Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 249 Have You Seen My Child?

Chapter 249 Have You Seen My Child?

"Jin Huan, we will take care of this matter." Grandma Tang was stunned, she quickly looked at Shangguan Jin Huan, and explained: "Before Tang Yichen's fiancée is not confirmed, we can understand that he is a young man with a lot of blood around him. He needs a woman, but now you are the best candidate for his fiancee, and the only one who wants to stay by his side is you."

Grandma Tang finished speaking, turned to look at Yao Yuxing, and said with a tusk: "Yao Yuxing, back then you didn't take my check, I thought you had a bit of backbone, now I see you appearing in the manor, I just want to know, you How shameless is it, what method did you use to make Yichen confront his family again and again for you?"

Yao Yuxing's face turned pale. She didn't know how to answer Grandma Tang's words. She also knew that explanations were superfluous. In the eyes of the Tang family, her existence was an obstacle.

"Hey, Mrs. Yao, you can't wander around."

There was silence in the hall, only the tense atmosphere of the confrontation between the two sides, and suddenly a discordant voice came.

"I want to find my daughter, I want to find my daughter..." A scream filled the entire villa.

Yao Yuxing heard the reputation, it was her mother!

"Mom!" Yao Yuxing handed Nianxuan to Tang Yichen. She quickly stepped forward, ran to Yao's mother, stretched out her arms and hugged Yao's mother, and said excitedly: "Mom! I miss you! Your part How are you doing? Did they bully you?"

"Miss, have you seen my daughter? Where is my daughter now?" Mother Yao was held in Yao Yuxing's arms and couldn't move. She hurriedly asked Yao Yuxing about her daughter's whereabouts.

Yao Yuxing was slightly stunned, then let go of Yao's mother, looked at her with fixed eyebrows and said, "Mom, I'm Xiaoyu, I'm your daughter!"

"Little fish? My little fish?" Mother Yao's eyes were empty and lifeless. She couldn't focus her eyes from a distance for a long time. She stared at Yao Yuxing for a while, then raised her hand and stroked Yao Yuxing Fair and flawless cheeks: "Are you my little fish? You are not a little fish, you are not!"

"Mom! I'm really Xiaoyu! I'm Xiaoyu!" Yao Yuxing hugged the excited mother and said anxiously, "Mom, what's wrong with you? What's wrong with you? Don't you even know me? Yet?"

"You're not Xiaoyu, you're not!" Yao's mother shook her head, pushing Yao Yuxing, "I'm going to find Xiaoyu, I'm going to find my daughter, my daughter was taken away by them..."

After saying that, Mother Yao broke free from Yao Yuxing's embrace, and ran around the room, still saying the word 'little fish' in her mouth.

When she accidentally bumped into Grandma Tang, she raised her head suddenly, and when she saw the person in front of her, her face turned pale, as if she had been frightened, she knelt on the ground and begged for mercy, "Please, don't rob me!" Go my child, my give me back my child..."

When Mother Yao reached the end, she stretched out her hand and pulled Grandma Tang's pants, crying, "Give me back the child, you murderers, you killed my little fish..."

"Let go!" Mother Tang pulled away the woman sitting on the ground who was crazily pestering Grandma Tang, and said with disgust on her face.

"You guys stole my little fish! Give her back to me! She's so small, how can you bear it..." Yao's mother beat her chest and said, "My child was killed by you!" !"

"Mom! They didn't harm me! I'm here!" Yao Yuxing stepped forward and pulled Yao's mother up.

"Son, I know you are pitying me, but what I want is my little fish." Mother Yao looked at Yao Yuxing with tears on her cheeks, her heart trembled, she stretched out her arms to hold Yao Yuxing, and said gratefully.

(End of this chapter)

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