her ear: Come on.

Her ears turned red immediately, and she clenched her fists inexplicably, with a burst of strength.

She bit her lip and lowered her head, seeing a plate of jellyfish, a rush of memories rushed up her mind like a rushing wave.

——"The jellyfish has not been processed, and now it can only be a pot of shit, so, Miss Simi, are you planning to let me refine the salt by serving it to me? I am very dissatisfied with your performance today, raise your head. "

The answering song and the harsh sound played in her mind several times.She closed her eyes, opened them again suddenly, picked up the jellyfish and planned to make salt.

She boiled the brine in which the jellyfish had been soaked in. After the water evaporated, what remained in the pot was the most primitive coarse salt.

Simi glanced at Ying Quhe gratefully, he is indeed a competent master, which can be fully reflected in these small details of life.

The water in the pot was slowly evaporating, and she began to chop vegetables.

The host didn't understand what she was doing to boil a pot of water: "It seems that Simi is taking an unusual path. I can't understand the routine at all. Let us professional judges guess what Simi is planning to do."

Ying Quhe took the lead to grab the microphone: "Maybe many netizens and the audience will think that Simi got the best ingredients this time and has a net advantage. In fact, it is not the case. I believe that the players on the stage will be glad that they are not Simi today. .Yes, in this competition today, Simi is the most unlucky one. She got the best ingredients, but lost the two most important tastes for chefs, salt and sugar. People depend on food , Cooks use salt as the ground. Without this land, no chef with strong ability will be able to hold his ground. A good chef can turn a simple cabbage into a miracle, but there must be the most basic element of salt. The seasoning is the foundation. It’s like building a building, even if there are good bricks and good wood, if you don’t lay the foundation, everything will be in vain.”

The masses were stunned.

The commentary direction of the live broadcast platform has also returned to normal:
"Wow, the response and comments are so fair, I feel sorry for the goddess."

"It seems that it is a bit difficult for the goddess to advance this time."

"The goddess has given up on herself and started boiling water for everyone to drink?"


The host asked: "Teacher Ying, guess what we Simi are going to do?"

Ying Quhe: "Actually, it is obvious that there is a lot of salt in the jellyfish water. After the water vapor evaporates, what remains at the bottom of the pot will be the most primitive coarse salt."

Host: "Is it really possible to refine salt? The competition has reached a fever pitch. I believe that many viewers expect Simi to succeed as much as I do."

Chef Li Cheng was the first to serve the dishes. The dishes he got were mainly green vegetables, salt and sugar, and all the seasonings. He made four dishes: chrysanthemum eggplant, orange juice winter melon balls, lotus pond stir-fry, shiitake mushrooms Choi Sum.

The typical characteristics of Yangcheng cuisine give full play to the advantages of Chef Li.

Uncle Jn and Chen Ming also served dishes one after another, one made desserts and the other made cakes.The jury will taste the dishes according to the order of each chef. The judges will write down the advantages and disadvantages, and vote to announce the ranking.This time, the guest Xi Wendao had a "rejection ticket" in his hand. Before the four judges began to vote, he had the right to deduct a vote from the contestant.

Sago successfully refined salt, and after the water was evaporated, a thin layer of salt remained at the bottom of the pot.She used this little salt to make four seafood dishes: Xishi Tongue, Crystal Shrimp Cake, Sea Cucumber and Millet Porridge, and Grilled Salmon.

After the tasting session, it was the voting session. The old man Xi first voted out the sago. The host asked, "Mr. Xi, can you tell me your reason?"

Xi Wen said: "Her ingredients have a net advantage, and it is only fair to other contestants to remove one vote."

This time, Ying Quhe voted first: "I will vote for Simi first. She has no advantage in this game. It is unfair for her to remove one vote."

The judge Yang Zong also said: "Simmy surprised me today. I was very disappointed with her dishes in the last competition. In this competition, she surprised me by surprise. She is the youngest chef among the ten chefs and has the least seniority." Yes, but she is very talented, I will give her a vote in this round to ensure her promotion, and I look forward to seeing her in the Chef King Competition."

The judges began to vote formally.Ying Qu and his fingertips tapped on the electronic screen to select the three chefs who he thought should be promoted, and he chose Simi first.

It's not easy for the little girl in this game, Yu Gongyi, she deserves support.Regardless of the final voting result, in his heart, Simi is the champion of this competition.

The tense voting session ended, and the host asked the contestants to turn around and look at the big screen.

Li Cheng got four votes and successfully advanced.

Chen Ming got four votes and successfully advanced.

Simi had three votes, one vote was deducted, and finally advanced with two votes.

Uncle Jn ranked fourth with one vote and failed to enter the competition for the king of chefs.

The rest of the contestants received no votes.

As a result, Simi was stupefied as soon as he came out, seeing the two chefs Li Cheng and Chen Ming hugging each other to show their friendship, he excitedly went over to hug the two chefs, and also hugged Uncle jn by the way.

The little girl's enthusiasm made the audience laugh, but Ying Qu and He felt uncomfortable.

Do you have any girlish reserve?
The auditorium also screamed, with Ji Donglin, Xiao Ming, and the bald boss having the loudest voices. The three stood up and waved their fan flags wildly, shouting slogans: "Sunrise in the east, only you are undefeated! Master Simi, who will fight! "

This slogan... what the hell?

After the two chefs Li Cheng and Chen Ming finished their thank you lines, Simi took the microphone a little embarrassedly. She looked at the answering song and the direction, and said, "This time I want to thank my master the most. All the way Come on, seafood dishes are my weakness, and it is Master who has been pointing the way for me. In addition, I would like to thank Food Road, without this friend, I would not have had the opportunity to set foot on this stage."

The live broadcast platform began to boil again:
"Oh my god!! Are Sisi Ximi and Food Road good friends?"


"...Sixi Ximi, if you can make my male god come back and update the video, I will allow you to marry my male god. QAQ"

The host was a little surprised: "Gourmet Road hasn't updated the food video for a long time, then, as a fan girl, can I ask you to urge Food Road to update the video?"

"I'll pass it on to him."


The game ended at six o'clock in the afternoon.

Simi went backstage to change her clothes, and wanted to leave through the back door, but was blocked by several senior brothers.She backed away with her bag on her back and bumped into Old Man Xi unexpectedly.

Being pinched from front to back, Simi had nowhere to escape, so he lowered his head and called out, "Grandpa."

Xi Wendao hit the ground with his cane, and said angrily, "You bastard, do you still know that there is a grandfather like me? Do you still have the Xi family in your eyes?"

"...Yes." Simi lowered his head, his voice was like a mosquito.

Surrounded by a group of brothers and sisters, Simi had nowhere to escape, so he had to obediently follow them out the back door and get into their car.Zou Chengfeng sat in the passenger seat, turned around and handed her a bag of food, Simi knocked it down with a "hum", "Who cares about the crap you handed over."

