Chapter 10

Tang Yichen held the mobile phone sent by the servant in his hand. Looking at the call records on it, his dark eyes narrowed slightly, reflecting a cold light.

At this time, the door of the ward was opened, and he cast his eyes on the door. When he saw someone coming, the anger in his body was inexplicably aroused.

"Yao Yuxing is already mine, what right do you have to appear here!" Tang Yichen recalled the call records on the phone screen in his mind, and there was an endless stream of anger flowing in his heart, his voice was unusually cold, The whole person seemed to be coated with a thick layer of frost!

"Tang Yichen, how you have treated Xiaoyu all these years, you know better than anyone else! How did you torture Xiaoyu before you let her go!" Bai Che clenched his fists, his face darkened, "Tang Yichen, how can you count the grievances between our two families on Xiaoyu's head!"

It was only after Bai Che accepted Tang Yichen's 'help' that he realized that Tang Yichen was taking revenge on their Bai family!
"Don't forget, you have nothing to do with her anymore. How I like to treat her is my business, and you have no right to ask!" Tang Yichen's lips slightly raised, and he looked at Bai Che provocatively, "Watching Yao Yuxing become In this way, don't you regret it?"

Tang Yichen took a step forward and looked at Bai Che coldly, "Do you still remember how you hurt Tang Ziyao? Now I just let Yao Yuxing suffer the pain Tang Ziyao once suffered!"

Hearing this, Bai Che's face became darker and darker. He looked at Tang Yichen incredulously, with a slight tremor in his voice, "Who is Tang Ziyao?"

"Why, did you remember something? Do you know how much Tang Ziyao has been hurt because of you!" Tang Yichen sneered, "I'm just giving Yao Yuxing a little interest now."

"Tang Yichen, don't hurt Xiaoyu, come to me if you have anything to do, I can only say sorry about Tang Ziyao's matter!" Bai Che's eyes were full of guilt, when the name Tang Ziyao came to his mind again At that moment, he shuddered all over.

Before meeting Yao Yuxing, he had indeed made an oath of eternal love with Tang Ziyao, and he would even take care of her for the rest of his life.But after meeting Yao Yuxing, he was attracted by Yao Yuxing's gentleness and tranquility. Such a quiet and beautiful woman is what he has dreamed of in his life, and he wants to hold it in his palm and cherish it.

That's why he failed to live up to his love for Tang Ziyao.

He and Tang Ziyao broke up amicably, but he didn't expect that Tang Ziyao's elder brother didn't want to let him go, but took revenge from Yao Yuxing instead!
"I'm sorry, do you think nothing happened? What Tang Ziyao has become now, do you know the pain she has endured?" Tang Yichen clenched his hands into fists, his veins were exposed, and his dark eyes became more and more sinister. The gloomy!

"Xiaoyu is innocent. Falling in love with Xiaoyu and giving up Tang Ziyao is my choice, and has nothing to do with Xiaoyu! And Xiaoyu doesn't know anything about Tang Ziyao and I! She is innocent, and so are her children Yes! How could you treat her so cruelly! Besides, Nian Xuan is your son!" Bo Che's throat rolled up and down, he frowned, stared at Tang Yichen and said: "I can replace the bone marrow to save your son , but please spare the little fish!"

"Hehe, you saved my son? You said it so nicely, I really have to admire your acting skills! You went to a tryst outside the island under my nose, and Yao Yuxing became pregnant after returning. How can you say that in this world? Is there such a coincidence?" When Tang Yichen heard Bai Che say that Nian Xuan was his son, his heart was crushed into scum, and the hatred in his heart was only understood by himself!

"Tang Yichen, Nianxuan is Xiaoyu's pillar, how could you not save him!" Bai Che sighed, "If I exchange bone marrow for Nianxuan, you will kill Xiaoyu, such a cruel thing, you How can you do it? What's more, Xiaoyu has been with you for three years, don't you have any feelings for her at all?"

If it wasn't for Tang Yichen's threat, he would have given Nian Xuan a long time ago!It's just that he couldn't bear to see Xiaoyu suffer any more harm!He has already felt sorry for her, how could he watch her sacrifice her life because of his choice again!

(End of this chapter)

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