Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 170 No need for a chapter header

Chapter 170 No need to look back

"Yichen, Jin Huan's feelings for you are so unwavering, how can you turn a blind eye!" Regarding Shangguan Jinhuan's words, Grandma Tang was very pleased to hear that, she also walked up to Shangguan Jinhuan, pulling Holding her hand, he said seriously: "Child, don't worry, as long as Grandpa and Grandma Tang are here, Yichen will never regret it."

"Your marriage, that's it! The date is set on the [-]st of next month, and there is still a month left, which is enough for you to prepare and get to know each other."

"Grandma! You don't have the right to influence my life decisions!" Tang Yichen's handsome face was covered with a thick layer of frost, following Grandma Tang's words, it became thicker and thicker, and her tone became more icy.

"Grandma, no one can stop my decision!" After Tang Yichen threw down the harsh words, he turned and left the Tang family mansion.

Tang's mother also stood up in a panic, and looked at Tang Yichen with eyes full of surprise, "Yichen, after being with that crazy girl for a long time, don't you know how to behave? You can't go anywhere now! Uncle Shangguan and aunt are still there. Here, where are you going!"

Tang's mother took it for granted that Tang Yichen should stay and bond with Shangguan's family, especially when he said such serious words, he must apologize for what he said.

Tang Yichen walked resolutely, stood in the same place coldly, without turning his head, a pair of cold black eyes reflected the icy light, and his tone was cold: "Mom, don't stop me from doing what I want to do, and I also Having said that, no matter how you stop it, it will not help."

After he finished speaking, he turned back coldly, staring at Mother Tang with cold eyes, "Mom, don't force me anymore!"

"Yichen! Who is forcing whom? Do you know what you are doing! You can love any woman, but you can't love Yao Yuxing, you know!" Mother Tang lowered her voice, Tang Yichen said angrily, "Yichen, you should remember clearly, don't do stupid things anymore!"

"Mom! I know exactly what I'm doing!" Tang Yichen narrowed his cold eyes and said in a concentrated voice.

"Yichen, you..." Mother Tang seemed to be frightened, her son would do such an unethical thing, and he was still so obsessed!
She never dreamed that her son would be so rebellious. For an impossible woman, he almost turned against his family, and even tried every means to evade the relationship with Shangguan's family.

Such a thing, as a mother, she would absolutely not allow her son to do such absurd things.

She is absolutely terrifying just thinking about it!
When necessary, she will take necessary measures to deal with this matter!

It was as easy as forcing Qin Suya to leave back then!
She believes that in this world, there is no pure love between Cinderella and Prince Charming, let alone Qin Suya and Yao Yuxing are not Cinderella!
"Mom, you also know the purpose of my coming back. If you don't want me to do things that make you sad, stop all these useless behaviors as soon as possible!" Tang Yichen held his hands slightly. Bones are rattling.

What should be said, he has already said clearly, there is no need to waste words here, and it is also necessary to let the Shangguan know his original intention and decision.

Tang Yichen left after finishing his speech this time, even though everyone shouted behind him, he didn't look back, and stopped to say another word.

Now that a decision has been made, there is no need to look back!
(End of this chapter)

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