Chapter 184 Don't Kill Me

He looked over, and when he saw the woman lying on the medical trolley, his eyes sank: "Qin Suya?"

The person covered in blood is the shining star on the international stage, Qin Suya!
How did she end up in the hospital?What happened?
"Hey, may I ask what happened?" Du Lingheng stretched out his hand and grabbed a little nurse and asked.

"Doctor Du, the injured person had a car accident on the way to the filming, I'll go to work first!" After the little nurse finished speaking, she hurried up and followed into the operating room.

Standing in front of the hospital bed, Du Lingheng looked at Qin Suya who was rescued from the gate of hell. Her little face lost the charm of elegance, only pale and helpless.

When he was on duty, he would come over to check on Qin Suya's situation, and sometimes he would change her medicine, until Qin Suya woke up, Qin Suya opened her eyes excitedly.

"Don't kill me! Don't kill me!"

Du Lingheng, who was on duty, had just finished inspecting all the wards, so he took the time to walk over. As soon as he opened the door, he saw Qin Suya curled up on the hospital bed as if frightened, not letting anyone approach her.

The little nurse who took care of Qin Suya was covered in mess. Qin Suya threw all the things in the bedside table on the ground and splashed water on the little nurse.

"Did something happen?" Du Lingheng asked as soon as he closed the door.

"Dr. Du, Ms. Qin's situation is not very optimistic. She smashed things as soon as she woke up, subconsciously defending herself. When we were operating on her, she also muttered 'Don't kill me'." Kind of words..."

"Then it's none of your business here, you go out and change into clean clothes first." Du Lingheng said to the little nurse gently.

After the little nurse left, Du Lingheng fell into deep thought. After a while, he walked over to Qin Suya and said softly: "Miss Qin, I am Doctor Du. I used to be your personal doctor. Do you remember? What happened?" What can you tell me?"

"Doctor Du? I remember you, you are Yichen's friend!" Qin Suya's hair was messed up, she raised her pale face, looked at the man in front of her, and held her head in her hands: "Doctor Du, Mrs. Tang, she wants Kill me! She's going to kill me! Please save me!"

"I've become very good! I've gained both fame and fortune, and I'm capable enough to be worthy of Yichen. Why doesn't Mrs. Tang recognize me, but wants to kill me instead?"

Qin Suya stretched out her arms to hug Du Lingheng, seeking comfort.

"Miss Qin, how could Mrs. Tang kill you?" Du Lingheng asked Qin Suya in a low voice, frowning lightly, eyes full of surprise.

"Yes! From the day I returned to China, although Mrs. Tang did not directly negotiate with me, she sent someone to warn me and tell me to leave Yichen." Qin Suya hugged Du Lingheng tightly and held herself The threatening messages received during these days told Du Lingheng, "Dr. Du, you must help me!"

"Miss Qin, tell me in detail what happened, so that I can find a way to help you." Du Lingheng raised his hand and gently rubbed her hair, "And Mrs. Tang doesn't want to see you anymore If you're with Yichen, you won't be crazy enough to buy murder, Miss Qin, I think you must have misunderstood something."

Qin Suya stopped crying, took a deep breath, and told the story from beginning to end.

Finally, she paused and said slowly: "Doctor Du, please don't tell Yichen about these things. Mrs. Tang is Yichen's mother. I don't want Yichen to know these things. Doctor Du, trust me, I will I really didn't lie, Mrs. Tang said that if I set foot in the country and reappear by Yichen's side again, she will definitely kill me."

When Qin Suya was speaking, her voice trembled slightly along with her body.

(End of this chapter)

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