Chapter 196 Where Do You Work?
At [-]:[-], Tang Yichen sent Nianxuan back to the community, and asked the special assistant to bring some health and nutritional products to Old Man Rong and Grandma Rong, and thanked them for helping to take care of Nianxuan.

Seeing those expensive gifts, Uncle Rong was frightened at the moment. These bags of health care products are more than their annual expenses. How dare they ask for it? It's because we all have fate, and the second is that we two old people are at home and really don't know how to spend the time, so we agreed to Xiaoyu girl to help take care of it."

"Yes, sir, how can we have the nerve to ask you to spend so much money!" Grandma Rong also stood aside, tactfully refusing.

"It's okay, this is our president's wish. I hope you two will accept it. Besides, our president will come to pick up Master Nianxuan to play every day in the future. I hope you can keep it a secret and don't tell Ms. Yao." The special assistant walked in, Put all the presents on the table and leave.

"Hey, sir, what does your president do? Is he really Xiaoyu's husband?" Grandma Rong couldn't help asking.

"It's not convenient for me to disclose these." The special assistant asked softly, "Which unit does Miss Yao usually work in?"

"Hey, it doesn't matter in today's society. How can I get a good job? Xiaoyu girl is just a small undergraduate graduate with no work experience, so no good units are willing to accept her." When Grandma Rong was talking, There was a sigh in her eyes, "She is working as an agent assistant in a film and television company, just running errands for others and doing the hardest work."

"Then do you know which film and television company it is?" the special assistant asked with a frown.

Ms. Yao actually does this kind of work, it's tiring and hard work, and the salary is not good. It sounds nice to be a manager's assistant, but in fact, she is a servant who serves celebrities.

"I heard Xiaoyu girl mention it, but I forgot what it was. I remember she left me a business card, and I'll get it for you." Grandma Rong said, went back to the room, took out a business card, and handed it to Asked for a special assistant, "This is Huanxing Film and Television Company."

"Grandma Rong, thank you! We still have something to do, so let's go first. Young Master Nianxuan, I will trouble you to take care of it." The special assistant looked at the business card and said goodbye.

As soon as the special assistant got into the car, he reported to Tang Yichen who was sitting in the back seat and was meditating with his eyes closed: "President, Ms. Yao is currently working in Huanxing Film and Television Company as a manager's assistant."

"What!" Tang Yichen suddenly opened his deep and piercing black eyes.

The thin lips are tightly pursed into a straight line!
She is actually in Huanxing Film and Television Company?

"Yes, President." The special assistant replied.

"Go to Huanxing Film and Television Company." Tang Yichen ordered coldly.

"Yes, President!" The special assistant started the engine and drove the car away from the community.

Tang Yichen rubbed his temples, why is this woman asking for trouble so much, why is she unwilling to accept everything from him?
If she can stay by his side obediently, what problems can't be solved?
Ringstar Film and Television Company.

"Xiao Yao, in two days, your work partner will be back. I hope you have taken all the training for you these days into your mind. You must know that this actor is not so easy to serve." The agent said. I personally trained Yao Yuxing for a few days.

Because in the past few years, the agent assistants have been changing all the time, and no one can satisfy the movie king, so he offered a high price this time, hoping to attract some people to apply for the job.

However, the recruitment information had been sent out for several months, and no one wanted to apply for the job. Until a few days ago, Yao Yuxing appeared and applied with a job advertisement. No matter what, he decided to choose this girl.

Perhaps a gentle and quiet girl like Yao Yuxing could be qualified for this job.

(End of this chapter)

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