Mung bean crisps rolled to the ground.

Xi Wendao sternly reprimanded: "It doesn't matter whether it's big or small, pick it up."

Due to the majesty of the old man, Simi had no choice but to bend down to pick up mung bean cakes, sealed them in a kraft paper bag, and held them in his hands.

"Eat them all and leave none behind."

The old man has always been so strong. Although Simi feels aggrieved, he still stuffs the dusty mung bean cakes into his mouth and chews them slowly without taste.

Ying Quhe followed closely behind, and his assistant Zhou Ming was puzzled: "Boss, should you call the police? The visitor is not kind."

"It's hard for a clean official to cut off housework."

Only then did Zhou Ming come to his senses: "Xi Wendao and Simi, are they father and daughter?"

Ying Quhe glanced at him: "Grandpa and grandson."

Follow them to the Gehao Hotel, get off at Yingquhe, put on a mask and follow them into the hotel lobby, and then follow them to the sixth floor.

Xi Wendao brought a lot of people, and they took up half of the rooms on the entire floor of the hotel.A few youths with immature faces were standing at the stairs, smoking, teasing Simi and Zou Chengfeng.

Ying Quhe was leaning against the wall, eavesdropping openly.

"Actually, our senior brother, although he is a little older, but fortunately he looks young and handsome, and he is quite suitable for Simi."

"Come on, no matter how young you look, you can't hide the fact that Da Simi is so old."

"Sanchuan and Lin Nan, I think they are a good match."

"Are you stupid? If the two of them get married, the master will announce that Lin Nan and Sanchuan are actually Senior Brother Zou alone. This is unfair to Simi. Simi's ability is no worse than Senior Brother."

Simi is 25 years old, how old is Zou Chengfeng?Ying Quhe vaguely remembered that Simi had said that Zou Chengfeng was 19 years older than her. The 44-year-old man, who is almost halfway through his life, actually wants to eat the little grass of sago.

He felt that Simi and his age were quite suitable, only five years apart, just right.

"However, with Simmy's stubborn temper, another beating is inevitable."

"Hey, with Simina's small body, I guess he will be sick for a few more days."

Ying Qu and frowning, walked towards the room where Simi was.

the other side.

Simi followed the old man into the room, and Xi Wendao ordered her to kneel down.

It is not the first time that Simi has been punished to kneel when he grows so big.She knelt and muttered: "Kneel on my knees and kneel to my parents, I use all my golden knees to kneel to you, old man."

"What did you say?" Xi Wendao slammed his crutches on the ground, and the wooden floor was poked with a "thud-thud" sound. "You evil thing, have you grown up? Escaping marriage? Why isn't your big brother good enough for you?"

Simi said stubbornly: "Hehe, how can he be worthy of me?"

Xi Wendao was so angry that he swung his cane over and landed on Simi's shoulder.The force of this stick was not light, the bones were hit hard, the flesh was torn, and a piece of heat was burned on the shoulder.

"Today I will teach you how to be a good person." Xi Wendao raised his crutch again and landed heavily on her back.

Simi snorted, gritted his teeth but refused to cry.

"Do you know what's wrong!"

"I'm right!" Simi put his hands on the ground, grabbed the carpet, bit his lips and teeth, and said with red eyes: "I'm not your inheritance tool, I'm fighting for my freedom, what's wrong? It's you, old stubborn, Paranoid, feudal! Patriarchal!"

Bang—a muffled sound.

The crutch fell again, and Simi's internal organs seemed to shake.

Zou Chengfeng, who was guarding the door of the study room, couldn't stand it any longer, rushed in and grabbed the old man's hand: "Master, that's it, if you keep beating me, Simi won't be able to bear it."

Xi Wen said: "Go away, it's because of your connivance that she has such a savage temper!"

Zou Chengfeng took a step back, couldn't bear to look at Simi again, so he simply turned around.

Xi Wendao asked Simi: "Do you know what's wrong?"

"I said I was right, even if you beat me to death, I don't think I was wrong." Simi raised the back of his hand and rubbed his eyes, wiping away tears.

The old man raised his crutch again, but before he could get down, the front door of the room was knocked open.Ying Quhe rushed in, grabbed the crutch from the old man's hand, and slammed it against the opposite wall.

With a snap, the cane snapped.

Simi was wearing a thin chiffon shirt. Ying Qu and Fu Ximi got up, and saw two blood-red stick marks through the thin material, and felt as if his heart had been rolled by a red iron.

He hugged Simi's shoulders, lowered his head to her ear and said, "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

He turned his face to meet Xi Wendao's eyes, his eyes filled with anger, wishing he could bite off the stubborn old man's neck.

Xi Wen said: "Mr. Ying, do you want to meddle in our family affairs?"

Ying Quhe sneered: "I'm sorry, Simi is my fiancee, I'll take care of this family affairs."

A flash of lightning outside the window split the gloomy sky in half, and a torrential rain poured down.Shocking thunder also exploded in Simi's ear canal, buzzing continuously.She raised her chin and looked up at her in shock.

Her pale face made Ying Quhe's heart twist into a ball, and he rubbed her head into his arms distressedly, rubbing the back of her head with his big hands to show comfort.

The man's firm chest felt so secure, she felt the warmth of his chest with her cheeks, her cold body suddenly felt warm, and her floating heart finally sank.She closed her eyes, and all the sounds in her ears turned into humming noises, and only the echoes and heartbeats clearly echoed in her ears.

Under Ying Qu and this sweet hug, the pain in the body is not worth mentioning at all.

Regardless of whether this hug is real or not, it has pierced deeply into her soft heart, and somewhere is slowly sinking irresistibly.The strength of her body was also stripped away, she simply maintained this posture, leaning against his arms.

Xi Wendao's anger was obvious, and he was about to explode: "Oh? When did my granddaughter become your fiancee? Who in Jialing doesn't know that my granddaughter has married? Mr. Ying, stepping into someone else's family, is this your tutor?"

There was an answering song and a heavy and sonorous voice above Simi's head: "Do you have a marriage certificate? I have lived with Simi, but you, old man, treat your granddaughter so violently, do you think the law does not blame you? I respect you." Elder, this time, for Simi's sake, show mercy to your old man. Next time, the old man is waiting to receive my lawyer's letter."

Simi exposed his face, seeing the old man's expression, the dimples on his face were almost kinked together.

Xi Wendao took a deep breath, eyes like eagles: "Simmy, come here."

"...No." Simi refused, holding Ying Quhe's waist tightly with both hands, swearing to the death not to let go, wishing that the whole person could get into his body, so that he could avoid the old man's sight forever.

