Chapter 158 It's Impossible
Tang Yichen took her trembling into his arms, furrowed his brows deeply, pressed his thin lips against her hair, kissed her hair deeply, took a deep breath, and said softly: "Little fish, you can Abandon everything, come back to me, and let me take care of your mother and child, okay?"

Yao Yuxing's body trembled slightly, especially when he was close to his body.

She wanted to push him away, but she couldn't do anything, because he was so strong that he held her in his arms.

She closed her heavy eyes, tears stained her slender and slightly curled eyelashes, and her voice was very hoarse and heavy: "Tang Yichen, if you no longer appear in front of me, it is the greatest care for me. I don't want to see you again, you are my nightmare, a nightmare that I will never erase in my life!"

"Then don't erase it!" Tang Yichen hugged her tightly and responded to her words in a deep voice.

"Tang Yichen, don't force me anymore! I won't be controlled by you anymore!" She rallied and pushed him away forcefully, tears falling down, "Tang Yichen, I'm really about to be controlled by you It's driving me crazy! Please, let me go back to my previous peaceful life!"

"That man took you away from me to let you live these poor lives! How could I bear to see my woman live such a poor life!" Tang Yichen frowned, his cold eyes reflected With a sad light, he stretched out his hands and held her shoulders, "Xiaoyu, stop fighting with me, this is not good for both of us!"

Big tears rolled down her cheeks, she blinked her eyes lightly, her gaze fell on his tense handsome man without focus, she growled at him with a trembling voice, and said: "Tang Yichen, do you really know? , The relationship between me and you is incest! How can you let me bear this crime!"

Her heart is bleeding, every time she thinks about the little things with him, her heart is trembling, she wishes she could die immediately, because having the memories with him makes her life worse than death !

However, considering that she still has concerns in this world, she can't have such selfish thoughts at all.

If she really leaves, who will take care of her mother and son?She can't be so selfish, let alone leave her concerns behind.

"Xiaoyu, as long as you don't think about it, no one will force you to bear these crimes! Because in my Tang Yichen's mind, you are just my Tang Yichen's woman, not any kind of kinship relationship with me!"

He said coldly: "You are just my Tang Yichen's woman, other than that, there is nothing else!"

Yao Yuxing stared at him blankly, she was more worried about his words, she was still worried about Nian Xuan's growth.

Nianxuan's current situation made her feel extremely worried, because after learning about the relationship with Tang Yichen, the fear in her heart gradually increased, because maybe this was a child born due to close relatives. Is there such a situation?
If not, why would Nian Xuan get sick for no reason? It has been bad all along. While tormenting her son, she is also tormenting her.

She raised her hand, grabbed her chest, took a deep breath, and said to him: "Tang Yichen, stop making trouble for no reason, I really have had enough of all this! Can you let me breathe! You look like this For me, it really makes me breathless! Besides, you already have a woman you love and a fiancee, why do you want to bother a woman who can't have any relationship with you at all!"

"I beg you, let me go! I just want to forget you, the things that exhausted me physically and mentally, and made me miserable all my life! Tang Yichen, I have never loved you, not even a little bit. Never before! How could it be possible for me to fall in love with a man who forced me to stay by my side, and even forced me to have a relationship with him!"

This is impossible!

After Yao Yuxing finished speaking, he didn't look at him at first, and after a pause, he said: "Tang Yichen, let me get out of the car!"

(End of this chapter)

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