Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 133 Leaving You Has a Reason

Chapter 133 Leaving You Has a Reason
When Yao Yuxing returned to Tang's manor, he saw the woman who just came out of the kitchen.

She looked calmly, glanced at the man beside her lightly, and snorted coldly: "Tang Yichen, you will really enjoy the blessing of being equal to others."

When he found her, he explained to her that Qin Suya had moved out of the manor, and that the manor could only accommodate her as a woman in the future. Now that Qin Suya was cooking delicious food in the kitchen, why leave?

"Miss Qin, I warned you to leave here immediately, what are you still doing here?" Tang Yichen had previously warned Qin Suya to move out immediately, but he went abroad afterwards, and when he came back, he was also busy looking for Yao Yuxing , so I never noticed the existence of Qin Suya.

Qin Suya coiled up her wavy hair. Although her cheeks were stained with sweat, it made her look even more charming.

Seeing that Tang Yichen came back, Qin Suya also brought back that disgusting woman Yao Yuxing. Although she didn't like Yao Yuxing in her heart, she absolutely couldn't show it in front of Tang Yichen.

She smiled calmly: "Yichen, I knew you were going to pick up Miss Yao, so I cooked the food myself, and I even made sweet and sour pork that you used to like most."

"Miss Qin, I reserve the right to sue you for trespassing on a private house." Tang Yichen raised his brows lightly and said coldly, "Also, I have forgotten everything about the past, I don't remember I used to love sweet and sour pork."

Qin Suya's heart trembled, tears welled up in her eyes, and she looked at Tang Yichen pitifully. At this time, she was like a miserable heroine in a TV series. Facing the coldness of the male lead, she felt very uncomfortable and sad. Wronged.

Her shoulders trembled slightly, and she weakened: "Yichen, are you still leaving without saying a word when you were born to me? In fact, I have some difficulties..."

"Sorry?" Tang Yichen suddenly let go of the big hands interlocking Yao Yuxing's ten fingers, his eyes were piercing, and the icy light reflected on Qin Suya's body, he said in a cold voice, "Miss Qin, no matter what your reasons are, It has nothing to do with me, put away your acting skills and get out of the manor!"

"Yichen..." Qin Suya didn't want to give up, she finally achieved what she is now, she has enough ability to be worthy of Tang Yichen, she no longer has to worry about being looked down upon by the Tang family, Qin Suya Stepping forward, he stretched out his hand to hold Tang Yichen's hand, "Yichen, it was you who left you back then..."

"I don't need any explanation. I don't have any feelings for you. Even if I had it before, it has disappeared since the moment you left." Tang Yichen finished speaking, and Yao Yuxing who was stunned and silent at the side I hugged her into my arms, "See, since you left, I immediately found the woman I love, she is the only woman who has been by my side for such a long time, and the only woman in my life, Tang Yichen, is Yao Yuxing!"

Qin Suya was startled for a moment, and then laughed: "Yichen, how could you like a woman like Miss Yao? She has neither my beauty nor my achievements today. What would she have to love you? What suits you?"

Yao Yuxing is the kind of woman who can't be found in the crowd. At best, she can be regarded as a pure beauty, but Qin Suya possesses such an overwhelming beauty. Back then, she gave Tang Yichen to Tang Yichen just because of her beauty. Attracted, he pursued her crazily, which caught her off guard. He delivered luxury houses, luxury cars and black cards to her. He had a completely different style from the men he pursued, so domineering and charming!
"Whether it's worthy or not, I have the final say, and it's not up to you, an outsider, to point fingers!" Tang Yichen narrowed his eyes coldly, and said to the special assistant beside him, "Please get her out."

"Sterilize everything in the kitchen. Throw away all these ingredients!" Tang Yichen continued to explain.

The servants didn't dare to be negligent for a moment, so they dealt with it according to the order.

(End of this chapter)

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