Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 202 The Past Only Affects Her Mood

Chapter 202 The Past Only Affects Her Mood
Tang Yichen shook his head, "The last person she wants to see now is me, I used to only affect her mood."

It was precisely because of the slight smile on the corner of her mouth that he stopped in his tracks. Yao Yuxing's smile was the only weapon that could shake his mind, and those pitiful tears were the secret weapon that made him feel heartbroken. , but she didn't know it.

Tang Yichen was like this, standing in a place where Yao Yuxing could not notice, watching her silently.

Although he was around ten meters away, there were screams, but he couldn't attract her.

Her temperament is so indifferent, as long as it is not her business, she has always had nothing to do with her.

In fact, this way is pretty good, at least he won't casually cast his eyes on others, and he is relieved to let her go to work.

Because it was rush hour, many people lined up to pay the bill. Yao Yuxing looked at the long line of people, who didn't move at all, and looked at the watch on his wrist from time to time.

Maybe it was because time was ticking by, so she was a little anxious, and her brows were also frowned.

Seeing this, Tang Yichen tilted his head, and after whispering a few words to Su Tezhu, Su Tezhu went to find the owner of the mall, and asked the leader on duty here to open a shop for Yao Yuxing in the name of the Tang Corporation. VIP channel.

After a while, a female manager walked up to Yao Yuxing, with a smile on her face, she said "please" to Yao Yuxing, "Miss, this way please."

"Fa, what happened?" Yao Yuxing didn't understand why the staff on duty here would look for her.

She hasn't settled the bill yet, so it shouldn't be considered as not paying for the purchase, right?
"Miss, there is an event in our shopping mall, and you have become the lucky one we drew on the spot, and you can go to the VIP counter to check out first." The female manager explained to Yao Yuxing: "Miss, are you in a hurry? You must line up here to check out. It will be your turn in half an hour."

It's not that the female manager is exaggerating, but the queues at the ten counters are all long queues, and so are the other floors.

After hearing the female manager's explanation, Yao Yuxing looked at the long queue and the time, then followed the female manager to the VIP counter.

After 3 minutes, she paid the bill and left.

But when she arrived at the bus stop, every passing bus was overcrowded, people on board couldn't get off, people off the bus couldn't get on, and even the rough buses didn't have empty seats.

Looking at the situation, Yao Yuxing frowned, the flow of people here is one of the largest in the city.

When Yao Yuxing was thinking about whether to walk back, suddenly a black Bentley stopped beside her.

She looked at the car a little familiarly, but at this time the window was rolled down, Su Tezhu leaned over and said to Yao Yuxing: "Miss Yao, get in the car, I will see you off."

"Su Tezhu? Don't bother you, thank you!" Yao Yuxing frowned when he saw that it was the person next to Tang Yichen. Su Tezhu is here, does it mean that Tang Yichen is also in the car?
"Miss Yao, get in the bus, this is the bus parking area, other vehicles are not allowed to park." Assistant Su Te reached out and opened the door, nodded to Yao Yuxing and said, "Miss Yao, don't worry, President Tang is not in the bus .”

After listening to Su Tezhu's words, Yao Yuxing was worried that it would affect the parking of other buses, so he thought about it and got on the bus quickly.

"Su Tezhu, why are you here?" Yao Yuxing was still a little suspicious, Su Tezhu was a strong man with three heads and six arms, and he was helping Tang Yichen every minute of every matter in the company, why did he appear here?

Moreover, what surprised her even more was that Tang Yichen was not there?

(End of this chapter)

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