Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 118 He Only Wants Her People and Heart

Chapter 118 He Only Wants Her People and Heart
"How come, I promised you that I will not leave until you fall in love with another woman again, I will not..." She stiffened in his arms, she looked up at him in a daze, and paused After a pause, he said in a deep voice, "I won't break my promise."

"Xiaoyu, if I don't see you when I come back, I don't know what I will do." When Tang Yichen said this, his eyes turned slightly cold.

He was already getting scared.

He also knew what his family meant, and he must Yao Yuxing get rid of all relationships, marry Shangguan Jinhuan, or fall in love with other women.

The only thing that can't be with Yao Yuxing.

But he found out that he couldn't live without Yao Yuxing anymore!

He doesn't care who she is, all he wants is her person and heart!
And he has always firmly believed that he must have a way to make Yao Yuxing admit this relationship and forget that he and him are related by blood.

"Tang Yichen, I know, I assure you, I will never leave without authorization." She promised, seeing his nervous eyes, she was a little dazed, she suddenly smelled a burning smell, stretched out her hand to pat Tang Yichen, and shouted One voice: "Tang Yichen, your braised fish is burnt!"

Tang Yichen also smelled the burnt smell, and quickly let go of Yao Yuxing, then reached out to quickly turn off the fire, and turned the stewed fish in the pot over.

Yao Yuxing looked at every dish on the cooking table, and suddenly found that every dish was her favorite, even the braised fish in the pot.

Is he cooking for her?
No one has ever cooked for her. Since she was sensible, she has been able to cook. She has to take care of her mother after school, so when someone cooks delicious meals for her, her eyes are full of tears.

"Why are you crying? Tears are almost falling into the dishes." After Tang Yichen removed the burnt smell of the braised fish, he put it on a plate. When he turned around, he saw Yao Yuxing staring at the dishes on the cooking table in a daze, with tears in his eyes. Dangling tears.

After hearing Tang Yichen's voice, Yao Yuxing regained his composure, stopped talking, choked up and said: "It's nothing, I just choked on the burning smell."

"Oh, is that so?" Tang Yichen put down the plate, ignoring the fact that his hands were still stained with oil, he cupped her small slapped face, put it close to her and looked at it, "Let me see if you really choked on it."

He gazed at her affectionately.

"Tang Yichen, it was you who moved me. These are my favorite dishes. Did you cook them specially for me?" Yao Yuxing couldn't stand under his gaze, and the tears that dangled in his eyes slipped down in an instant , wet his big palm.

Her tears made his palm tremble.

Tang Yichen paused slightly, then held her face, brought her lips up, and kissed away the tears on her cheek, "Fool, if you like to eat, I will make it for you when I have time."

"Tang Yichen, why are you so nice to me all of a sudden? Have you really thought about it and will continue to be like this with me for the rest of your life? You must know that this relationship cannot be made public when you are with me, and you are a normal person If you don't marry a wife and have children, if the news spreads, it will have a great impact on you." She said with a choked voice.

His abnormality shook her heart to leave.

As long as he said it was an illusion, she would definitely cut off the idea, and she would go away with peace of mind.

But Tang Yichen stared at her for a while, then said slightly, "Yao Yuxing, let us leave our fate to the future, okay, I will hold your hand and walk all the way, and I will never let you go."

(End of this chapter)

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