Chapter 138 Behavior of a Coward

When Tang Yichen was driving out, he happened to see a black shadow standing behind a big tree. After seeing him appear, he quickly hid back. Seeing this, Tang Yichen frowned.

He parked the car aside, got out of the car, leaned against the car, lit a cigarette, and said in a cold voice, "Come out."

A figure slowly appeared behind the big tree, and then he stepped forward quickly, frowned at the man leaning coldly in front of the car, and said, "Tang Yichen, I owe you the Tang family, just let me pay it back, please." Please let her go, let her get out of here! She can't stand the torture anymore!"

Tang Yichen raised his cold eyes from the curling smoke rings, and two beams of cold light shone directly on Bai Che's body, and he snorted coldly: "What will you pay for it? Only let me torture your beloved woman into a lunatic, and suffer with Ziyao When she is suffering the same amount of pain, even if she wants to rely on the Tang family, I will drive her out!"

Hearing this, Bai Che's body trembled violently, his eyes were full of trembling light, the man in front of him was like an unfathomable man, at that time he hurt Yao Yuxing because of his interests, but he never expected that, Tang Yichen would actually do such a crazy thing to Yao Yuxing.

He learned that Mrs. Tang had taken Yao Yuxing away. He had been searching for her and Nian Xuan all over the world for the past two days, but he couldn't find them. When he was in a state of depression, he got the news that Tang Yichen had brought her back. Tang's manor.

When he heard the news, his heart trembled!It turns out that in this world, no matter where Yao Yuxing hides, this man Tang Yichen will find her.

However, he could feel her pain and desire to escape from Yao Yuxing's helpless tears. He watched her suffer but could only stand by and watch her, and he was not even qualified to see her.

He has no face to meet her, let alone expect her to forgive him in this life.

"Tang Yichen, you will regret it sooner or later when you treat Yao Yuxing like this!" Bai Che straightened his back, gritted his teeth, and said fiercely: "I am willing to trade my life for her freedom!"

Tang Yichen narrowed his eyes coldly, and sneered at the corner of his lips: "How much is your life worth? Bo Che, don't forget that in this world, any man is qualified to take her away from me , but you can't! What's more, do you think I'll give other men the chance to take her away from me?"

It's ridiculous, Yao Yuxing was sold to him by the man in front of him, and now he wants to return the product, how can there be such a simple thing in the world?

"What are you going to do before you let Yao Yuxing go! She is innocent and shouldn't fall into the hatred between us!" Bai Che's hands on the side of his legs were tightly clenched into fists until Staring straight at Tang Yichen: "What is going on, you are willing to let her go!"

Tang Yichen threw the cigarette butt on the ground, raised his foot slowly, extinguished the fireworks, then stepped forward coldly, raised his fist, and slammed Bai Che hard on the face.

At this moment, Tang Yichen had a gloomy expression on his face. He rubbed his wrists and spat, "Bai Che, if you don't want her to be hurt, you shouldn't be fooled by money in the first place. You should take good care of your woman, and even more so." You shouldn't hand over your woman to others to make a deal! This is what a coward did! I admit that I am not a good person, but as long as she is still by my side, you don't want to touch her, even if there is One day she left me, don't even try to touch her!"

Because she is his woman for one day, she will always be his property, and her life can only be controlled by him!

This punch was obtained by him for Yao Yuxing!
If Bai Che had loved Yao Yuxing firmly at the beginning, perhaps he would not have had the opportunity to entangle with her for three years.

And what made him hate even more was that in the past three years, after he had slowly fallen in love with her, his life was completely turned upside down because of a word from his family!

He is actually a pervert, and he has a special liking for his nephew, and even developed feelings that should not be used.

This pain was brought to him indirectly by Bai Che!

 Girls, vote hard, leave a lot of comments, I like it, and I will give back to you girls in the future~ Let’s talk again, sister Xiaobai needs everyone’s collection, okay~ !

(End of this chapter)

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