Chapter 122 Lace News
"Although I have never been in touch with you, I can see from Yichen's lace news that you are the woman who has been by his side for the longest time. It has been three years. This is a concept that has never existed before. Yichen is a perfect man, isn't it Do you really have no feelings for him at all?" Qin Suya has acted in so many movies, so she likes to figure out every word and every look the other party says.

She was thinking about what Yao Yuxing said in her mind, and she didn't believe that Yao Yuxing would be willing to leave Tang Yichen at all.

"Miss Qin, you want me to have feelings for a man who raped me?" Yao Yuxing trembled as she spoke. She didn't dare to let more people know about her abnormal relationship with Tang Yichen. She didn't want to Look at the contemptuous eyes of others.

She would rather be despised by others as a vanity-loving woman than be said to be a person with emotional defects.

Qin Suya looked at Yao Yuxing in disbelief. In Yao Yuxing's eyes, she saw grief, indignation and remorse, but if this was the case, why could she endure it for three years.

"Miss Qin, if you have nothing else to do, I'll go down first." Yao Yuxing would play with his son in the back garden at this time.

After she finished speaking, she cleared up the expression on her face and walked past Qin Suya.

International superstars are nothing more than that, the kind and friendly image on the screen is nothing more than an illusion.After taking off the aura of a superstar, he is nothing more than an ordinary person who also has emotions and desires.

Yao Yuxing was a little restless, because Qin Suya's arrival disrupted her plan.

She was worried that Qin Suya's stay in the manor would make Tang Yichen who was far away in Paris know. If this was the case, if Tang Yichen strictly guarded her, how could she escape?
Her worry really came to fruition.

At nearly seven o'clock, Cen Lixiang arrived at the manor as scheduled, but when she approached Yao Yuxing, she didn't mean to take her away, but asked her to stay in the manor.

"Grandma Tang, what do you mean? Didn't you already arrange everything for me to leave? How can you go back on your word now." Yao Yuxing frowned and looked at Cen Lixiang with puzzled eyes.

"You can only cooperate with the decision I made." Cen Lixiang didn't want to explain too much.

"Grandma Tang, what mood do you want me to stay in the manor? Do you want me to be a shield for Shangguan Jinhuan, and you want me to deal with Qin Suya, don't you?" Yao Yuxing looked at Cen Lixiang with cold and stubborn eyes , "No matter what you decide, it's your decision! In short, I want to leave Tang Yichen!"

Because of Qin Suya's stay, Tang Yichen, who had just got off the plane, found out that he only stayed in Paris for three days, and he flew back to China on the third night.

When he returned to the manor, it happened to be three o'clock in the afternoon. At this time, Yao Yuxing took Nianxuan to play in the back garden. He arrived in the back garden immediately, but he didn't see Yao Yuxing, but Seeing the rippling water in the swimming pool, his heart tightened, thinking that Yao Yuxing was in the swimming pool, so he stepped forward immediately!
Yao Yuxing doesn't know how to swim at all, and he usually uses this swimming pool.

"Little fish!" He approached the swimming pool, and the figure swimming into the water called out in a low voice.

The person swimming in the water jumped up immediately after hearing a long-lost voice, covered his face with his hands to wipe off the water droplets, and then smoothed back the hair scattered in front of his face.

She opened her eyes slightly, looking at the tall man standing on the swimming pool.

He stood under the sun against the light. Although he couldn't see his handsome face clearly, he could feel his breath.

(End of this chapter)

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