Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 218 International Airlines Group Shaodong

Chapter 218 International Airlines Group Shaodong
After get off work, Yao Yuxing returned to the community, had a meal with Grandpa Rong and Grandma Rong, and then picked up Nianxuan.She just took away the things she needed for daily use, she only had a few sets of clothes for washing, and everything else was Nian Xuan's stuff.

The reason why she left at night was because if she went to work the next day, I believe Tang Yichen would be nearby to watch her leave work, and after she left, he would approach Nianxuan.

So she wanted to avoid Tang Yichen.

However, what she didn't know was that her every move was under the surveillance of Tang Yichen. Although he himself was not by her side, he had planted a spy near the neighborhood, and would report to Yao Yuxing once he made any move. To Tang Yichen.

"President, I asked the person who went to see Ms. Yao to report that Ms. Yao has moved away!" As soon as Assistant Su Te received the message, he quickly called Tang Yichen, "President, what should I do now?"

Tang Yichen's heart darkened, and when he heard the news, his heart sank.

She still wanted to leave him silently, and she didn't even want to be known by him.Did she really want to run away from him?
"Which real estate agent sold her the house?" Tang Yichen narrowed his eyes coldly and asked coldly.

"President, I followed your orders to the sales departments of all sizes, but this time Miss Yao didn't seem to buy the house in the sales department, but shared it with others." Assistant Su Te sweated and continued Going on, "We found out that the place where Miss Yao lives is a family in Bishui Guiyuan. Coincidentally, the head of this household has the same name as the Kevin you asked me to investigate last time."

"What Kevin?" Tang Yichen narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Ye Kaiwen, the captain of International Aviation Group Shaodong." Assistant Su Te flipped through the information.

"The man who lives in Xiaoyu's house is also named Kevin?" Tang Yichen looked a little gloomy, and his tone became cold.

"Yes, President." Su Tezhu asked in a low voice: "President, are you going to prevent Miss Yao from staying at Ye Kaiwen's house now?"

Su Tezhu was also very nervous at this time. Once Yao Yuxing moved into another man's house, their president would be really pitiful!

Tang Yichen held his mobile phone in one hand and red wine in the other, standing in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, living alone in a huge house, it was so lonely, especially when looking around, he couldn't see the figure he wanted to see. Loneliness slowly grew in his heart.

The more she avoided him, the more he wanted to disturb her life.

"President?" Su Tezhu's voice came from the phone, and seeing that Tang Yichen's response had not been heard for a long time, Su Tezhu called out in a low voice.

"Assistant Su, investigate Ye Kaiwen's intentions to get close to Yao Yuxing, and send a copy of all his information to my computer by the way." Tang Yichen's cold eagle eyes flashed a cold light, he raised his head and drank the red wine in one gulp !

A few seconds after putting down the phone, he turned on the computer and clicked on the information sent by Assistant Su Te.

According to the information, Ye Kaiwen is Shaodong of the International Aviation Group and a senior captain.

It turned out that the man who took Yao Yuxing away from him was not Bai Che, but Shaodong from the International Aviation Group.

Ye Kaiwen is really brave enough to touch his woman.

What made Tang Yichen even more interested was how did Ye Kaiwen know Yao Yuxing?What happened between them?Is this the man who lived in Yao Yuxing's house to recuperate?
As soon as he encountered Yao Yuxing's matter, he became restless, and even became sensitive.

After turning off the computer, Tang Yichen looked at the time, he made an appointment with Ou Ruonan.

Because Ou Ruonan is a public figure, and Tang Yichen doesn't like crowded places, he invited Ou Ruonan to a place where several of their friends gathered exclusively.

(End of this chapter)

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