Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 178 Who asked you to come

Chapter 178 Who asked you to come

"Daddy, Mommy said, you belong to other beautiful aunts, is it true that you will leave us to marry another aunt?" Nian Xuan's nose was sour, and while talking, he stepped forward vigorously, He hugged Tang Yichen's body, "Daddy, don't want us... woo woo..."

Nian Xuan cried and hugged Tang Yichen tightly, as if he was afraid that Tang Yichen would leave them.

Although Nian Xuan's strength in hugging his waist was not great, it was a fatal blow to Tang Yichen at this moment.

His face was a little pale. Enduring the pain from his back, he gently removed Nian Xuan's hands hugging his waist, lowered his voice, and said to Nian Xuan: "Nian Xuan, I don't want to leave you guys. , not to mention marrying another woman."

"Is it true?" Nian Xuan was a little stunned when he heard this, and looked at Tang Yichen eagerly.

"En." Tang Yichen took a deep breath and nodded seriously.

Seeing Tang Yichen nod his head, Nianxuan burst into laughter instantly, joy replaced the sadness on his little face.

"Daddy!" Nian Xuan smiled, hugging Tang Yichen excitedly.

"Nian Xuan, Daddy is injured, you need to work harder." Tang Yichen frowned, and then a deep voice sounded, he pulled the excited Nian Xuan, "Nian Xuan, go and coax your mommy in first, Daddy can't get out of bed."

"Daddy, do you want to live with us?" Nian Xuan's eyes were starry, he stretched out his small hand, and gently patted Tang Yichen's body, "There is an uncle who lives with us because he was injured. .”

When Tang Yichen heard this, he frowned deeply, and Junyan became cold: "Nianxuan, what are you talking about? Who is the uncle who lives here? What's the relationship with your mommy? Why does he live here!"

That stupid girl really let another man live here!
"His name is Uncle Kevin." Nian Xuan saw the cold light flashing in Tang Yichen's eyes, and trembled slightly.

Tang Yichen's face was gloomy. He had information on everyone around her, but he had never heard of the name Kevin.

Who is Kevin, and why did he not go to the hospital for treatment when he was injured, but lived in his woman's house?

In just a few days, she has caused him a lot of trouble!Actually met another man and took him home to recuperate?
This stinky girl, what is going on in her mind!How can you casually take other men home?

"Daddy, I'm going to coax Mommy now!" Nian Xuan smiled at Tang Yichen and said, "Daddy, sleep well!"

Tang Yichen was still immersed in jealousy, his eyes were filled with anger, and when he calmed down, Nian Xuan had already ran out of the room.

Later, he will have to interrogate Yao Yuxing carefully, why did he bring another man back, and when did it happen.

He has been trying to figure out who that mysterious man is from her, but she keeps it secret, as if she doesn't want him to know at all. Fortunately, Nian Xuan accidentally slipped her mouth.

After a while, the door was pushed open, he suppressed the anger in his heart, and half-lyed on the bed with a sullen face.

However, the next moment, he heard a familiar male voice, not the Yao Yuxing he was expecting. He frowned and looked over, and asked in a calm voice, "Ling Heng, why are you here?"

For a second, he almost suspected that the man living here was Du Lingheng!
Because of Du Lingheng's appearance, his mood instantly became gloomy!

"Of course I came to pick you up to the hospital." Du Lingheng shrugged helplessly, he caught a trace of hostility in Tang Yichen's eyes.

Dare Tang Yichen treat him as a rival in love?
"Who told you to come!" Tang Yichen's face darkened, and he scolded coldly!

(End of this chapter)

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