Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 193 What Do You Say About My Relationship With Her?

Chapter 193 What Do You Say About My Relationship With Her?
Maybe the neighbor was disturbed by the ringing of the doorbell. The neighbor on the other side opened the door and said impatiently, "Who the hell is it? Ring the doorbell, are you still letting me rest?"

The neighbor is a young man who is taking a lunch break, but he cannot sleep because of the noise from the doorbell next door.

"Who are you looking for!" The young man looked at the majestic man in front of him, looked up and down, his eyes were full of suspicion, how could a man like a king appear in this kind of community?
"Where did the owner of this house go? Why hasn't anyone responded?" the special assistant turned around and asked.

"How do I know where they went! Yao Yuxing is not my wife, so how do I know where she is!" The young man yawned.

Hearing this, Tang Yichen passed a piercing look over to the young man, if eyes could kill people, I believe young people have died countless times!

When the young man met Tang Yichen's gaze, his body trembled and he quickly closed the door.

And at this time, an old man who came down from upstairs looked at the person and asked, "Are you looking for that girl Xiaoyu?"

"Yes, old man, where has Miss Yao gone?" The special assistant stepped forward and asked humbly.

"Since yesterday, little fish girl has gone to work." said the old man.

"Go to work? What class do you go to?" Tang Yichen's voice became a little colder when he heard this, and he asked coldly, "She goes to work, what about the child? Where is the child?"

The old man has never seen a man with such a strong aura. When he saw Tang Yichen, he was even more startled, and then said in a trembling voice, "Xiaoyu is at my house, and my wife is taking care of her. Xiaoyu was sending Xuan'er to The day care center, but because the children there made fun of him for not having a father, they started fighting. Xiaoyu was worried, and we were also worried, so we discussed with Xiaoyu that we would help take it with him. When Xiaoyu came back from get off work at night Take him back."

Tang Yichen frowned deeply when he heard that, that stinky girl actually put Nian Xuan in the custody?Still going to work?

"Then where is Yao Yuxing now?" Tang Yichen asked coldly.

"Who are you? Who is Xiaoyu girl? Why should I tell you where she is?" The old man gave Tang Yichen a wary look, "What's your relationship with Xiaoyu girl?"

"I am Nian Xuan's father, what do you think is my relationship with her?" Tang Yichen replied coldly.

The old man looked at Tang Yichen suspiciously, and said after a while, "How is that possible!"

That girl Yao Yuxing obviously said that Nian Xuan's father passed away due to an accident. The man in front of him suddenly said that Nian Xuan was his father, which really made the old man suspicious.

"Don't bring Nianxuan down." Tang Yichen didn't take the old man's puzzled look to heart, but said to the special assistant calmly.

"Yes, President." The special assistant nodded, and then went upstairs to bring Nian Xuan down.

"Sir! Look at your clothes, you are a person of status, how come you break into the house and want to take people away!" The old man quickly reached out to block the direction of the special assistant, "You can't take Xuan'er away! If Xiao If Yu girl doesn't see Xuan'er when she comes back, she will definitely be sad!"

And he still hasn't figured out who the two people in front of him are, how can he easily hand over Nian Xuan to them?
"Grandpa Rong, Grandma Rong is calling you home for dinner!" Suddenly, a childish voice came from upstairs.

It was Nianxuan's voice!

"Nian Xuan, I'm Daddy, Daddy is here to take you home!" Tang Yichen couldn't restrain his emotions.

"Daddy!" The voice from upstairs finally appeared after a long while, followed by a burst of small steps, Nian Xuan stomped down the stairs with the toy in his arms, and happily whispered: "Daddy, is it true?" is it you!"

(End of this chapter)

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