"Ximi, let's go." Ying Quhe clasped her wrist tightly, and then his hand slid down naturally, grabbing her hand, interlocking his fingers with hers.

The scorching heat in his palm almost locked her whole heart, his fingers pressed hard as if he would never let go.Under the watchful eyes of Xi Wendao and Zou Chengfeng, the dumbfounded Simi was taken out by him.

The old man's roar came from behind them: "If you dare to walk out of this door today, our grandparents and grandchildren will sever ties! From now on, there will be no such evil as you in my west family!"

Ying Quhe was dragged back by Simi, he turned around, and saw Simi stop and froze on the spot.

The little girl's eyes were red, and she suppressed the tears that were about to burst out. She almost choked up and said, "Grandpa, when you came to pick me up in Carmel, I couldn't understand Chinese, but at that time I thought you were the kindest person in the world." Old man. Even though you were strict with me afterwards, I still insisted that you were doing it for my own good. I didn’t know that I was just your inheritance until you asked me to marry the senior brother and let me give up the name ‘Sanchuan’ to the senior brother. Ying Qu and him are also my masters. He not only taught me how to cook, but also taught me what kind of life a girl should live. He not only passed on my skills, but also passed on my future and life. You regard me as a Utensil, but I am a real living person. I am still young, I have my own dreams to chase, and I don’t want to be a frog at the bottom of the well, so grandpa, sorry.”

Xi Wendao was trembling with anger, and the veins on the back of his hands were bulging.

"The turtle grandson said, let's go."

Ying Quhe led Simi out of the room, walked through the corridor and walked into the elevator under the watchful eyes of a group of brothers and sisters.

It was raining heavily outside the hotel, and the two stood side by side at the door, waiting for Zhou Ming to pick him up by car.Simi lowered her head and drew circles with her toes. She blushed and asked, "Die grandson..."

"Where are you? The car is coming."

Yu Piao came in, Ying Quhe squeezed the phone, stretched out the other hand, and patted Simi on the head with the palm down, signaling her to stop talking.

Simi nodded, and continued to lower his head, his toes were soaked in rain, and he drew a sad face with his mouth turned down on the floor.The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and the rain came in, and her hair and face were covered with rain.Ying Quhe stood forward while on the phone, using her large body to shield her from the oncoming wind and rain.

Simi stared blankly at the back of Ying Quhe's head.

He hung up the phone, turned around, and lowered his head to tell her: "Zhou Ming will come here soon, wait a little longer."

She lowered her head with a blushing face, and the cold air entered her body, and she sneezed.

Ying Qu and his upper body were only wearing a shirt, and couldn't take off his clothes to keep Simmi warm.He took another small step forward, almost touching her forehead, trying to block all the wind and rain for her.

Simi moved slightly, and responded to Qu He held her shoulders: "Don't move, it's raining."

The tip of her nose was rubbing against her chin, holding her breath, not daring to move, let alone look up at him.If it was an act in the hotel just now, and it was a last resort, then what is it now?The ambiguous distance made her heart beat.She raised her head slightly and wiped her forehead against his chin.

Her gaze was fixed on his sexy Adam's apple, and she never dared to stray upwards.

"The car is here."

His subwoofer was like a magnet to her thoughts.Her eardrums vibrated and itched slightly.

Ying Quhe took the umbrella from Zhou Ming, opened it with one hand, wrapped Simi's shoulder with the other hand, and escorted her into the car.Raindrops hit the car window, Zhou Ming handed Ying Qu and a towel, and said with emotion: "This rain is heavy enough. Boss, should you respond to Shixuan?"

"Go home." Ying Qu spread out the towel with both hands, wrapped Simi's head, and wiped the rain on her head.

The towel flickered before Simi's eyes, and her eyes flickered. She whispered, "I don't have much rain on my hair," and her eyes fell on Yingqu and her right shoulder.His shirt was so soaked it almost showed the color of his skin.She poked his shoulder: "You are soaked here."

As soon as the words fell, a loud "bang" exploded in the heavy rain, and the car suddenly sank down and was forced to stop.Zhou Ming got out of the car to check. After getting in the car, he was drenched. He wiped the rainwater from his face and complained, "There are a few nails in the tires, and people are so wicked nowadays. Boss, I'll call a taxi, you go back first." .”

The taxi came quickly and stopped on the side of the road, with a distance of ten meters between the two cars.Ying Quhe and Simi got out of the car under the same umbrella. A gust of wind and rain knocked over the umbrella cover, and then the umbrella ribs were swept away by the wind.

The two were drenched after getting into the car, and there were no towels in the taxi. Ying Quhe could only ask the driver to turn up the temperature of the air conditioner.After Simmy was watered by the rain, the chiffon top was completely transparent, and Ying Quhe could clearly see the red scars on her back and the black bra.

After arriving home, Simi sneezed and took a hot shower. She was wrapped in a blanket and sat cross-legged on the sofa with a glass of water in her hand.She glanced in the direction of the kitchen, the door was ajar, and Ying Qu and Zuo walked back and forth inside with their slippers.Simi's head became heavy, and his cold spine seemed to be squeezed by a heavy object. He leaned on the sofa, closed his eyes, and didn't want to move anymore.

Time seemed to have passed for a long time, the sofa cushion beside her sank, Ying Quhe's body pressed over, and the scorching breath splashed on the back of her ears: "Asleep? Get up and drink a bowl of ginger soup." The man's arm came from behind her The neck passed through and became a support point, lifting her whole body from the sofa.

Simi lazily opened his eyes, glanced at the ginger cola soup in his hand, and could feel its pungentness just by smelling it.He turned his head in disgust, "I don't want to drink."

Ying Quhe pulled a pillow and put it behind her.Simi's limp body was supported, he sat up, took the bowl from his hand, and drank it in one gulp.

The spicy taste was diluted by the cola, and after drinking a bowl, my body was warmed up a lot, and I began to sweat slightly.Ying Quhe stretched out his hand, put it on her forehead, frowned and said, "Have a fever?"

"How is it possible? My body is so strong..." The strength in her body was pulled away, and she finally leaned limply on the sofa.

Ying Quhe called the doctor, but was told by the other party that there was a small car accident on the way home and that he could not come here for the time being.He took his clothes off the hanger and said to Simmy while putting on his coat, "Get up and go to the hospital."

Simi was weak and didn't want to move: "No, it's fine."

"stand up!"

Ying Quhe's voice became louder in a panic, Simi's body visibly trembled, and he stared blankly at him, his eyes turned red, and tears fell out patteringly.

The emotions that had been pent up all night were finally released, and the tears burst, like the heavy rain outside, which could not be suppressed.

Ying Quhe's heart softened, and he sat down beside her, holding the back of her head with his hands, rubbing her head constantly, his heart twisted into a ball: "Okay, don't cry."

