Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 232 Xiaoyu, are you in love with him?

Chapter 232 Xiaoyu, are you in love with him?

Because Tang Yichen also looked at Qin Suya in the same way and met Qin Suya's gaze, so Qin Suya's gaze became so soft, right?
She clearly told herself thousands of times that Tang Yichen is a poisonous millet and must not be approached. His emotions have nothing to do with her, and she can no longer affect her emotions because of his slight movements.

Yao Yuxing saw it, and quickly withdrew his gaze, lowered his head, and sat on the chair a little distracted.

At this time, her shoulders were heavy, she looked sideways, and saw a big hand on her shoulders, she looked over, looked up at the man standing beside her, and asked with frowned eyebrows: "Bai Che, how could you here?"

"Xiaoyu, long time no see, how are you? Can we talk in another place? It's just a simple chat." Bai Che seemed to see Yao Yuxing's hesitation, so he explained more, "Xiaoyu, I don't have anything else to say. I just want to chat with you..."

"We have nothing to talk about, let's go, I don't want to see you." Yao Yuxing moved his shoulders to avoid Bai Che's big hand.

"I would like to invite tonight's organizer, Mr. Tang, to dance with our international movie star, Ms. Qin Suya, as the beginning of tonight's charity gala." The voice of the master of ceremonies spread throughout the hall through the microphone.

Immediately afterwards, everyone started cheering and applauding.

Yao Yuxing's heart trembled when she heard it, she suddenly raised her eyes and looked at Tang Yichen, and his eyes just happened to look over, his cold eyes, with a trace of indifference, met her shimmering light Trembling beautiful eyes.

When Tang Yichen saw the man next to her, his eyebrows raised coldly, and his face turned cold instantly.

Immediately afterwards, he was seen getting up slowly, taking cold steps, and walking towards the rostrum.

When Yao Yuxing watched this scene, it was like a thousand arrows piercing through her heart. She didn't know why she would be jealous and angry when she saw him hugging other women with her own eyes.

Yes!She was jealous and angry.

During the three years by his side, there were all kinds of women around him. Although she hadn't brought them to her, she had heard of them all.At that time, she was indifferent and even thought it was his freedom.

But tonight, when she saw his big hand lightly resting on Qin Suya's slender waist, she felt an indescribable feeling welling up in her heart, stuffy.

Yao Yuxing didn't care to look any further, stood up, and walked to a place where there were few people, she needed to go out to breathe!

When Bai Che saw Yao Yuxing got up and left, his eyes were fixed on Yao Yuxing from the beginning to the end, and he took all her expressions into his heart.

He followed Yao Yuxing's footsteps, and Yao Yuxing finally stopped under the gazebo, staring at the water on the lake in a trance.

"Xiaoyu, you are in love with him, aren't you?" Bai Che asked in a concentrated voice as he looked at her lonely profile in a daze.

She is really beautiful tonight, she is so beautiful that she doesn't look like a person of this era, her beauty is ethereal, all he sees her is sheer beauty, which makes the man feel an impulsive desire to protect her.

This is also the reason why he broke up with Tang Ziyao and chose to pursue Yao Yuxing, it was because of her beauty that tightly attracted his attention.

"Bai Che, as I said before, my affairs have nothing to do with you, and whoever I fall in love has nothing to do with you." Yao Yuxing turned around and growled at Bai Che, "Go away! I I don't want to see you! If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have endured this pain at all! Bo Che, do you know that you ruined my life! Ever since you pushed me to Tang Yichen's side, I was doomed to be in pain for the rest of my life! "

When Yao Yuxing was talking, tears were swaying in his eyes.

She remembered a sentence her mother said to her: Don't cry, others will laugh, don't bow your head, the crown will fall.

(End of this chapter)

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