Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 168 I Have a Woman and a Son

Chapter 168 I Have a Woman and a Son
"Uncle Shangguan, to tell you the truth, I already have a woman, and she also gave birth to a son for me." Tang Yichen said lightly, "Your daughter is so outstanding, she should be matched with a perfect man who loves her. Although I I'm not married, but I allow my woman to bear children for me, so I don't need to say a word."

Tang Yichen narrowed his eyes slightly, and there was a hint of light in his deep eyes: "Uncle Shangguan, do you allow your daughter to marry a man who has a family and doesn't love her? I don't think you will?" Will allow my daughter to be wronged!"

Shangguan Ming frowned, Tang Yichen's words left him speechless, let alone refute, he could only turn his finger on Tang's father, "Jia Jun, the Shangguan and Tang families are considered family friends, why didn't you tell me about Tang Yichen having a son?" Say it clearly? But keep us in the dark?"

"Although Tang Yichen is a dragon and a phoenix among people, my daughter is not bad. If you really don't want my daughter to marry into the Tang family, just make it clear. There is no need to hide it. Our Shangguan family is not so humble as to beg someone else." man to love my daughter!"

Shangguan Ming's tone was very unfriendly, even with a hint of sarcasm: "Mr. Tang, shouldn't you give me an explanation for what happened to your Tang family?"

They came to Tang's house today to confirm the relationship between the two children, but unexpectedly, they got ridiculed by Tang Yichen!
The woman he was outside actually gave birth to a son for him!
There is no precedent for the daughters of their Shangguan family to be stepmothers.

What's more, Shangguan Jinhuan is their darling, and he should marry a perfect man.

"Tang Yichen, for Yao Yuxing, you are willing to bear so many responsibilities! Is it worth it! That child has nothing to do with you, how long are you going to be taken advantage of!" Grandma Tang heard that Tang Yichen did this for Yao Yuxing , felt a pain in his heart, he hurried forward and pulled Tang Yichen's arm, trying to shake him awake, "Tang Yichen, how long are you going to mess around!"

Regarding Nian Xuan's identity, if she hadn't asked Du Lingheng to do a DNA test, she would have thought that Nian Xuan was Tang Yichen's son.

If it is Tang Yichen's son, then the relationship between them is really sinful!

Now that she has figured out Nian Xuan's identity, as a grandma, she must let Tang Yichen accept the truth!

Yao Yuxing, that bad woman, actually lied to Tang Yichen for so long, and let Tang Yichen register for Nianxuan!

"Grandma, Nian Xuan is my son, there is no doubt about it! And no matter what happens, I will be responsible for their mother and son!" Tang Yichen squinted at the flustered Grandma Tang coldly, " Grandma, if you still want to preserve the face of the Tang family, don't worry about the matter between me and Yao Yuxing! If not, I can't guarantee that our relationship will be announced to the public."

Grandma Tang's body was on the verge of falling, "Yichen, why did our Tang family... have such a rebellious son like you! How could you hurt the Tang family like this! When you are with her, what will the Tang family's face be? "

Grandma Tang almost collapsed. This grandson, after learning about the relationship with Yao Yuxing, seemed to have changed his whole being. Not only did he not despise her, but he even restricted the relationship with Yao Yuxing It's like it's unshakable!
(End of this chapter)

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