Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 212 Who is the man who lives in Mommy's house?

Chapter 212 Who is the man who lives in Mommy's house?
"Nian Xuan, who was the uncle who lived in Mommy's house before?" Tang Yichen hugged Nian Xuan on his lap and asked softly in Nian Xuan's ear.

After many days, he still couldn't let go of this matter.

He thought he could let it go, but he found that he couldn't let it go.

He vaguely remembered that when Nian Xuan was about to tell him last time, Yao Yuxing came out and interrupted, and he must not be able to find the answer from her.

And in that backward community, there is not even a CCTV.

"Uncle Kevin is Mommy's friend. He was injured and stayed at my house for a few days before leaving." Nian Xuan sat on Tang Yichen's lap, feeling a little uncomfortable because of the cold breath on Tang Yichen's body just a moment ago , making him suddenly frightened.

Tang Yichen's majesty made Nian Xuan couldn't help but tell Tang Yichen, but Nian Xuan just told Tang Yichen what he knew, and Mommy didn't say that it couldn't be said.

"What kind of friend is he to your mommy?" Tang Yichen frowned deeply.

The relatives and friends around her, he investigated clearly, did not have the name Kevin.

What kind of relationship did they have that made Yao Yuxing protect that man so much?
"I don't know, I only heard Uncle Kevin and Mommy say that they can't call the police or the hospital." Nian Xuan shook his head and said in a low voice.

Tang Yichen was lost in thought, thinking about what Nian Xuan said.

Tang Yichen brought Nianxuan back to Tang's manor. When Aunt Li saw Nianxuan, she looked left and right, but when she didn't see Yao Yuxing's figure, the expectant expression on her face suddenly collapsed.

"Master, hasn't Miss Yao come back?" Mrs. Li asked in a low voice.

Tang Yichen tensed Jun Yan, and said in a deep voice: "She will come back."

"Master, the old madam and madam are both in the room." Aunt Li thought of something and hurriedly said.

Tang Yichen frowned, why did grandma and mother come to the manor at this time?
Tang Yichen took Nian Xuan's little hand and walked into the room.

"Grandma, mom." Tang Yichen walked in, walked to the living room, greeted grandma and mother who were sitting on the sofa drinking tea, then he pulled Nian Xuan to him, and said softly, "Nian Xuan, Zeng Granny and grandma."

"Grandma Zeng..."

"Don't bark!!" Mother Tang quickly stopped Nian Xuan and reprimanded him coldly.

Tang's mother looked coldly at Nian Xuan, who was full of enthusiasm, and saw that his mouth was pursed, and her heart was moved, but she changed her mind and said fiercely: "I don't know where the wild child came from, but he is here to recognize his relatives indiscriminately!"

"Wow..." Nian Xuan couldn't hold back anymore, turned around, hugged Tang Yichen's feet suddenly, and cried out in fear, crying to Tang Yichen: "Daddy, grandma is fierce..."

"Mom! No matter what, it's reasonable for him to call you grandma in my household registration booklet. It's fine if you don't appreciate it. Why bother to yell at him so loudly!" Tang Yichen raised his face coldly. Gently pressing Nian Xuan's trembling little shoulders with his hands, he lowered his voice, mixed with a trace of anger: "Mom, you'll scare him like this!"

"Xiaojing, he is a child after all, there is no need for you to take your anger out on the child." Grandma Tang said lightly when she saw that the child was so frightened that he was crying so much.

"Mom, but he is that woman's son! When I look at him, I think of that shameless woman!" Mother Tang frowned and said to Grandma Tang in a deep voice.

"There is no need to involve children in matters between adults." Grandma Tang took a fixed look at Nian Xuan, who was in deep thought, and then waved to Nian Xuan, "Son, come here."

Grandma Tang knew very well that if she confronted Tang Yichen, it would be counterproductive.

(End of this chapter)

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