Simi's voice was a little hoarse: "Shouldn't you cry when you're sad? Anyway, you don't feel bad, and you don't feel bad. You only care about my cooking skills, winning or losing the game."

Ying Quhe was slightly startled, seeing her eyes like a spring filled with steaming hot spring water, coaxing her softly: "Okay, my heart hurts, it really hurts here." He poked the heart with his fingers.

Simi's sobs continued: "You are just like that old man! You are so fierce! How fierce! Don't you know how to say something nice? Girls' hearts are very fragile! You are strict and harsh, don't you know how to give some candies? ?”

He wanted to, but every time, she didn't give him a chance.

He held her head and kept rubbing his thumbs against her ears, "Okay, okay, it's really sad to coax you with good words in the future," he patted his chest, "I'll lend you here, so I can cry a lot."

Ying Quhe rubbed her head into his arms, Simi pushed it away, sniffed his nose and said, "It's so fake. Wipe my nose, I will believe what you are telling the truth."

——Okay, okay, wipe it off.

Ying Quhe grabbed a tissue, covered her head with one hand, and used the tissue to blow her nose with the other.

Only then did Simmy give up, and threw herself into his arms, wrapping his arms around his waist. The man's firm embrace gave her enough sense of security.

She cried wantonly, never felt so comfortable.

Ying Quhe rubbed the back of her head and said in a low voice, "This is how you cured your cleanliness."

His voice was drowned out by Simmy's cries.

Thunder and lightning flashed outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, the vegetation in the garden was blown upside down, and the torrential rain showed no sign of stopping.The little girl rubbed his shoulders with snot and tears, her crying became quieter, and she fell asleep in his arms.

Ying Quhe lowered his head and smiled, stroked the back of her head with his big hand, and brushed her cheek, feeling the scalding temperature rising instead of falling, feeling not very good.

He put Simmy down on the sofa, and when he went to pick up the car, he stopped by the backyard. The small vegetable garden in the backyard was ruined by the storm. Ulrica's dog house was flooded, and he huddled in a corner under the eaves, seeing Ying Qu and pitiful rushing over.Its hair was soaked and it didn't dare to jump into his arms, so it could only wag its tail aggrievedly.

After Ying Qu and Ulrica settled down, they drove the car to the door, fetched a raincoat, wrapped Simmi tightly so that only her small face was exposed, and took her to the hospital.

At seven o'clock in the morning, the streets were filled with depression after the storm.Simi woke up with dry mouth and tongue, already in the hospital ward, with a drip on the back of his hand, and his back felt cool.

She sat up and leaned into her clothes on her back alone. The ointment applied to the scar on her back had dried and hardened.

Ying Quhe sat on the sofa for a nap, looking a little tired.

Simi was slightly taken aback.

He just... slept all night?Thinking of asking him to wipe his nose and cry in his arms last night... Simi wished he could suffocate himself to death in the quilt.Afraid of waking him up, she stretched out her hand to get the cold water on the bedside. Just as her fingertips touched the transparent glass, she heard the man's clear voice after coughing lightly: "Do you have the strength to fill the water glass, but don't have the strength to call someone?"

Ying Quhe got up and walked over, poured out the cold boiled water in the cup, took another cup of warm boiled water for her, added some honey, and handed it to her: "What do you want to eat?"

"Soya-bean milk fritters." Simi held the water glass with both hands, lowered his head and took a sip, not daring to look up at him.

"Greasy." Ying Quhe rubbed her head before leaving, "Wait, I'll go buy breakfast."

Simi stared at the backs of Ying Qu and Zuo Zuo, grasping the hair that still had the warmth of his palm, his heart seemed to melt with honey.She frowned and looked at the honey in the cup, smelling the smell of honey, but not the sweetness of honey.

The nurse came in to give her some drips and treated the wound on the back of her hand. She got out of bed and got some honey to taste.

Honey has the fragrance of rape blossoms, and it has a little sweetness after a few mouthfuls.Simi frowned and pouted, this honey is also quite strange.

Ying Quhe brought back a bowl of porridge, a boiled egg, and a small dish of appetizing pickled cabbage.Simi put a small half plate of soaked carrots in the porridge, the radish particles are crispy, but...

"This breakfast restaurant has a history of more than 20 years. The kimchi is absolutely authentic. Its sourness may be unbearable to ordinary people. How do you feel?"

Ying Quhe's question made Simi pale. She picked up a carrot and handed it to Ying Quhe's mouth, "Taste it. I think the taste is far from what you said."

He opened his mouth to swallow the food Simi handed over, the acidity was normal, there was no white porridge to dilute the taste, and his teeth were almost weakened.

Simi said: "I think its sour very light, almost tasteless. There is also honey, which is also quite strange. I only taste a little bit of sweetness after a few sips."

Ying Quhe peeled off the white water egg, and put a smooth white egg on the edge of her dinner plate, "It's normal to have a bad taste in your mouth when you're sick."

Simi nodded slightly depressed, feeling uncomfortable with the tasteless taste in his mouth.She picked up the bowl and drank the remaining porridge in two gulps.

The doctor checked her temperature, the fever has subsided, and she can be discharged.

Ying Quhe followed the doctor's advice and took some medicines for Simi, both for internal and external application, and the wound on her back also needed to be smeared.Those sticks were too thick, and the wound might fester without medicine.

It's almost nine o'clock when they get home.After a night of storm, the courtyard was in a mess, with dead leaves and branches all over the ground.Simi pushed open the door, and Ulrica suddenly jumped out from the hallway, scaring her to dodge back and bump into Ying Quhe's arms.

Ying Quhe supported her, knelt down and rubbed Ulrica's head, and said to Simi: "You go in first, the backyard is probably a mess, I'll take care of it, Ulrica can't stay in the house all the time, the dog house is more suitable he."

The size of the villa is too large, and Simi lives in the backyard by herself, and has never been to the backyard. One reason is that there is Ulrica in the backyard, and there is no Yingqu and company. She is afraid that the dog will not be able to control his emotions and will jump up and bite her.

The second reason is... After all, this is still Ying Quhe's home, and it's not easy to move around, so the scope of each activity is limited to the front yard, living room, kitchen and his own room.

Simi put on the new shoes again, looked at Ulrica timidly and said, "I... I will accompany you."

"You are not in good health, go in and rest."

Ulrica slipped out of his hand, touched Simi's calf, raised her head and yelled "Wow" twice at her.Simi could feel that the dog was not hostile, and could even feel that... it was doing it for its own good, allowing itself to go in and rest.

She was silent for a moment, and said, "I...I want to go to the backyard, can I? After all, I've been here for so long, and I haven't seen Ulrica's territory."

Ulrica seemed to understand that Simi was going to visit its territory, so she picked up the hem of Simi's skirt in her mouth, and dragged her to the backyard.Ying Quhe got up, Simi grabbed his arm: "Die Sun said, let him let go of my skirt! It's very expensive!"

