Chapter 136 The Pain
Hearing what she said, Tang Yichen's whole face became gloomy, and he lifted her up from the ground coldly, with a cold face, he gritted his teeth coldly and said to her: "Yao Yuxing, don't even think about it. Don't even try to get rid of me for the rest of your life! Does this feeling of incest make you feel terrified? How did you snatch Tang Ziyao away from Bai Che back then and make her the madman she is today? I have to let you try it, it feels like being driven crazy and becoming a lunatic!"

"Tang Yichen..." She whispered his name in fear.

The scarlet cold light in his eyes made her suddenly feel chills coming from her back, and she even felt as if she had fallen into a bottomless pit, and she couldn't get up no matter how hard she tried.

She bit her lip, suppressed the crying in her throat, and cried in pain, "Tang Yichen, I don't know Tang Ziyao at all. When I agreed to Bai Che's courtship, they had already broken up peacefully. Why should I be left alone with all this pain?" Bear it? I bear the pain I caused Tang Ziyao alone, but who will help me share and bear the pain you and Bai Che caused me?"

"I'm really fed up with all of this!" She finally left his side with the help of Grandma Tang, and was brought back here before she could enjoy her short freedom.

"Tang Yichen, isn't it enough that you have tortured and hurt me! How long are you going to torture me before you let go!" She swung her fist, and it rained down on his chest, "Tang Yichen , now that Qin Suya is back, why don't you keep her by your side and drive her away? You brought me back because you deliberately wanted to anger her, because she ignored you for so many years!"

Weeping, she slowly slid down along his body, and sat on the ground with her hands on the ground, her thin shoulders trembling slightly.

Tears flowed down like a faucet that couldn't be turned off.

And Nian Xuan, who was brought upstairs by Tang Yichen, appeared on the stairs at some point. He came down from the stairs, walked behind Yao Yuxing, stretched out a pair of small hands, hugged Yao Yuxing, and cried in a childish voice: "Mom! Don't cry!"

"Daddy, you are a super villain! You bully my mommy!" Nian Xuan couldn't see Yao Yuxing upstairs, so he came down, and saw Tang Yichen bullying Yao Yuxing, so he stood up to defend mommy: "Daddy is naughty!" !"

"You are not my daddy anymore!"

"Put your tears away and take the child back to the room to rest! Don't be so embarrassing in the future!" Tang Yichen tugged on his tie, his brows furrowed into a ball.

When he looked down at Nian Xuan's small body protecting Yao Yuxing, his eyes flashed and he felt a twinge of pain.

Although this little boy is well-behaved, when he thinks that he is the evil offspring of Yao Yuxing and Bai Che, his heart feels as if being pricked by a needle.

No matter what the reason, he still couldn't see her with another man!
Yao Yuxing reached out to hug Nian Xuan's small body, and hugged him tightly, tears of grievance and helplessness flowed down her cheeks, she slowly closed her eyes, bit her lips, and said in a choked voice: "Nian Xuan, Let's go back to the room."

She hugged Nian Xuan and walked away from Tang Yichen quickly, not daring to look at Tang Yichen again, she was worried that he would suddenly change his mind.

Yao Yuxing smiled wryly from the bottom of his heart, his contrast is really big enough!

He tried every means to coax her into the car, and after bringing her home, he put on a cold handsome face again.

He couldn't believe the sweet words he said to her. She was stupid, she was stupid, and she was obsessed to believe a man's sweet words.

(End of this chapter)

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