Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 191 Whose Child is Nianxuan?

Chapter 191 Whose Child is Nianxuan?

"Tang Yichen, there is one thing about Nianxuan, don't you really want to know!" Bai Che hurriedly said to Tang Yichen before the nurse asked him to go out.

"Get out!" Tang Yichen said coldly, and issued the order to evict the guest.

"Nian Xuan's condition, do you really want to watch him worsen and ignore it? Tang Yichen, if this is the case, Xiaoyu will hate you for the rest of his life!" Bai Che was invited out, "Tang Yichen, please do it yourself! What should be said, I have said!"

"Wait!" Tang Yichen thought for a second, and when the door closed, he stopped Bai Che who was leaving, "From now on, don't let me see you pestering Yao Yuxing and Nianxuan again! Even if Nianxuan is your flesh and blood, I will You are not allowed to appear in their sight again!"

Bai Che was startled, and suddenly gave a wry smile, his eyes fell on Tang Yichen, and he asked in a concentrated voice, "You mean, Nian Xuan is my child?"

"Yao Yuxing personally admits that Nianxuan is the child she gave birth to for you, even so, I can't give you a chance to take them away from me!" Tang Yichen said coldly.

Bo Che felt uncomfortable in his heart, and felt that Yao Yuxing was not worth it. She wholeheartedly, even dedicated her best to Tang Yichen, but what she got was a questioning response.

"Tang Yichen, although you are powerful, but at this moment, I have nothing to say." Bo Che let out a heck, then closed the door and left.

Tang Yichen frowned, Junyan tensed up, Bai Che's words kept circling in his mind.

With Bai Che's arrival, he certainly knew of Bai Che's intentions.

For Nianxuan's condition, if he does not receive treatment, he will not live past the age of 25.

On this road, not only Nian Xuan, but also Yao Yuxing were suffering and tormented.

Du Lingheng is an authoritative doctor, since grandma asked Du Lingheng to test his and Nianxuan's DNA, the result showed that it was not a father-son relationship.

He had prepared for a long time, but when he knew the result, he still felt depressed, because from the very beginning, she never thought of having a child for him.

Not long after she and Bai Che came back from the isolated island, it was found out that she was pregnant.

For him, this news came as a bolt from the blue!
No matter if this woman is broken into pieces, the pieces are also his exclusive, and it's not another man's turn to love!
Therefore, during her pregnancy, he restricted her freedom and could only let her move around in the manor without allowing her to contact anyone.

Nian Xuan's birth may be more or less related to her depression and unhappiness during her pregnancy. During her pregnancy, her mood was seldom happy, and her face was always full of sadness. As a result, Nian Xuan was born at exactly seven months.

And all of this, he has to take great responsibility.Because the obstetrician told him that the mood of the pregnant woman during pregnancy affected the development of the fetus, so she gave birth prematurely.

"Du Lingheng, come here for a moment. I have something to ask you." Tang Yichen called Du Lingheng. After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone before Du Lingheng could respond.

Du Lingheng had just come out of the operating room when he knocked on the door and entered Tang Yichen's ward.

"Yichen, you asked me to come over, what's the matter?" Du Lingheng asked in a low voice.

Tang Yichen turned around slowly, stared at Bai Che for a few seconds, and then asked: "Ling Heng, about Nian Xuan, tell me everything you know."

Du Lingheng froze, and quickly concealed his uneasiness, "Yichen, what do you want to know?"

"Whose child is Nianxuan?" Tang Yichen walked towards Du Lingheng with chilly steps, "Du Lingheng, I need to listen to the truth!"

(End of this chapter)

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