Ying Qu and Shen called "Ulrica"'s name, the dog's mouth immediately let go, and the dog's eyes slanted, as if rolling their eyes.Simi followed Ying Quhe's footsteps to the backyard, and Ulrica led the way wagging her tail. She tugged on Ying Quhe's shirt sleeve and whispered, "I are despised by this dog."

"It has such a temper." Ying Quhe deliberately slowed down and walked side by side with Simi.

Due to the narrow passage on the bluestone slabs, the distance between the two of them is very close.Simi's shoulder kept brushing against his arm, and he could clearly feel the other's body temperature, which was somehow ambiguous.

Simi deliberately slowed down her pace, but no matter how slow she walked, she would eventually be parallel to Ying Qu He.She simply walked to the side, widening the distance between the two of them. As soon as one of her feet fell into the mud, she was dragged back to the bluestone board by Yingquhe. His clear voice came to her ears: "Be careful of the mud, walk on it."


A bluestone road seems to be as long as one kilometer.

Water seeped into Ulrica's dog house, and Simmy ripped out the pillow in it, and squeezed out a handful of water.Simi put the pillows on the ridge of the dog house and spread them out to dry, then turned around and saw Ying Quhe standing under the eaves, looking at the vegetable garden.

Simi did not expect that Ying Quhe would grow vegetables in the backyard. Unfortunately, the vegetable garden was completely destroyed by a sudden rainstorm.Ying Quhe, who originally planned to tidy up the vegetable garden himself, was immediately discouraged when he saw the mess, and called Zhou Ming.

The terrain of the vegetable garden is low, which is probably due to the soil quality. It is not very permeable, so a trail must be built beside it to lead the water out.Simmy found a shovel, took off her shoes, lifted her skirt up, stepped into the water, and began to dig a path to divert water.

"What are you doing?" Ying Quhe put the phone back into his pocket, frowned and said, "Come out immediately!"

Simi shoveled a small path with a shovel, and the accumulated water began to flow out: "There is no need to call people for such a trivial matter, just dig a small path to lead the water out."

She insisted on doing it, and Ying Quhe didn't care about the stagnant water and mud. He stepped into the vegetable garden, and the muddy water overflowed his ankles, and the cold yellow muddy water poured into his leather shoes. He could almost imagine how disgusting it would be in the shoes later. , appalling.

He took the shovel from Simi's hand: "You go up."

Simi stared at him blankly, pointing to the tool in his hand: " you know how to use it?"

Under the gaze of Ying Qu and sharp eyes, Simi walked up barefoot, and squatted on the concrete steps with Ulrica, watching Ying Qu and working clumsily in the vegetable garden. It was probably the first time he used this kind of tool. Very skilled, he had to shovel the soil three times in a row, which could be solved with one shovel.

Let go of the stagnant water in the vegetable garden, Ying Quhe walked up the steps, looked down at the muddy legs, and felt that he had never been so embarrassed in his life.He placed the shovel casually beside the wisteria trellis, and looked up to see Simi facing Ulrica with her legs crossed. The girl was wearing a floral skirt, squatting on the ground with her bare feet, and there was dried yellow mud below her calves.

Simi curled his thumb slightly, tapped the ground tightly, and stretched out his hand cautiously: "Wolf King... I'll just touch it and touch it."

Ulrica sat upright, with her head held high and her chest held high, looking at her with majestic eyes.

The bright sunlight is like a transparent crystal pillar, reflecting a touch of warmth on Simi's body, as if even her slender calves covered in yellow mud retain a natural beauty.

Ying Quhe broke off a bunch of flower branches and weaved them into two garlands. They walked over, put one on Ulrica's dog's head, and put the other on Simmy.

Simi's head was suddenly pressed by the garland, and he wanted to look up at Ying Quhe, but he was stopped: "Don't move."

This shout stopped Ulrica who was about to shake her head, also stopped.

"Crack" sound.

The girl and the dog are frozen by the camera. The background is a red brick wall. One person and one dog wear purple wreaths on their heads. The dog's paws echo the color of the yellow mud on the girl's legs. The picture is warm and down-to-earth.

Ying Quhe likes this photo very much.

Simi leaned over and stood on tiptoe to look at the photo, "This photo is not bad, send it to me."

"Okay, wash your legs first."

Ying Quhe fetched a basin of clean water, asked Simi to sit on the steps, and put his feet in it.Simi rubbed the mud off her legs with her hands, and the water immediately became cloudy. Ying Quhe brought her another basin of clean water.

Just as Simmy's feet stepped into the clear water, Ulrica also stepped in with a pair of paws covered in yellow mud. His head arched between Simi's calves, and the itchy Simi laughed.

Ying Quhe squatted down to lift the strong dog out, and ordered in a deep voice: "Sit down." But his hands were placed in the basin... on Simi's feet.

With his feet pinned down, Simi didn't dare to move, and just stared at him and the dog.

Ulrica sticks out its tongue, sits upright, and is bowed and glared at, turning its head away from his sight.Just when Simi thought that Ulrica would take back her hand after answering the song and teaching her a lesson, he turned around, grabbed her ankle, picked it up from the water, and rubbed the protruding bone of her ankle with his fingertips, "Bleeding!" gone."

"Huh?" Simi pulled the skirt down, looked down, the flesh on the inside of the ankle was scratched a bright red, the pain that he didn't feel at first, but the tingling sensation suddenly spread after being so fatally wounded by the song.

Ying Quhe carried the sandals for her: "Put on the sandals and go back to the house."

For a moment she would think that Ying Quhe was going to put on her shoes for her.

Sure enough... she thought too much.

afternoon.Ying Quhe and the gardener were pruning flower branches in the yard, while Simi and Ulrica sat cross-legged in front of the French windows, chatting with Ji Donglin while looking outside.

Her head started to feel dizzy again, to the point where Ji Donglin said ten words, and she only replied briefly.

Ji Donglin: "Goddess, you are so cold, don't be so cold when you come home with me, or grandpa will see that we are not in love. QAQ"

Simi coughed and continued to type, his eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of fog, and suddenly he lost the strength to type, lay on the mat clutching his phone, and fell into a drowsy sleep.

Ji Donglin didn't get a reply, so he called several times.As she slept, she felt Ulrica licking her face.

Then, a warm and generous palm came down and pressed heavily on her forehead.

Simi's intermittent high fever caused Ying Quhe to burn with anxiety. After the diagnosis, the doctor told him: "Miss Xi's body is not strong at all. If you go down with a few sticks, don't mention her, the elders will be enough. The injury plus the cold enters the body." , resulting in repeated high fevers."

