Chapter 120 Who Are You?
Yao Yuxing's drowsiness has always been light, she felt a cool and soft touch on her forehead in a daze, she suddenly woke up, and immediately realized that it was Tang Yichen's kiss.

She continued to pretend to be asleep, keeping her original position motionless.

Yao Yuxing was half lying on her body, she opened her eyes only when she heard his footsteps gradually disappearing in her ears, after a while, there was a sound of a car engine outside the compound, she knew that Tang Yichen had left up.

The flight Cen Lixiang arranged for Yao Yuxing was the day after tomorrow, so she could only wait patiently.

Near noon, a black car stopped at the gate of the manor, and a woman wearing Tang glasses got out of the car. She stood in front of the combination lock in front of the iron gate, raised her slender hand, thought for a while, and then Pressed a few keys quickly.

At this time, the iron door opened automatically, and the expression on her face changed from nervousness to joy.

Yao Yuxing dressed his son, and when he came down from the second floor with his son in his arms, he saw a tall woman standing in the living room. The fashionable Tang mirror almost blocked the woman's prickly face.

"Take my suitcase up to the master bedroom." The woman wearing the Tang mirror ordered the helpless servant standing aside.

The servant first looked at Yao Yuxing, as if waiting for Yao Yuxing's instructions.

For the woman who fell from the sky in front of her, she had a password to walk in by herself, and the servants didn't dare to provoke her, because the young master didn't even tell Yao Yuxing the password of the gate.

Those who can know the password of the gate of the Tang family manor are usually the most trusted people around the young master.

Without Yao Yuxing's nodding approval, they didn't dare to act rashly. The young master has doted on Yao Yuxing very much recently, and that kind of pampering can make others envious.

"Miss, who are you and who are you looking for here?" Yao Yuxing hugged his son and carefully looked at the woman in front of him, feeling that the figure and outline seemed familiar.

"I'm just here to get back what belongs to me and my man." The woman took off the Tang mirror and looked at Yao Yuxing who was holding her son in front of her, with a complex look in her eyes.

Yao Yuxing looked at that face, her heart skipped a beat, "Qin Suya?"

Isn't the woman in front of me the same woman on the mural in Tang Yichen's study room!She really is back!

Qin Suya exudes the temperament of a queen, she is like a dazzling star, she shines all the time, she is so proud and beautiful.

Qin Suya is more beautiful in real life than she is in the photos and on the screen, no wonder Tang Yichen will never forget her.

"You know me?" Qin Suya was startled, looked at Yao Yuxing, and whispered, "Are you the woman Yichen bought with money?"

She has also heard about Tang Yichen's behavior back then. Maybe Tang Yichen made this decision because he couldn't accept her leaving. He bought a woman at a high price of 2 million yuan to use as a tool to vent his desire. The purpose is to stimulate.

But unexpectedly, Tang Yichen settled this woman by his side for three years, and even let her live in a big manor.

When she was Tang Yichen's girlfriend, no matter how much he doted on her, he only gave her material love, but he never brought her back to live in the manor, even for one night, it never happened.

But Tang Yichen settled a bought woman by his side for three years, and Yao Yuxing stayed with him for three years!
Yao Yuxing has long been immune to these words, she has heard all the ugly words, why should she care about what Qin Suya said?
(End of this chapter)

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