Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 130 Tang Yichen, Don't Touch Me

Chapter 130 Tang Yichen, Don't Touch Me
Regardless of Yao Yuxing's willingness or not, Tang Yichen took her and Tang Nianxuan into the car.

"Tang Yichen, can you not be so unreasonable! This is where Nianxuan and I live! This is what I got by leaving you! I didn't expect that when I was kicked away by you, I would have nothing!" Yao Yuxing said from Tang Yichen He snatched his son from his arms and said to him.

"You left me for a flower shop?" Tang Yichen's face darkened a little, "Could it be that if you follow me, you still worry that I will not support your mother?"

"Yes! Owning a flower shop is better than living a life of fear by your side every day!" Yao Yuxing said coldly, "Tang Yichen, stop the car! I want to get out of the car!"

No matter what she said, it was impossible for her to follow him back!

She finally escaped from his side, how could she fall into his clutches so quickly?

"Yao Yuxing, don't challenge my bottom line! Sit here obediently and don't even think about getting out of the car!" He came back from abroad and when he couldn't see her, only he knew the anxiety and fear in his heart.

He was afraid that after she disappeared, he would never see her again.

His family actually used this condition to persuade her to leave when he went abroad.

And she let him down!She actually left his side for a little material!

She stayed by his side, had no worries about food and clothing, and even enjoyed the love that other women couldn't even want.

Keeping her by his side for three years, the hatred deeply buried in his heart also weakened a little bit with the passage of time. All he wanted to do was to let her stay by his side with peace of mind.

Regardless of whether there is really a so-called blood relationship between two people.Even if there is, it can't stop his decision to want her!
"Tang Yichen, you pervert! Do you know what you are doing? I don't need everything from you. I just want to live the rest of my life in a normal way. Please don't disturb my heart anymore!" Yao Yuxing cried. Seeing him persevere for so long made her really sad, "The reason why Grandma Tang did this was because she didn't want us to get deeper and deeper. If you act like this, something will happen sooner or later!"

"Tang Yichen, I don't want to be a stumbling block in your life! I am your niece, how can you be so perverted! How can you..."

"Hmm..." Before she could finish her sentence, she had already fallen into a domineering and violent kiss.

She opened her eyes wide in surprise and stared at him.

Tang Yichen kissed her soft lips, closed his deep black eyes, kissed her selflessly, and only let her go after a long time. The distance between the two was only one fist away, so close that they could feel each other's breath, they Slowly opening her eyes, staring deeply at her pale little face, she said in a hoarse voice: "Yao Yuxing, I, Tang Yichen, will never allow you to escape this romantic relationship in this life, what you can do, There is no other way but to bear it obediently."

"Tang Yichen..." She stared at him blankly with a hint of fear in her eyes.

"Daddy... Mommy..." Nian Xuan was squeezed between two people, and even found it difficult to breathe.

Seeing Tang Yichen make Yao Yuxing cry, Nian Xuan pouted: "Mommy, cry, Daddy, hug!"

As Nian Xuan said, he stretched out his small hand to grab Tang Yichen's clothes, "Daddy, Mommy is crying and wants to hug..."

Tang Yichen lowered his head, looked at the little one in Yao Yuxing's arms, his heart softened, he obeyed Nian Xuan's words, and when he opened his arms to hug Yao Yuxing, Yao Yuxing pushed him away: "Tang Yichen, don't touch me!"

(End of this chapter)

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