Simi was already lying on the bed when he woke up.She heard the doctor talking to Ying Quhe, and asked feebly, "When will it be better? I'm sick, I don't have a taste in my mouth, and I have a competition the day after tomorrow."

The doctor said: "Take a good rest. Even if the high fever subsides, your sense of taste will not recover within half a month."

Simi was surprised by these words: "So serious? But I still want to compete, so I can't have a problem with my sense of taste!"

The doctor also expressed helplessness, "Drink plenty of water, eat a light diet, and the sense of taste will slowly recover. Haste makes waste, so take a good rest."

After the doctor left, Simi looked at Ying Quhe dejectedly, his dark and bright eyes filled with moisture.

After a while of silence in the room, Simi lowered his head depressedly: "It's over this time, but I just got sick at this time, and the match is the day after tomorrow, what should I do?"

The response and mood are also very complicated.From the very beginning of the competition, he was looking forward to Simi winning the championship, but at this hurdle, such an accident happened.

But he knew that Simi was the saddest at this time.He sat down by the bed, reached out and hooked her head: "It's okay, you still have a sense of smell if you don't have a sense of taste. You usually cook, don't you rarely try dishes? Smell and feeling are enough. It doesn't matter if you win or lose a game." , the process is the most important."

Simi wept bitterly: "What if the sense of taste never recovers?"

"Don't you believe what the doctor said?"

Simi's gaze fell into his pair of soft eyes, and the ambiguity from last night overflowed like water again.

She was in a daze, Ying Quhe held her face with both hands, a face was slowly approaching her, she closed her eyes nervously, but the other party just touched her forehead lightly to cheer her up: " In fact, it doesn't matter, I can be your tongue."

The man clamped her cheeks between his palms, the scorching heat couldn't escape, and her face was almost burned.

The foreheads of the two were pressed tightly together, and the man's warm breath sprayed on Simi's face. She opened her eyes, looked at him, and couldn't help but want to keep getting closer, to the tip of his nose, and then to his lips...

This desire made her feel a little crazy, but Ying Quhe quickly let go of her, she lowered her head as if fleeing, put her hands on the quilt, and pointed at her fingers nervously: "You...what do you mean?"

"You are still young, and you are already very successful to enter the top three in this competition. Your social status has increased because of this competition. Even if you are the last in the chef competition, it will not hinder your honor of defeating those chefs all the way. Afterwards, there will definitely be many hotels and restaurants looking for you to sign contracts, so no matter what the result is, you have achieved your goal." Ying Quhe stroked her head like Ulrica.

For a moment, Simi felt that he was a little Pomeranian with short ears, sticking out his tongue, waiting for his master to touch him.Silly, foolishly, waiting for the answer and the touch.

She continued to look down at her fingers, "I mean... how do you treat my... tongue?"

"Am I not qualified to be your tongue? Not qualified to help you try dishes? Huh?" Ying Quhe lowered his body and looked directly into her timid eyes.

Simi panicked, and quickly waved his hands and said, "No, no, that's not what I meant. You are qualified, very qualified. Ji Donglin said, you became an executive chef at the age of 21. Isn't there a saying that blue is better than blue ? I want to... surpass you." Want to be worthy of you.

Simi swallowed back the last half of the sentence.

Ying Quhe pressed her shoulders and signaled her to lie down and rest, "Want to surpass me? It seems too late. If you know me before the age of 20, you may still be able to realize this wish. Rest early. Good night, little watermelon."

Little...little watermelon?Simi was stunned, as if falling into a ball of soft cotton.

She shrank into the quilt, only showing one head and looked at him, "Good night... good night... turtle... Dao Sun."

Her petite and obedient appearance caused Ying Qu and the corners of her mouth to rise, and he flicked her forehead irresistibly, pulling off the wall lamp above her head.

The room fell into darkness, waiting for Ying Quhe to walk out of the room and close the door, the only light source was the cold moonlight outside the window.She squeezed the corner of the quilt and let out a deep breath to calm herself.

The phrase "I can be your tongue" kept Simmi from falling asleep, holding the phone, tossing and turning.

The soft quilt seemed to still have the smell of yingquhe. She took a deep breath, and a piece of her little heart collapsed softly, turning into melted butter.

Ji Donglin asked her on WeChat: "Goddess, why did you disappear after chatting on WeChat in the afternoon? No one answered the phone, did you go back on your word?"

Simi replied: "No... I'm sick, I'm so tired, I just turned on my phone."

"Sick? Is it important? I'm sorry, Goddess, I can't come back to see you when I'm out of town. I will definitely come back on the day of the competition!"

After lying on the bed for a whole day, Simi felt weak all over and couldn't lift his energy.

The competition for the king of chefs has not yet started, and the online voting has already begun. Netizens are all guessing who will be the king of chefs this year.Simi ranked second in the number of votes, sandwiched between the two chefs.

The three contestants who participated in the King of Chefs were gathered together for a meeting.The person in charge of Ying's Group opened the door and walked straight in. The person in charge's skirt suit outlined the body in various styles, exuding the stability and charm of an urban beauty all the time: "Hello, my name is Lisa. You have already signed the contract before signing up." A contract, which specifies how to get the 1000 million entry bonus."

She distributed the prepared labor contract to everyone, and continued: "This is a labor contract. You can sign this 40-year long contract with us now. If you win the championship, you will be able to take away the 1000 million entry bonus, and there will be additional rewards." Salary and benefits. You can also choose not to sign the contract, but you can only take away 10 yuan in bonuses if you win the championship, so, how to choose, you should think about it yourself."

The sponsor of the show is Ying's Group, and the original intention is to discover potential chefs for Ying Shi Xuan.

Simi carefully looked at the contract in front of him, and felt that capitalists are indeed capitalists, who cannibalize people without spitting out their bones.

1000 million to buy out the life of a cook, looks beautiful on the surface, but is actually a huge pit. After all, who can guarantee that the RMB will not depreciate in ten or 20 years?
Imagining the ugly face of a capitalist in his brain, it is difficult for Simi to associate it with the amiable Ying Shengnan.

This contract has no effect on the two traditional chefs. After all, they have less than ten years of service left, and they won the championship, so signing the contract is not a loss.

For them, it's a good thing.

But Simi hesitated.

Signing the contract means that the next 40 years will be bought out by the 1000 million yuan, and you can only be bound by Yingshixuan for the rest of your life.What is the difference between this and the past at the West House?
Compared with buying out for a lifetime, she prefers to be free.

Simi refused to sign.

The layout of the competition stage of the King of Chefs seems to be more exquisite than the previous one.The atmosphere at the scene was hot, and Xiao Ximi, who was wearing a black chef uniform, appeared on the big screen with her arms around her arms. Two lightning effects struck down, and the screen was divided into three parts. The two chefs, Li Cheng and Chen Ming, forcibly penetrated, " The five characters of "King of the Chef Competition" fell from the sky amidst the heart-shattering sound effects.

