Chapter 229 Makeup
"Mike, where are you taking me? I want to make a call." Yao Yuxing was dragged by Mike to the dressing room, and she followed behind, almost being half-dragged and half-dragged by him.

"Now what is more important than putting on a good makeup for you? You can make calls at any time, but tonight you will follow Ruonan to attend the charity gala, so you have to dress up in a dignified manner. You can't lose the image of our company." " Mike pressed Yao Yuxing on the chair, and looked at her in the mirror, "Little Yuyu, I can't imagine, your face is so delicate and perfect, your skin is like cream."

"And these little hands, as delicate and smooth as catkins." Mike took Yao Yuxing's little white hands, applauding enviously.

Under the light, Yao Yuxing's skin shone with a charming luster like white porcelain, and exuded an attractive pink color. It was a skin that many people couldn't have with expensive cosmetics and skin care products.

"What brand of skin care products do you use?" Mike sniffed Yao Yuxing's hand lightly, "Well, it smells so good. I've been doing makeup for so long, and I've never seen such tender skin and charming skin like yours. breath."

"Mike, what exactly do you want to do?" Yao Yuxing saw Mike throwing her charming eyes, she trembled in fright, and moved her body back, trying to pull out her hand.

"Don't move, I'll clean up for you right now." Seeing Yao Yuxing moving around, Mike stopped her, and Mike called someone over, "You take Xiao Yuyu in to wash up first, and then let her wash the clothes tonight. dress on."

Mike looked at the time, "Little Yuyu, you only have 10 minutes to wash up, so act quickly."

Yao Yuxing knew that this was work and he couldn't resist, so he followed other colleagues to the bathroom to wash and change clothes.

After she came out, her smooth hair was a little messy, and it fell on her shoulders, looking a little lazy and charming, and even more seductive.

nice!It is so beautiful!

Mike sighed secretly in his heart, it is this kind of natural woman who can be called a goddess just now, she does not rely on makeup techniques to decorate her face, but her fresh and refined beauty can make people feel Seeing love, heart beat.

Mike really wanted to not put makeup on Yao Yuxing, but on such a grand occasion, the ladies present had to dress up.

Mike hurriedly put on beautiful makeup for Yao Yuxing, and then styled her black hair like a sea of ​​ink.

A long red dress, well-cut, outlines her first-class Miaoman figure, thick black eyelashes, charming yet pure eyes, rippling with all kinds of amorous feelings intentionally or unintentionally.

"Xiao Yuyu, you are so beautiful! Even more beautiful than Qin Suya!" Mike made an expression of admiration, and he looked at Yao Yuxing obsessively, "Xiao Yuyu, it is you who made me regain my inspiration! I think if Broker Lin is willing to praise you, you will definitely become popular all over the world!"

Yao Yuxing also looked away from the mirror, she blushed and said to Mike: "I won't enter the entertainment industry, I'm just working here."

"It's such a pity! I also heard from Broker Lin that I want to support you, but you don't want to." There was a trace of regret in Mike's voice, "Actually, if you really become popular, you still need to work so hard. Do you run errands? Do you know how much an advertisement costs? If you accept an advertisement, your income will be more than what you have worked here for a year."

Yao Yuxing forced a smile: "I know, but this is not the life I want."

She is not used to exposing herself in front of the public, and she doesn't like to have too much communication with others, and if she enters the entertainment circle, she will lose more things.

(End of this chapter)

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