Simi and the two chefs of the traditional group walked onto the competition stage together, and the applause and shouts from below were like thunder and drums.

When the three of them took their positions, the host suppressed the voices of the fans: "I believe that the three contestants on stage are more excited than any fans in the audience. The two-month competition will finally come to an end. This competition for the king of chefs , continued the metamorphosis of the previous issue, please see the big screen for detailed rules."

The host turned around and gestured to guide the audience to look at the screen, "This issue has limited ingredients, only potatoes, beef, rice, tomatoes, eggs, and tender chicken. Among the ingredients, only two portions of salt are provided, and only one portion of oil is provided. If you choose oil, you can You can no longer choose salt, and if one of the parties does not choose meat, you are allowed to choose one more vegetable. The order of choosing dishes is based on the order of appearance, please choose carefully, chefs."

Simi stood for a while and felt that his legs were weak, and when he heard the rules of the game, his palms were wet.

I don't know if it's sweating caused by weakness or tension.

Chef Li chooses potatoes, beef, and salt.

Chef Chen Ming chooses tender chicken, oil, and tomatoes.

Sago can only take rice, eggs, and salt.As the side that didn't choose meat, she got an extra tomato.

Host: "Today our chef king is about to be born, but now our three chefs are in a difficult situation. Chef Li has no oil, Chef Chen has no salt, and there is no jellyfish to make salt. The only soy sauce is also sweet Yes. Xixi Ximi got the fried rice set, but there is no oil, can she continue to surprise and cook delicious dishes this time? It will be more exciting after the commercial, please don’t go away.”

The live broadcast platform entered an advertisement, and the viewers who watched the live broadcast beat the table angrily:
"If Xixiximi can win this, I will write the word king upside down!"

"Sisi Ximi's performance in the last competition was not as good as other chefs. [Here is not like what the fans said. Make some changes or delete it.] This match was arranged to select ingredients at the end, which is completely in line with the cruelty of the competition. Come on !"

"Great to hear, the backstage dog is finally getting out. :)"

"The hype for the show is enough. Even a female chef can become more popular than a star. Hehe, in my opinion, her next step is to enter the entertainment circle, right? I don't believe that there is no backstage."


The round of commercials ended, and the three chefs had already started cooking.

As there is no oil, Chef Li uses potatoes to stew beef. As the casserole cooks slowly, the butter gradually rises, then add potatoes, add seasoning and stir well, and wait for the pot to absorb the juice and potatoes to soften.

Taking advantage of the oil, Chen Ming marinated the whole tender chicken in soy sauce, then fried it in a pan until the skin was golden and crispy, then took it out.Instead of cutting the fried chicken with a knife, tear it into strips by hand, put it on a plate, and finally pour a layer of ketchup made from tomatoes on the surface, the golden puff pastry collides with the bright red sauce, Through the lens, it seems that you can think of the delicious sweet and sour mixed in the puff pastry.

Simi got the fried rice set, but there was no oil, so she planned to make a plate of oil-free fried rice.

This illness is a blessing in disguise, tasteless in the mouth, tired of oil, lying on the bed yesterday doing nothing, thinking of the oil-free fried rice that grandma used to make for her when she was sick.

Being able to cook the oil-free fried rice invented by grandma on TV, Simi feels that this game has reached the end and has no regrets.

After the tomatoes are blanched in boiling water, the outer skin can be easily removed, sliced ​​and put into a frying pan with a small bowl of water to cook with it.When the tomatoes in the pot are soft and rotten and juice comes out, add the beaten eggs, and when the juice is almost dry, pour in the cold hard rice.

Although there is no oil in the pot, there is residual juice, so stir fry quickly without sticking to the pot in a short time.

When the soup dries up and the rice grains stick to the pan, the sago quickly stirs the pan, without giving any chance of a single grain of rice sticking to the pan, and quickly puts it out of the pan. The color of the tomatoes is used as a foil, and under the high-definition close-up of the camera, the fried rice has the magnificent beauty of burning clouds and reflecting the red half of the sky.

This time, Ji Donglin in the auditorium no longer cheered and shouted, and sat in his original position, clutching Nan Qing's arm, so nervous that he almost forgot to breathe.

Nan Qing glanced over coldly: "Brat, do you dislike working too long?"

Ji Donglin reacted, and immediately withdrew his hand, "Sorry, sorry, I'm too nervous."

Nan Qing: "What does the competition have to do with you? You are a eunuch, you are too much."

Ji Donglin argued red-faced: "I'm nervous for the goddess, is it hindering you, the defeated general?"

Nan Qing: "Hehe, you are so nervous, did Ying Quhe agree?"

"...What do I want him to agree to?" Ji Donglin quickly realized the meaning of her words, moved his face closer, and followed her gaze towards Ying Quhe.

Compared with Ji Donglin, Ying Quhe's nervousness is much more subtle.One of his hands was drooping and his fist was clenched tightly. Ji Donglin and Nan Qing were sitting in the first row. From their direction, you could even see the blue veins protruding from the back of Ying Qu's and hands due to the force.Due to being blocked by tables and chairs, the camera could not capture this shot,

Ying Quhe clenched his fists even more after trying the dishes of the two chefs.After taking a deep breath, he calmed down his nervous emotions, and took a sip of sago fried rice.

Grains of fried rice rippling on the tip of his tongue, his tense nerves suddenly bounced off, and his expression became complicated in the eyes of others.

The other three judges were a little curious when they saw his expression.

The judge Song Baoguo asked him: "Mr. Ying, with your expression, does the fried rice taste bad?"

Ying Quhe didn't speak, and pushed the fried rice to him.Ying Quhe covered his face with his hands, took a deep breath and let go, leaned back on the soft chair back, and looked at Simi with very complicated eyes.

Song Baoguo tasted the sago fried rice, and his eye circles suddenly turned red. He sighed and pushed the plate to the next judge.

Lin Hua, who had tasted the fried rice, looked quite normal. The last judge, Yang Zong, couldn't control his emotions after tasting the fried rice.

Yang Zong raised his hand to wipe away his tears, took the tissue and microphone handed over by the host, and commented: "Today's round, no matter what the result is, I think the king of chefs is Simi. I haven't eaten a dish for a long time. Food, I am so moved, using food to evoke the memory of our generation, little girl Simi, it is not easy."

He paused for a moment, took a breath and continued: "For our generation, the family was poor when we were young. For us, the delicacy of childhood is probably a bowl of egg fried rice from our mother. The rice is steamed overnight in a firewood pot, and the eggs are freshly cooked. The fresh eggs picked up from the hen's nest, sprinkled with a handful of fresh chopped green onions just picked from the field, are fragrant and pure. I don't know the feelings of other judges, but this plate of oil-free fried rice by Simi really makes people I think about my childhood, and my mother who died young."

The host and the judge, Yang Zong, had been separated by an age, so she obviously didn't understand his feelings. She asked, "Then, Teacher Yang intends to vote for Simi?"

Yang Zong nodded.

The microphone was passed to Lin Hua, who was relatively calm and commented: "Simi's fried rice is indeed better than I imagined, but I think the rice grains in this plate of fried rice can be more scattered. It can be seen that Simi's mental state today Not very good, the strength of the pot is not strong enough, and there are some small flaws. In contrast, Chef Chen’s dishes are more perfect, with crisp bones and tender meat, chewing without residue, so I vote for Chef Chen .”

Song Baoguo took the microphone: "Mr. Yang and I are from the same era. I feel the same as him. I will give this vote to Simi."

The host sighed: "At present, Simi has won two votes, Chef Chen has won one vote, and Chef Li has not yet won one vote. Among the four judges, Mr. Ying is the youngest, and he should not be the same as Teacher Yang and Teacher Song. Missing your mother? Tell me about your feelings."

Ying Quhe took over the microphone. Due to the sudden relaxation of his nerves after a high degree of tension, his right hand was unstable, and the microphone almost slipped out of his hand.

He suppressed his excitement and tried to keep his voice calm: "The previous judges have talked about the emotions brought out by fried rice, so let me talk about the taste of this fried rice. The most precious thing about this fried rice is that it doesn't use a drop of oil. , but it can make the rice grains achieve a crisp and springy effect. This kind of crispness is not crispy, but a thin layer of burnt rice crust covering the rice grains, and the "burnt" of the rice grains is tightly wrapped by the color of eggs and tomatoes , which not only creates the bright color of the rice, but also brings the most comfortable taste. This fried rice has a homely taste, it is very warm, and has a kind of ordinary but tough power."

The audience burst into applause, and even Simi himself was moved by the response to the song and the speech.

When the host raised her hand and announced that she won the championship of "China's Best Taste", she was a little stunned.

After a short period of silence, the auditorium suddenly burst into flames. Ji Donglin, Lao Qin, Xiao Ming, and Boss Guanghead all stood up and cheered. Nan Qing also stood up and applauded her.

Amidst the enthusiastic cheers, Simi looked at Ying Quhe, his eyes suddenly felt a little dry.

She can't believe she won.

she won...

Even though she temporarily lost her sense of taste and deprived her of her self-confidence, once she thought of Yingqu and the phrase "I'll be your tongue", courage burst out of her body.

After receiving the spatula-shaped crystal trophy, Simi held the microphone a little incoherently: "Thank you to the fans who have supported me along the way, thank you to the judges for their love, and thank master."

When the host announced the successful conclusion of this session of "The Taste of China", Simi looked at the camera with a tenacious look.

West old man.

I will prove to you with my strength that I will walk the path of a chef god, and I deserve it.

Coming out of the arena, Simi was stuffed with a bunch of flowers by Ji Donglin, "Goddess, you are so amazing!!"

Simi was dizzy, and her feet were a little floating on the ground.

Ji Donglin leaned over and pressed her ear to remind her, "By the way, Goddess, the day after tomorrow is the day when you and I will go home, do you remember?"

Everyone stared at Ji Donglin with weird eyes.

The light-headed boss: "Hey, let me go, have you all developed to meet your parents?" He patted Ji Donglin on the shoulder: "Okay, boy, you have eyes. It seems that our little Simi is very popular. Did you see it just now? That vicious judge, Ying Quhe, looked at our little Simi's eyes, tsk tsk tsk, maybe he has a crush on our Simi."

Xiao Ming snorted: "Hehe, our Sister Simi wouldn't like such a man with a vicious tongue. Warm men are popular now! Bingshan cold men are outdated long ago."

Everyone said something to each other, Simi took out his mobile phone and saw the WeChat message sent by Ying Quhe, and hurriedly said: "Well... there are still people waiting for me outside, so I'll go first."

"Hey, I said Simi, why don't you go to get together with us after winning the game?" The light-headed boss called her to stop.

Simi shook his head and refused: " master is still waiting for me outside, I have to hurry over."

Ji Donglin reminded her: "Then don't forget our agreement, I will pick you up the morning after tomorrow."

Simi gave him an "ok" gesture, and hurriedly left through the back door with flowers in his arms.

Ying Quhe's car was parked at the back door waiting for her, and when she saw her coming over, he offered to open the car door for her.

Simi got into the car and sat down, put the flowers on her lap, and separated the crowded flower buds with her hands.Ying Quhe asked her, "How does it feel to win the game?"

"Hmm..." She thought for a while and said, "I'm thinking that 10 yuan is actually not much. After I pay you back, there are only tens of thousands of yuan left."

Ying Quhe's tone was slightly surprised: "You didn't sign a contract with Ying Shixuan?"

Simi shook his head: "No, I want to be free. I think, if it were you, you wouldn't sign this prostitution contract, would you?"

Ying Quhe stared at her, and laughed for a long time: "Yes, you got my true biography." He glanced at the flowers and asked her, "Sent by fans?"

"Ji Donglin." Simi bowed his head and fiddled with the petals with his hands.

Ying Quhe felt a little chest tightness and shortness of breath, no matter how he looked at it, he thought the bright red roses were an eyesore.

After returning home, Ying Quhe made a table of delicacies to celebrate Simi.Simi changed into a little white lace dress and went downstairs. She saw a pure white gift box on the dining table. The lace ribbon tied with the gift box was tied with a bow, and there was a golden light shining under the warm yellow light of the restaurant.

This gift box is exactly the same as the one that she stomped on at Yingshixuan last time.

She tore off the bow tie and opened the white box. Inside was a thick mahogany box with a lock made of pure gold and a small key.Simi opened the wooden box.

Inside is not a dress, but a traditional Chinese kitchen knife lying on the orange brocade. The white blade reflects the gold color of the yellow satin, and the handle is engraved with a small golden script - Simi.

Ying Quhe walked into the restaurant with the courier and asked her, "Do you like it?" He asked her while unpacking the courier.

There was no signature on the postal express delivery, but when he opened it, he found Simi's household registration book and ID card inside.

Simi touched the handle of the knife with her hand, and she couldn't put it down because of the unique and exquisite engraving.Her eyes seemed to be filled with stars, and she raised her bright eyes and asked him: "This knife is really good, why do you..." Would you think of giving me such a special gift?
Before he could ask the second half of the sentence, he was shocked by Ying Qu and the ID card in his hand.

Ying Quhe was also stunned for a moment, then handed her the ID card, his throat was a little dry, and his voice was slightly hoarse: "Are you only 19 years old?"

(End of this chapter)

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